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Published byKelly Jasmin George Modified over 8 years ago
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia2 Legislation Law on Education (1998) - a frame law containing definitions of all types and levels of education and laying down the general principles and competences of governing bodies. Law on General Education (1999) Law on Professional Education (1999) Law on Higher Education Establishments (1995, 2000- amended version)
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia3 Governance of the Education System Education system is administered at three levels - national, municipal and institutional. The Parliament (Saeima), the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Education and Science are the main decision- making bodies at a national level. The Ministry of Education and Science is the education policy-making institution that also issues the licenses for opening comprehensive education institutions and sets educational standards along with the teacher training content and procedures
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia4
5 Future scheme of education system in Latvia (expected by 2010) NB! University-type professional programmes are gradually being replaced with Professional bakalaurs and maģistrs programmes. By 2010 this should lead to a situation depicetd in the future scheme of education systemfuture scheme of education system
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia6 Higher education system The system of higher education in Latvia is binary. Since the Law on Education of 1991 there is established a difference between academic and professional study programmes and the December 2000 amendments to the Law on Higher Education Establishments setalso a difference between university type and non-university type higher education institutions
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia7 Grading system The state standards for higher education set the following ten-point marking bakalaurs (bachelor) and maģistrs (master) degrees are awarded both in academic and professional HE. Both types of bachelors are eligible for studies in master pro grammes and both types of masters (including holders of degrees in medicine, dentistry and pharmacy – 6 and 5 years respectively) – in doctoral programmes.
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia8 Academic higher education Academic higher education follows academic education standard and is aimed at preparing graduates for research and providing theoretical background for professional activities. Academic higher education programmes are based upon fundamental and/or applied science; they usually comprise thesis at the end of each stage and lead to a: 1) Bachelor’s degree (Bakalaurs) and 2) Master’s degree (Maģistrs). Duration of Bachelor’s programmes may be 3 or 4 years at different institutions. The 3-4-year Bachelor’s degree is considered as a complete academic qualification. Master’s degree is awarded after the second stage of academic education and requires at least 5 years of university studies
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia9 Bakalaurs (bachelor) degree Bakalaurs (bachelor) degree in a branch of science is awarded after the first cycle of academic studies. Bachelor programmes comprise 120–160 credit points (180–240 ECTS) or 4–6 semesters of full-time studies. They include: compulsory part ≥50 CP (75 ECTS), optional part ≥20 CP (30 ECTS), thesis ≥10 CP (15 ECTS) and some subjects of free choice to earn the rest of necessary CP.
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia10 Maģistrs (master) degree Maģistrs (master) degree in a branch of science is awarded after the second cycle of academic studies comprising 80 CP (120 ECTS), out of those thesis results in ≥20 CP, compulsory part includes theoretical aspects of the field (≥ 30 CP) and their practical application in solving actual problems (≥15 CP).
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia11 Doctoral studies Doctoral studies. From January 1, 2000 onwards a single type of doctoral degree Doktors (Dr.) is being awarded in Latvia. Maģistrs (master) degree (or the equivalent) is required for admission to doctoral studies. Doktors (Dr.) degree can be achieved at public defence of a doctoral thesis which may be a result of three to four years of full-time doctoral studies at a university or an equivalent amount of independent research while working at a university, research institution etc. Latvian Council of Science appoints promotion councils and sets the procedures for awarding doctoral degrees.
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia12 Professional higher education 1 The Law on Higher Education Institutions and the Law on Vocational Education and Training stipulate a two level professional higher education: 1)the first level of professional higher education or college education (2-3 years) leading to professional qualification Level 4 (diploms par pirmā līmeņa profesionālo augstāko izglītību) 2)second level of professional higher education leading to qualification level 5 (2-3 years). Having mastered a programme of professional higher education, students are awarded a professional qualification or a professional Bachelor’s degree 3)that can be followed by a further 1-2 years of professional Master’s studies. The Master’s degree (Magistrs) of higher professional education is awarded if the total duration of studies is at least five years
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia13 Professional higher education 2 There can be the so-called “short” second level professional higher education study programmes (1-2 years), where qualification is obtained on the basis of the previously acquired first level professional higher education or academic Bachelor’s degree. In total the duration of professional qualification Level 5 study programmes is not less than 4 years after secondary education and not less than 2 years after college education
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia14 First-level professional HE (university college) programmes First-level professional HE (university college) programmes comprise 80–120 CP (120–180 ECTS) and lead to a CEDUC 4th level professional qualification. These programmes are targeted mainly at labour market. Yet, the graduates of the first-level programmes can continue their studies in second-level professional programmes.
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia15 Second-level professional HE programmes Second-level professional HE programmes lead to a CEDUC 5th level professional qualification. Such programmes can comprise either at least 40 CP (60 ECTS) for holders of bakalaurs (bachelor) degrees or at least 160 CP (240 ECTS) for secondary school leavers. In both cases programmes should include a practical placement of at least 26 CP (39 ECTS) and graduation examinations including thesis (≥10 CP). Graduates of programmes including the 70 CP (105 ECTS) compulsory part of the bakalaurs (bachelor) programme, have access to master studies.
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia16 Professional bakalaurs (bachelor) programmes Professional bakalaurs (bachelor) programmes are designed to ensure professional competence, they comprise at least 160 CP (240 ECTS), out of those: general courses (≥15 CP), theoretical courses of the field (≥36 CP), specialization courses (≥60 CP), optional courses (≥6 CP), practical placement (≥26 CP), and state examinations including thesis (≥12 CP).
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia17 Professional HE programmes leading to maģistrs (master) degree Professional HE programmes leading to maģistrs (master) degree comprise no less than 40 CP (60 ECTS), out of those: up-to- date achievements in the field — in theory and in practice (≥7 CP), practical placements (≥6 CP), state examinations including thesis (≥20 CP) as well as research training, courses of design, management, psychology etc.
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia18 Postgraduate education (ISCED level 6) Master’s degree or the equivalent ( graduates of 5-6 year professional higher education programmes in Law and Medicine can continue education at postgraduate level directly) is required for admission to doctoral studies (Ph.D.). Doctoral studies last 3-4 full-time years. They include advanced studies of the subject in a relevant study programme (or an equivalent amount of independent research while working at a university, research institution, etc.) and a scientific research towards doctoral thesis. Publications in internationally quoted scientific journals are required before public defence of the doctoral thesis as an integral part of a study programme. The Council of Science appoints Promotion Council and sets the procedures for award of Doctor’s degrees
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia19 Credit point system credit point is defined as a one-week full- time study workload. An average workload of a full-time study year in most HE programmes is 40 CP. Latvian credit point system is compatible with ECTS. The number of ECTS credits is found by multiplying the number of Latvian credit points by a factor of 1.5.
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia20 Quality assurance According to Latvian legislation, state-recognized degrees/diplomas may be awarded upon completion of an accredited programme in an accredited HE institution holding a state-approved Satversme (by-law). Quality assessment includes self-evaluation report by the higher education institution and peer evaluation. Evaluation teams consist of at least three experts, with only one from Latvia. In most cases the other two experts are selected from Western Europe or from the Baltic States. Decisions on programme accreditation are taken by the Accreditation Board, while those on institutional accreditation – by the Higher Education Council. The first accreditation cycle was completed in 2001. Recurrent assessments have to take place once every six years.
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia21 Joint study programmes The only place where “joint study programs” are mentioned in national legislation is: LAW ON HIGHER EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS Chapter VIII COOPERATION OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS WITH STATE AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS Paragraph 64: Council of Rectors … decide on forming joint study programmes, use of academic staff and material resources …
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia22 Double degrees (at the moment) Based on bilateral agreement of 2 higher education institutions. Students receive 2 diplomas (or diploma and certificate) of 2 institutions There are universities in Latvia that have implemented double degree: -Univeristy of Latvia & Steinbeis University Berlin MBA 2 year program “International Business” -Banking Higher Education Institution & Swiss Business School Master program “International Finances and Banking” -RISEBA & University of Glamorgan “European Business Studies” -Others
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia23 Law on Higher Education (Project) 1 Paragraph 50 (1)Higher education institutions can establish joint higher education programs based on agreements between institutions. Latvian state supports establishment and operation of such programs
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia24 Law on Higher Education (Project) 2 Paragraph 50 (2) Joint study programs are characterised by: -Common enrollment rules -Common conditiond for implementation of study program, graduation rules (exams), awarding higher education qualifications -Joint quality insurance system (informing respective national quality ensurance centres) -Students mobility – proportional and essential part of studies should be acquired in partner institution -Mobility of teaching staff, teaching at least in 2 partner institutions
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia25 Law on Higher Education (Project) 3 Paragraph 50 (3) Joint study program being implemented in Latvia should be part of accreditated study program in Latvia. Respectively those parts implemented in partner institutions – accreditated in respective countries (4) As a result of joint study program is higher eudcationqualification in form of: -Qualifications of 2 or more partner institutions, each of them issuing their respective diploma -Joint education qualification, issuing one joint diploma on behalf of all partner institutions (5) Acquired degrees are recognized by State of Latvia
Rezeknes Augstskola, Latvia26 Sources Ministry of Education and Science Academic Information Centre Academic Information and Quality Evaluation Centre http://www.aiknc.lv
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