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OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 0 Office of Financial Management Office of Financial Management BASS Budget Officers April 3, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 0 Office of Financial Management Office of Financial Management BASS Budget Officers April 3, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 0 Office of Financial Management Office of Financial Management BASS Budget Officers April 3, 2008

2 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1 Budget Officer’s Meeting Agenda Update from Budget Division Operating and Transportation Process Study Facilities Inventory System Feasibility Study Capital Budget System (CBS) Update Budget Development System (BDS) Update Salary Projection System Update (SPS) Future Initiatives

3 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Update from Budget Division

4 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Operating and Transportation Process Study

5 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 4 Project Overview Currently, Agencies and OFM have several different systems to develop the Operating and Transportation Budgets. –Agencies enter data that OFM does not receive electronically. –OFM spends system maintenance hours every year to ensure the data is passed correctly from agency system BDS to OFM systems Winsum, Revsum, Working Capital Reserve. This project will evaluate whether our current budgeting processes are still valid or whether we should implement new processes and tools. As part of this project, an evaluation will be completed to determine whether OFM should move before the study is over. –VB6 is no longer supported by Microsoft –Systems that provide tools for processes that may not change will be moved first. Although all processes will be evaluated, Transportation may be first. Work plan is drafted. Process interviews, focus groups, one-on-one meetings with agencies on how they do their budgets. Stay tuned.

6 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 5 How Do I Receive Information? Contact Information Debbie Hoxit 360 902-0582

7 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Facilities Inventory System Feasibility Study

8 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 7 Project Background HB2366 directs OFM to recommend improvements to the facility inventory system by September 1, 2008. Specifically, we must provide to the Legislature, system options, costs and an implementation plan. The long-term vision is to have a facility inventory system that ties to the state’s financial system, an asset management system and the grants, contracts and loans management system to eliminate the re-keying of data. Past studies are the starting point for developing the recommendation. –Brewer Consulting report completed in 2003 –Sierra Systems report completed in 2004 If the recommended approach is funded, system development will start July 2009 and end Sept 2010.

9 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 8 FIS Stored Data Six-Year Capital Facilities Planning Preparing Capital Budget Preparing Operating Budget Anyone/Public View Accessible Information Risk Mgmt. Obtain insurance for owned bldgs. GA Prepare annual reports, RCW 43.82.010 Prepare annual maintenance summary RCW 43.88.110 All agencies available data Prepare annual inventory of facilities RCW 43.82.150 Extracts by Legislature & Agencies for their analysis Uses of Facility Inventory System (FIS) Data FIS Feasibility Study 2008 DRAFT

10 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 9 Project Objectives Collect requirements and data elements needed for the new facility inventory system. Determine if a state agency currently has software that could be implemented at a statewide level. Evaluate other facility inventory software packages. Provide an easy way for agencies to submit facility data. This means we need to develop common definitions. Provide reporting access to the data. Deliver a report to the Legislature by September 1, 2008 with a recommended system approach and implementation plan.

11 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 10 How Do I Receive Information? Contact Information Debbie Hoxit 360 902-0582 Or Meredith Rafferty


13 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 12 Release 2 Functionality Now Available Prioritization - Ability to prioritize projects and subprojects. Reappropriations - Ability to view, calculate, and request reappropriations. FTE - Ability to identify and document FTEs per version by job classification and record their cost by account. Budget Group - Ability for agency facility and division security level users to release projects to a budget group. Providing for easier review and acceptance of submitted projects at the Agency Budget level. Locking - Ability for agency budget operations security levels to lock and unlock projects and versions. Ability to associate operating impacts to subprojects

14 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 13 June Release 3 Functionality System features targeted for release in June will include: Rounding – ability to round project dollars to the thousandths. Edit Checks - pre-release edit checks. Release data to OFM - ability to release agency data to OFM. Title Management - ability to lock/manage project titles. Comparison Reports - In addition to the availability of the capital budget version comparison reports. –2 version compare –3 version compare –4 version compare –Reappropriations & new appropriation two version comparison report.

15 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 14 CBS System Security Access SYSTEM ACCESS For system access to the NEW Capital Budgeting System (CBS), please submit a BASS security form to the BASS team. New Security Levels (CBS user can have only one of the following system security levels): Agency Facilities Access- Examples of a facility user would be an architect or maintenance worker submitting a project request, or agency staff normally submitting project requests to a division manager using a word/excel document. Agency Division Access- Examples of a division user would be a division, program, or grant manager that creates and/or collects capital project requests and submits to their budget office. These individuals collect projects, from Facilities users to be submitted to the Agency budget office.

16 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 15 CBS System Security Access - Cont. Agency Budget Edit Access- Agency Budget staff who report to senior budget staff or a budget manager. These individuals can create capital project requests. As a member of the Budget Group for the agency, can accept capital project requests submitted by Agency Facilities and Agency Division access users into a Budget Group Version. Agency Budget Operations- Agency Budget staff with top level security access. These individuals can create capital project requests, As a member of the Budget Group for the agency, can accept capital project requests submitted by Agency Facilities and Agency Division access users into a Budget Group Version. To request access for employees using CBS, please use the BASS Security Maintenance Form located at within the statewide intranet, and at outside the statewide intranet.

17 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 16 CBS Training TRAINING: The CBS training schedule is posted at within the statewide intranet and at outside the statewide intranet. Two classes based on CBS security –4 Hour class for Agency Facility and Division users –6 Hour class for Agency Budget Edit Access and Operations users CBS Tutorials are available on-line in the BASS Library at (Fortress Access at )

18 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 17 CBS Contact Information If you have any questions or comments regarding the new system, please contact: Sara Corbin at John Wissler at Debbie Hoxit at


20 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 19 BDS - April 2008 Release The next release of BDS is targeted for April 7 th. BDS will be unavailable all day on the 7 th. A new download of Active X will be required. Ability to attach documents to decision packages. This feature enables agencies to take advantage of using MS Word rich text capabilities to create their decision package narrative. The document can then be store as hard-copy information with the decision package. Revised decision package narrative questions. The decision package narrative questions have been revised and reordered. Activity description data elements are no longer tied to a budget version. Both OFM and agencies will use the same version of activity titles.

21 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 20 BDS - April 2008 Release – Cont. OFM will now have the responsibility of adding and deleting activities. Agencies will still have the ability to edit unlocked fields for activity titles. Contact OFM to add and delete activity titles. Added additional column structure elements to the Affected Programs/Activity screen. Added Subprogram and Budget Unit selections. Ability to link performance measures to activities within the Performance Measure Tracking system. Removed Performance Measure Budget Amounts tab. This tab is where agencies recorded their performance measure actuals and targets. Performance Measure Targets will be entered on the Performance Measure Tracking Screen. The target amounts can be entered by selecting the ensuing biennium.

22 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 21 BDS - April 2008 Release – Cont. Releasing Performance Measure Targets. Performance Measure Targets will be released using the PMT tab on the Data Release screen. Agencies will now have access to the following reports this summer: –Two-Way Version Compare Report by Activity – This report is to compare activities between different budget versions. –Activity Inventory Report – Sorted by Strategy – Within a Result Area BDS Tutorial will be updated and available soon.

23 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 22 BDS Training BDS Training: The BDS training schedule is posted at: within the statewide intranet and at outside the statewide intranet.


25 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 24 Upcoming CIM Release Opportunity to update position files released for Labor Relations Office negotiations and general salary compensation adjustments for changes resulting from the budget process due mid-May Not required to update, but in your best interest to do so if changes are known We have had some issues that we have been fixing behind the scenes with the recently released files e.g. unique person id, no appropriation index There may be further edits in the system to avoid these issues in the next cycle

26 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 25 Thin-Client – What this means to you We are planning to convert SPS from a thick-client environment to a thin- client This means that the information you work with will not be downloaded onto your workstation which should help with some of the security issues we have seen recently with clients moving to newer operating systems The way you navigate through the system may change to look more like TALS (The Allotment System) The functionality should remain relatively the same along with trying to fix as many known bugs/issues as possible We may not include new functionality at this time, but will have another release in the future to address those requests We are still in the planning stages so no release date is available at this time

27 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 26 How Do I Receive Information? Join The Listserv Topic:BDS SPS CBS TALS Contact Information BASS Helpline360-725-5278 BASS Email: Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback. Statewide Financial Systems customer survey


29 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 28 BASS Future Initiatives Update existing system to newer technology Implement single sign-on for BASS BASS Main Menu Re-design Move reports to Enterprise Reporting


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