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Grade 11- End of Year Information Session Next Steps for the rest of this school year, the summer and the beginning semester of Grade 12. Ms. Devon Stafford.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 11- End of Year Information Session Next Steps for the rest of this school year, the summer and the beginning semester of Grade 12. Ms. Devon Stafford."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 11- End of Year Information Session Next Steps for the rest of this school year, the summer and the beginning semester of Grade 12. Ms. Devon Stafford – May 2016

2 Agenda University Preparation in Homeroom and Beyond Next 6 weeks in Homeroom Extended Essay Deadlines Summer Work / Deadlines Grade 12 and University Work / Deadlines Handouts and Questions

3 University Preparation in Homeroom and Beyond Since January: Learned and researched about the three major systems: Northern America, UK, and Netherlands Began writing strength and growth virtues in relation to university Had University Conference and Fair for parents and students Working on beginning statements and what goes into a personal statement

4 Next Homerooms: There are about 6 left in the year Look at example statements from the US and the UK Begin writing own Personal Statement Ask for Letters of Recommendation from leaving teachers DEADLINES: Must have a written Personal Statement shared with me and their HR teacher by May 23 rd 2 nd and final draft for this year - due June 10th

5 Extended Essay & Deadlines Make sure you know the supervisors and are in contact with them April 22 nd was last deadline- Did you meet it? Detailed outline Due- 1500 words- copies to EE Supervisor and IB coordinator May 20 th is Rough Draft Due- min. 2500 words June 9 th first reflection on process due to IB Coordinator

6 Summer Work & Deadlines Summer Extended Essay Work: Revise and Edit (re-write draft with regards to teacher input) 1st Official Full draft of EE Due Monday the 22nd of August- No Exceptions

7 Summer University Work: Internships; Leadership Camps; Enriching experiences Reading on courses of interest Studying and revising 1st year of learning Visiting universities and/or firming up university choices/ looking at deadlines US Schools- Can begin Common Application and look at other essays that will need writing

8 GRADE 12 -- SY 2016-17 EE DEADLINES: Monday the 22nd of August 1st Official Full draft of EE Due September. 5th 300 Word EE Abstract to supervisor October 24th FINAL COPY DUE to supervisor and IB Coordinator

9 SAT SIGN UP: By Wednesday, AUGUST 31st Through -- Spaces for test GO FAST!

10 University Early Decisions UK Deadlines School’s = Friday, October 7th FINAL Personal Statement and application for UCAS ONLY for these courses- Oxbridge= Oxford or Cambridge/ Veterinary/ Medicine and Dentistry

11 University Early Decisions US = School Specific Deadlines Early Decision- Binding= MEANS IF YOU GET IN YOU MUST GO TO THIS SCHOOL Early Decision- NON-Binding= MEANS IF YOU GET IN you will have to make a decision about going to the school by a certain date Early Action= Means you really like this school (not usually binding) but read the fine print Regular Decision= Means Normal Application due date Rolling Admissions= Means first come first serve to the spaces available

12 University Early Decisions US = School Specific- Deadlines You are responsible for knowing the due dates School’s = MONDAY, October 24th FINAL Personal Statement and finished application due

13 Questions & Handouts & Emails Next Year – what is in place Meetings with Ms. Stafford Ms Stafford’s email: Returns to ISB Nov Mrs. Coskinas’ email: will be assisting with the university

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