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High school options 2016-2017. Events for Application Programs  Parent Information Sessions  Nov. BCHS, 6:30-7:30pm  Nov. CSHS, 6:30-7:30pm.

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1 High school options 2016-2017

2 Events for Application Programs  Parent Information Sessions  Nov. 3 @ BCHS, 6:30-7:30pm  Nov. 5 @ CSHS, 6:30-7:30pm  Nov. 9 @ PPHS, 6:30-7:30pm  District Information Fairs-all programs  Nov. 12 @ GHS, 6-8pm  Nov. 14 @ PPHS, 9am-12pm  Discovery Nights  Nov. 16 – Jan. 8 at each school @ 6pm

3 District Application Program (DAP) Timeline  Program Guides distributed to 8 th grade students  Application Period : January 7-15, 2016  Acceptance Period : February 3-10, 2016  ALL students must make an application to be considered for entrance to a program, there are no exceptions  Priorities: Sibling, professional courtesy, proximity, newly invited sibling priority  Invitations that are not accepted during the acceptance period are no longer valid

4 3 Categories of High School District Application Programs  Magnet Programs  All high school magnet programs have eligibility criteria that include academic performance, testing, and behavior  Grade 7 & 8 courses can be a determining factor for whether students are eligible for some programs  Course prerequisites for IB, AICE/Cambridge, ISTEM, and CAT)  Career Academies  To be eligible, students must have positive behavior  Fundamental School or School-within-a-School  All students are eligible except for students who have been previously dismissed from a fundamental program

5 Steps to Take  Investigate your zoned high school and any programs that interest you  Take a tour or attend upcoming events  Request a shadowing date for your child to visit a program in person (up to four; arranged by the school’s DAP office)  Parent login for Focus/Portal  Can be obtained at any school with proper identification  Follow the timeline and make application to programs or your child is automatically assigned to his/her zoned high school

6 Available at all high schools…  Rigorous Coursework  Advanced Placement courses are offered to students in all grades at every high school  AP Capstone Diploma option  Dual enrollment courses are offered to students at every high school  AVID Elective  Each high school has their own application process and, as a high school student, AVID students must take a course load that includes two or more rigorous, college preparatory courses per year  Pinellas Virtual School

7 Online Information  For more information visit Click Student Registration and select District Application Programs from the list on the left  Procedures for District Application Programs  District Application Programs Guide  Programs listed by level (elementary, middle, high)  Additional links include: zoned school locator, student reservation system, and many more

8 Your turn…  Contact information if YOU need help  Advanced Studies: 588-6466  AVID, AP, Dual Enrollment, Capstone, IB, AICE  Pinellas Virtual School: 588-6034  Offerings and enrollment timelines  Career Technical Education: 588-6468  Career Academies & Technical Programs  Student Assignment: 588-6210  School assignment, SRS, Fundamental Schools/Programs & Magnet Programs

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