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Urban Development by Traffic System Transformation Andri Haflidason, Sofie Lönn, Joakim Haglund, Neuza Talhão, Alvaro Gonzalez Task 2 Redesigning Övre.

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Presentation on theme: "Urban Development by Traffic System Transformation Andri Haflidason, Sofie Lönn, Joakim Haglund, Neuza Talhão, Alvaro Gonzalez Task 2 Redesigning Övre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urban Development by Traffic System Transformation Andri Haflidason, Sofie Lönn, Joakim Haglund, Neuza Talhão, Alvaro Gonzalez Task 2 Redesigning Övre Husargatan

2 Index Analysis summary Programme guidelines Conceptual Proposal –Overview –Sections –Illustrations –Intersections –Skanstorget –Lighting –Sound description of the qualities of the project

3 Bikes Cars Pedestrians From task 1 we concluded to define the main aspects for the design:

4 Conflict matrix

5 Övre Husargatan – Programme guidelines Car traffic -Slow traffic -Fluent pace -High capacity -Prepared for public transport -Possibility to change over hours -Good access to short-time parking at the street Bicycle Parking -Develop “Bike Highway” Pedestrian situation -Prioritize pedestrian situation (street life) -More or continuous crossings -Interactive traffic space -Street furniture and plantings -Develop the street as a commercial space

6 Övre Husargatan – Programme guidelines Design concepts -Emphasize the sides different characters -Logical Materiality -See the street as a transition to the urban -State the city border -Good light design -Integrate the squares in the street design -Adopt the buildings to the street

7 Conceptual proposal Övre Husargatan

8 Area site plan




12 Relevant sections Section 1 (existing)

13 Relevant sections Section 1 (proposed)

14 Relevant sections Section 2 (existing)

15 Relevant sections Section 2 (proposed)

16 Relevant sections Section 3 (existing)

17 Relevant sections Section 3 (proposed)

18 The Pavement Park Concept

19 Perspective - Before

20 Perspective - After

21 Materials – Street spine

22 Materials – Pavement

23 Intersection at Brunnsgatan

24 Intersection at Brunnsgatan - Traffic

25 Skanstorget – Proposal

26 Skanstorget - Inspiration

27 Lighting - Present situation

28 Lighting - Ideas




32 Lighting – Sketch proposal

33 Lighting – Colour

34 Lighting - Colour

35 Sounds Create different levels of urban life identityGives identity to urban spaces concept of “(i)material architecture” by Murray Schaefer in 1994

36 Sounds by Christina Kubisch Artificial sounds Natural sounds It thought to create a determined environment (water, speakers, red lights, installations) It created through social behaviour and urban life (steps)

37 Sounds materialsDifferent materials to define the produced sounds Fluid traffic flowFluid traffic flow to make the sound of traffic less noticeable waterUse water as buffer sound element

38 Description of the qualities of the proposal More comfortable city Increased possibility of public transport Regenerate and create a public space with a better ambient quality Decreasing negative impacts due to the exceed of vehicles and increasing the presence and priority of pedestrians

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