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Kathy Lamont Me and my family Heather – 6 th grade Kailey – 4 th grade Bill - firefighter.

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Presentation on theme: "Kathy Lamont Me and my family Heather – 6 th grade Kailey – 4 th grade Bill - firefighter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kathy Lamont

2 Me and my family Heather – 6 th grade Kailey – 4 th grade Bill - firefighter

3 Have you ever felt like this?

4 Gifted Children May: Learn quickly and easily have the ability to see relationships and think critically. Exhibit verbal proficiency. Have a high energy level. Be very curious. Be persistent on tasks of interest for long periods of time. Exhibit unusual emotional depth and intensity. Be highly sensitive. Be concerned about moral or adult issues. Aim at perfection. Have a keen sense of humor. Have an unusual imagination.

5 But they may also: Become bored and frustrated with repetition. Dominate discussions. Need less sleep and become frustrated with inactivity and lack of challenge. Take on too many activities. Disrupt class routines and be seen as stubborn or uncooperative. Be perceived as immature and use humor inappropriately. Feel failure which inhibits attempts in a new area. Have a tendency to challenge and question authority. Experience social isolation.

6 General Objectives: To develop skills in critical thinking. To develop skills in creative thinking. To develop independent learners. To develop interactive learners.


8 4 th Grade Units

9 5 th Grade Units Outbreak – Interact Unit….Zombies! Don’t panic, it’s actually a geography lesson, but don’t tell the kids that! Dust Bowl – William and Mary Problem Based Unit Acid, Acid Everywhere – William and Mary Problem Based Science Unit Algebra Mystery Maze – Interact Unit

10 4 th /5 th Grade--Groovy Greeks A study of modern day systems rooted in the past.

11 A system only works when everyone who uses the system understands it. Mans capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man's capacity for injustice makes democracy necessary. Reinhold Neibaur If I have seen farther than others, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants. Sir Isaac Newton The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children. Dietrich Bonheoffer Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. Albert Einstein Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about. Benjamin Whorf


13 Independent Center Choices Math Centers Math-in-Art 1 & 2 Pentominoes 1 & 2 Geoboards 1 & 2 Architecture Hands on Equations Level 3 Oragami Science & Animals Microscope Chemistry Horses Reptiles Endangered Species Structural Engineering Inventor’s Workshop Weather History The Revolutionary War The Civil War The Unexplained 1 & 2 Fashion Design Language Arts Write Your Own Mystery Spanish German French Mythology Poetry Literature Odyssey Hot Off the Press Fantasy Adventure Cartooning Super Sleuth Khan Academy

14 Novice (1)Developing (2)Proficient (3)Exemplary (4) Answering the question asked Student has not answered the question that was asked. The answer may have nothing to do with the question! Student has made some attempt to answer the question, but the answer is incomplete Student answers the question asked Student not only answers the question asked, but elaborates with insight Content Knowledge Student response shows no understanding of concepts taught Student response shows some understanding of concepts taught Student response shows an ability to apply concepts learned Student response shows content knowledge and connects and elaborates on that knowledge Communication Skills Student ideas are difficult to understand or there may be no attempt at communicating ideas Student ideas are expressed but may be difficult to understand as thoughts are incomplete. Student ideas are fluently expressed and are easily understood Student ideas are fluently expressed, understood, and show elaboration Independent thought (Metacognition) Student response shows no independent thought or personal connection to the learning. Student response summarizes concept taught but shows no personal connection to the learning or original point of view. Student response shows some independent thought, some connection to learning, but no original point of view. Student response shows independent thought, a connection to the new learning, and original point of view. Center Evaluation/Reflection

15 Progress Report


17 Thanks for coming to Open House! Feel free to contact me at any time:

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