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Raise your hand if… You speak a language other than English You are part of 18% of Americans! In Europe, that would be 53% You’ve ever tried to learn a.

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Presentation on theme: "Raise your hand if… You speak a language other than English You are part of 18% of Americans! In Europe, that would be 53% You’ve ever tried to learn a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raise your hand if… You speak a language other than English You are part of 18% of Americans! In Europe, that would be 53% You’ve ever tried to learn a language You started learning past age 10 You’ve taken foreign language classes in high school Keep your hands raised if you’re fluent now!

2 Modern Language Acquisition and the State of Multilingualism in the U.S. Learning Language Through Reading Rebecca Ritter Howard High School G/T Independent Research Program 2014 Ms. Curtin

3 OVERVIEW Explore the state of language around the world Explain the need for language learning Describe a new language learning aid

4 Why We Need Language Learning

5 How many of you have heard something like this?

6 ENGLISH STANDARD Creates exclusionary barriers between cultures Scholarly work Maintains imperialistic ideals Damaging to culture Discourages multilingualism Slows innovation The spread of English may bridge gaps and open opportunity, but it is at the expense of other languages.

7 ENGLISH STANDARD Over 300 million Chinese are currently learning English. English is becoming a default in the world job market An estimated 2 billion speakers are learning English worldwide India, China, Latin America “English Only” mindset in the United States November 2, 2009 Photo: China Daily Compared to an estimated 60,000 US Citizens learning Mandarin.

8 IN THE UNITED STATES Loss of Language Pattern through American history: “Language graveyard” Now visible in Spanish speaking generations Hope for modern generations? Determined parents and guardians Access to technology, media Increased value of multilingualism

9 Language Learning Today

10 MULTILINGUALISM Myths: Decreases language ability? Impacts school performance? Estranges speakers? Benefits: Cognitive ability and lingual strength Cultural connection Career and life opportunity

11 FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION In the real world Competitive market for language learning aids “Quick fix” tools that cut corners created and sold In the classroom Often relies on outdated methods Focuses on marketability Exaggerates Foreign Language Anxiety Currently modernizing

12 Hands up again if… You’ve tried to learn a foreign language How did you study?

13 MODERN LANGUAGE LEARNING METHODS Traditional Vocab & Grammar Pragmatic Approach Task Based Learning Cultural Influence Inter-Curriculum Learning Involvement of Family & Peers Holistic Approach

14 Progressively Translated Novel-Textbook

15 READING THEORY Learning through the consumption of language “Free Voluntary Reading,” Stephen Krashen Absorbing vocabulary and grammar Benefits of the format: Interactive multimedia Boosts motivation Encourages exploration Provides context for vocabulary Connects reader to language

16 HOW IT WORKS Sample: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling Chapters start out in a mix of Spanish and English Slowly, more Spanish is incorporated Vocabulary introduced via in- margin glossing Key lessons in between chapters of text


18 BENEFITS Gradual introduction to language Reduces Foreign Language Anxiety Maintains traditional vocab & grammar base Hybrid textbook-novel style Allows for the incorporation of other methods in between chapters Context based learning that incorporates other curriculums

19 Focuses on Exploration Interaction Motivation

20 Thank you to… Mary Curtin and Sra. Martinez at Howard High School Dr. Sarah Jey Whitehead at the University of Texas at Austin My family and peers

21 Questions?

22 Works Cited Images: Matter-Books-icon.png LearnLanguage660.jpg

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