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Budget Presentation: Tuberculosis Control in Malawi Round 11 proposal to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Babatunde Adewoyin --

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Presentation on theme: "Budget Presentation: Tuberculosis Control in Malawi Round 11 proposal to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Babatunde Adewoyin --"— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget Presentation: Tuberculosis Control in Malawi Round 11 proposal to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Babatunde Adewoyin -- Thurston Drake -- Neway Fida -- Jeannie Nguyen -- Semret Nicodimos -- Arianna Rubin

2 Overall Budget Resources needed (USD) Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Total Human Resources 362,280 504,014 666,108 850,910 1,061,018 3,444,331 Infrastructure/ Equipment 2,062,370 433,275 433,575 3,796,370 Training/ Planning 97,875 130,500 85,500 484,875 Commodities/ Products/Advocacy 2,674,500 1,440,375 1,455,375 1,452,125 1,467,125 8,489,500 Drugs 2,362,500 2,480,625 2,604,656 2,734,889 2,871,634 13,054,304 Monitoring and Evaluation 878,573 737,327 775,746 822,514 876,791 4,090,951 Administrative Costs 33,600 33,672 33,745 33,818 33,892 168,727 Other (Please specify) 63,300 316,500 Total 8,790,354 5,834,080 6,129,041 6,487,667 6,903,872 34,145,013

3 Human Resources Type of personnel HSAs TB Program officers in NTP & 28 regions Microbiologist at referral lab Program officers Clinical officers Nurses Lab Tech Pharmacists Drivers Total Year 1 36,000 72,000 24,000 55,800 43,200 57,600 28,560 30,240 14,880 362,280 Year 3 125,971 83,981 27,994 65,085 75,583 201,554 33,312 35,272 17,356 666,108 5 year total 666,018 422,395 140,798 327,356 389,883 1,065,628 167,550 177,406 87,295 3,444,331 Year 5 244,888 97,955 32,652 75,915 117,546 391,821 38,856 41,141 20,244 1,061,018

4 Infrastructure/Equipment Binocular microscope electric and mirror Metal rack for standing Spirit lamp metal Slide holding boxes Conical flask 1 lit glass Measuring cylinder glass 250 ml Measuring spoon Reagents bottle 1 L safe brake Winchester amber Standing bottle, 250 ml, plastic with Jet Oil dropper bottle plastic Beaker 1 L plastic with hand grip for rinsing Small funnel plastic Table small Chair Laboratory stool… Budget Yr 1 Budget Yr 2 Budget Yr 3 Budget Yr 4 Budget Yr 5 Total Budget …Shelf for bottles Cupboard for microscope Florescence Microscope Teaching microscope Light Microscope Bunsen burners Slide drying plate Media processing (Package) Storages - deep freezer & accessories (Package) Culture processing (Package) Sterilization (Package) Renovation of existing reference lab Infrastructure GenEx for MDR TB diagnosis 2,062,370433,275433,575 3,796,370

5 M&E Bicycle procurement and maintenance Advocacy works (testing, stigma reduction, adherence and treatment efficacy) Vehicles for the district health offices Fuel Establish TB treatment support groups with IGA activities - subcontract CHAM Budget Yr 1 Budget Yr 2 Budget Yr 3 Budget Yr 4 Budget Yr 5 Total Budget 6,000 30,000 36,50027,375 9,125 109,500 1,240,0000 0 0 0 1,352,000 6,760,000 40,00055,00070,00085,000100,000350,000 2,674,5001,440,3751,455,3751,452,1251,467,125 Monitoring & Evaluation 8,489,500

6 Budget Yr 1 Budget Yr 2 Budget Yr 3 Budget Yr 4 Budget Yr 5 Total Budget 52,500 262,500 12,375 45,000 0 33,000 165,000 0 0 97,875130,50085,500 TRAINING BUDGET This includes training of HSAs on microscopy, NTP staff on M&E, referral lab staff on advanced lab methods, and training of TB treatment supporters (AKA, “TB Buddies”!) 484,875

7 BUDGET FOR DRUGS Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Total 65%*70%**75%**80%**85%** 2,362,500 2,480,625 2,604,656 2,734,889 2,871,634 Based on 2011 WHO estimates that it costs approx US$100 to treat each non-MDR patient with DOTS; this cost prediction reflects the yearly increase we expect as our diagnosis efforts yield more patients who require treatment. 13,054,304 Current case detection rate Target case detection rate




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