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GIS Enhanced Lessons for the History Classroom Chris Bunin Director of Teaching Fellows Program The “Virginia Experiment” TAH Grant.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS Enhanced Lessons for the History Classroom Chris Bunin Director of Teaching Fellows Program The “Virginia Experiment” TAH Grant."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS Enhanced Lessons for the History Classroom Chris Bunin Director of Teaching Fellows Program The “Virginia Experiment” TAH Grant

2 Historical Mapping in the Classroom The Virginia Experiment Teaching American History Grant School Divisions – Albemarle Co., Charlottesville, Greene Co., Madison Co. and Orange Co. Partners – The Virginia Center for Digital History, The Polis Center (IUPUI), American Civil War Center, Virginia Council on Indians, Miller Center for Public Affairs, Library of Congress, James Madison’s Montpelier, Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, Virginia Geographic Alliance, and many others

3 Querying the Reach of Jim Crow Scott Mace Charlottesville City Schools DEMO #1

4 Historical Mapping in the Classroom Every event has both a temporal and spatial tag. In history, we usually know when something happened with a high degree of certainty. We may have less precise knowledge of where it happened.

5 Historical Mapping in the Classroom In American history: When does location matter? Distance? Direction? Neighborhood? Region? Territory? Scale?

6 Historical Mapping in the Classroom Digital Mapping and History An Historical Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer-based tool and set of methods designed to examine spatial influence as it relates to the past. It combines history and geography.

7 Historical Mapping in the Classroom Strengths of GIS Integrates data by location, regardless of format Visualizes information, most often in the form of a map Allows analysis of spatial data and associated attributes

8 Historical Mapping in the Classroom Supports the analysis of spatial concepts Distance Location Connectivity Adjacency Direction 10 Miles X,Y

9 Historical Mapping in the Classroom Classroom Strengths Interactive and Dynamic (It is not, “what you see is what you get”) “Democratizes” Maps/Supports the SOL Supports Differentiation Facilitates Higher Order Thinking Helps students “understand” maps Facilitates the visualization of past events and episodes

10 Historical Mapping in the Classroom You can integrate other information into your GIS Photography Scanned Images Voice Video

11 Historical Mapping in the Classroom Limitations and challenges Limited by data sets. Does not necessarily “prove” anything Initial learning curve

12 Historical Mapping in the Classroom Data set limitations Vast amounts of GIS data have been developed over the last few years. Much of this data is free or very inexpensive. But… very little historical data exists compared to other types of GIS data.

13 From Jamestowne to the Fall Line and Beyond: America’s First Counties

14 The American Civil War

15 Questions?

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