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Presentation on theme: " THE GLOBAL NOISE ISSUE Report from the CAETS Noise Study Committee CAETS 2009 Calgary Tor Kihlman, IVA, Chair (presented by Bill Lang, NAE,"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE GLOBAL NOISE ISSUE Report from the CAETS Noise Study Committee CAETS 2009 Calgary Tor Kihlman, IVA, Chair (presented by Bill Lang, NAE, Secretary)

2 BACKGROUND to assess the global noise issue as a constraining factor in 21 st Century urbanization and the technology available to address this problem, and to consider the broad subject of noise with initial consideration of European transportation noise sources. At CAETS 2007 Tokyo the Council accepted an IVA proposal:

3 OBJECTIVE: A Technology Assessment What noise control technology is available today and to what extent has it been implemented in today’s products? What new noise control technology needs to be developed and how is it progressing? How can noise control technologists promote the implementation of available and future technology?

4 A CAETS workshop, organized by individual members of nine CAETS academies, was held at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) of the University of Southa m pton, UK, on June 2 through 4, 2008. Title of the workshop: “The design of low- noise vehicles for air, road, and rail transportation.” FIRST CAETS WORKSHOP

5 ACADEMIES INVOLVED Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, ATSE Canadian Academy of Engineering, CAE Danish Acade m y of Technical Sciences, ATV National Academy of Technologies of France, NATF Engineering Academy of Japan, EAJ Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation, AcTI-nl Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA Royal Academy of Engineering, UK, RAEng National Academy of Engineering, USA, NAE * Co-chair Southampton Workshop

6 NOISE STUDY COMMITTEE MEMBERS OF CAETS ACADEMIES Per V. Bruel, ATV Louis Challis, ATSE Genevieve M. Co m te-Bellot, NATF Dame Ann Dowling, FREng W. G. (Fred) Habashi, CAE Niek Ketting, AcTI-nl Tor Kihlman, IVA, Chair William W. Lang, NAE, Secretary L. John Leggat, CAE Richard H. Lyon, NAE George C. Maling, NAE Philip Nelson, FREng Jean Nicolas, CAE Hideki Tachibana, EAJ Ichiro Yamada, EAJ Kohei Yamamoto, EAJ

7 NOISE STUDY COMMITTEE continued SOUTHAMPTON EXPERTS Jeremy Astley, ISVR, UK, Session Chair (Air) Wolfgang Kropp, Chalmers, Sweden, Session Chair (Road) David Thompson, ISVR, UK, Session Chair (Rail) Alan Marsh, I-INCE, USA (Air) Anders Nilsson, CANTOR, Sweden (Road) Jean Tourret, INCE/Europe, France (Road) Brian Hemsworth, Consultant, UK (Rail)

8 FINDINGS TO DATE 1.Vehicle noise emissions (air, road, and rail) are a global issue and are the predominant sources of community noise. Control at the source is the most effective way to deal with them. 2.Air-vehicle technology is already globalised due to international cooperation among engineers, manufacturers, and governmental organizations.

9 FINDINGS continued 3.Road-vehicle technology is partially globalized by the manufacturers, regulators, and the worldwide market. 4.Advanced rail-vehicle and track technology is well-developed but primarily European and Asian.

10 FINDINGS continued 5.Vehicle-generated noise, while extremely important, is only part of the global noise issue that also includes occupational noise and the noise generated by industrial equipment and consumer products.

11 APPROVED ACTION The study of noise control technology be extended from the European to the global scene, and Noise at the workplace and noise produced by industrial equipment and consumer products be included in the study. At CAETS 2008 Den Haag the Council accepted an IVA proposal that:

12 FORUM IN OTTAWA A forum organized by the CAETS Noise Study Committee will be held in Ottawa, Canada, on August 24-26, 2009. The title of the forum is “Second CAETS forum on worldwide noise sources.”

13 NOISE STUDY COMMITTEE continued OTTAWA EXPERTS Bob Bruce, CSTI, USA (occupational) William Cavanaugh, USA, Consultant (buildings) Robert Hellweg, Consultant, USA (standards) Gerhard Huebner, Prof., Germany (new technology) Patrick Kurtz, BAUA, Germany (standards) Geoff Leventhall, Consultant, UK (new technology) Jason Pei, Foxconn, Taiwan (new technology) David Quirt, NRC, Canada (buildings) Tjeert ten Wolde, Consultant, NL (new technology) Gregory Tocci, Consultant, USA (buildings) Jean Tourret, INCE/Europe, France (occupational) Ewart Wetherill, Consultant, USA (buildings)

14 SCHEDULE OF PRESENTATIONS FORU M CO-CHAIRS: Philip Nelson, RAEng, and Tor Kihl m an, IVA Monday, August 24: Low-noise machinery and equipment for workplace and community (Session 1) Tuesday, August 25: Low-noise products and building noise (Sessions 2 and 3) Wednesday, August 26: Codes, practices, and standards for low-noise machinery and equipment (Session 4)

15 ISSUES FOR COPENHAGEN The role of technology in providing control of the dominant noise sources in our global society. How to communicate those conclusions on available and future technology to the public and to policymakers. At CAETS 2010 Copenhagen the Noise Study Committee will report on:

16 TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR STUDY The International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) is currently working on a report on technical issues related to global policies for the control of noise source emissions. This study is being undertaken to support the work of the CAETS Noise Study Committee.


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