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Maths Breakfast for Parents EYFS and KS1 Friday 14 th February 2014.

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1 Maths Breakfast for Parents EYFS and KS1 Friday 14 th February 2014

2  Maths is a priority for the school; we are aspirational for our children and want them to achieve at and above the National Average for Maths and to be making progress  Teaching of Maths at Ashmole has been monitored by the Head and judged to be Good and Outstanding  So we now want to strengthen our links with parents so they can support at home – this has been really successful for reading Maths at Ashmole

3  There are end of year expectations for every year group. The end of Year 2 is particularly important as it is the end of a Key Stage and the children’s levels are reported to Lambeth to measure the progress they make throughout their time at the school  Maths is taught daily in all classes What do children learn in Maths?

4  The main strands are Number and Shape, Space and Measures  Big focus on number recognition – knowing and saying the number names  Counting objects – one-to-one correspondence  Matching numbers to amounts of objects  Ordering numbers to 10 (and later 20)  There is a short carpet session with a maths focus and then small group activities and play opportunities for maths  This is all done in a playful and practical way – songs, toys, making numbers with playdough etc. Maths in Nursery



7  Builds on what they’ve learned in Nursery  Again, a carpet session all together to teach or practise a concept, then small group activities and opportunities in free play  Children will continue to work on recognising numbers  Simple addition and subtraction – practically. Children are working towards recording some of their maths by the end of the year  Simple shapes and patterns  Also work on other elements of maths – capacity and mass through playing in the sand or water, time and sequencing through work on stories and learning the routines of the day Maths in Reception


9  Transition from Reception  Begins to become more formal  A longer carpet session where children have some practise of mental skills and are then introduced to a new concept (or practise and extend a known one)  Children begin to record their calculations  Lots of work on consolidating the concepts of addition and subtraction  Ordering numbers – place value  Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s  Children begin to be introduced to telling the time and using money – knowing the coins and finding totals  Mental recall of skills is very important – knowing the number bonds to 10, doubles and halves to 20. These are the foundations for being successful in maths later on Maths in Year 1



12  Formal lessons – a carpet session followed by supported and independent group work  Builds on learning in Year 1  Addition and subtraction with bigger numbers  Partitioning numbers to add and subtract them – place value  Simple division and multiplication  Telling the time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour  2D and 3D shapes  Big emphasis on recalling number facts – doubles and halves, times tables, numbers bonds to 10/20/50/100  Applying everything they know to solving real life problems Maths in Year 2



15  Some children may not meet the end of year expectations for their year group and some may exceed  They receive extra help – they will be in a target group in the class for extra support from the Teacher and/or Teaching Assistant  Extra group work practising maths concepts and recall of skills  Identified children working with a volunteer, playing maths games and recalling number facts, e.g. times tables How can we help?

16  Target booklets – tell you in detail what your child should know/be able to do at the end of their year group and have some ideas of activities that you can do at home  As with daily 10 minutes of reading, daily work on simple, practical maths activities  Calculation policy maths policy – available on the website  Any ideas? Questionnaire. How can you help?

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