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Reflect on the following image…. Our Driving Question O What role does a journalist play in our society?

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Presentation on theme: "Reflect on the following image…. Our Driving Question O What role does a journalist play in our society?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflect on the following image…

2 Our Driving Question O What role does a journalist play in our society?

3 Our end product O A news broadcast or newspaper article in the target language from the protagonist’s perspective

4 “Need to know list…” O What is main idea of the book? O How does the story of a journalist impact society? O What races were the journalists during this time period in Argentina? O What role does the media play in the book? O What role does the media play in La guerra Sucia? O Why is it called the Dirty War?

5 O What is the perspective of the main character? O What has the main character experienced? O Was it the media that started the war? O How does journalism and news affect a war? O Is there always a hero and a villain in a war? O How do the societies view the protagonist/antagonist? O Why do reporters or the media manipulate stories?

6 O What are some main events that led up to the ending of the story? O What day is the last day the project is due? O What role does gender play in the media? O What role does gender play in the war? O What years did the war take place?

7 New Questions… O Is Chancho sanchez guilty of the disappearances? O What happened to Raul? O Do you think the mom is going to disappear? O How does Leslie’s position in the book affect the ending? O Why doesn’t anyone in Argentina want to write about the war? O Will we hear more about Nick and Alex? O Will Nick and Alex actually have a party? O Is there a possibility of Leslie being captured? O Is Leslie one of the lost people? O Why doesn’t the boss go and investigate?

8 “Need to know list…” O What is La Guerra Sucia? O Why was the Dirty War significant? O When did the Dirty War take place? O Is the main character a journalist? O What war was it? O Why kind of journalism are we talking about? O Who did the Dirty War benefit? O When will we receive the project’s rubric?

9 O What was the conflict or the problem that started the Dirty War? O What are the protagonist's goals or motivations? O What does journalism have to do with the Dirty War? O Did the war affect society as a whole, or just Argentina? O What type of broadcast will be doing?

10 O What ended the Dirty War? O Who was involved in the Dirty War? O Is the book biased? O Why is it called “The Dirty War”? O Where did the Dirty War take place? O What was going on in Argentina at the time of the Dirty War? O Did false information written by a journalist cause the Dirty War?

11 O Was journalism used as a weapon in the war? O Did journalism make the war more globally known, or did it just stay in Argentina? O Are journalists helping or hurting the Dirty War? O How long did the war last? O What secret was the journalist keeping if it was false information? O Did the war change how war is broadcasted by journalists? O Who won, and how did journalism factor into that victory?

12 New Questions… O What new information does the main character figure out about La Guerra Sucia? O Does the main character impact La Guerra Sucia in any way? O Was Raul and his friend one of the first people to disappear? O Does the main character disappear? O Why were Raul and his friend taken? O Is there a connection between all the people that are disappearing?

13 What is journalism? O Chapter 1: What is Investigative Journalism? O LO: O Define investigative journalism, and what it is not O Explain the various qualities investigative journalists need O Identify what qualifies as investigative journalism topics, and what does not

14 Hmmmmm… O Based on what we have read: O Determine which reports are investigative reporting, and which ones are not.

15 What is media bias? O bias-criticism-definition-types-examples.html bias-criticism-definition-types-examples.html

16 Historia de la Guerra Sucia

17 Los Desaparecidos O html?action=1&t=1&islist=false&id=12412 5440&m=124149929 html?action=1&t=1&islist=false&id=12412 5440&m=124149929 O Please write a reflection on the recording you just heard, and how it relates to our book.

18 Process of Investigation

19 Los Proyectos Finales O 5/2-5/12  work time O 5/10  peer editing O 5/13  presentations

20 Leslie was never able to write her article about “Los Desaparecidos”. Option 1 is to write her article. In the article you must include: a. The history of La Guerra Sucia i. Major players ii. Cause iii. Impact iv. Results v. Pull Raul into the article b. Use the story of someone from “La Pared de los Desaparecidos” ( O Length: AT LEAST 2 pages formatted like a newspaper a. At least 3 credible and cited sources

21 O As Mr. Walters, you feel like you need to take it upon yourself to bring Leslie’s research to a local news station. Option two is to work with a partner to create an authentic news broadcast exposing Leslie’s research. a. The history of La Guerra Sucia i. Major players ii. Cause iii. Impact iv. Results v. Pull Raul into the article b. Use the story of someone from “La Pared de los Desaparecidos” a. Length: 4-5 minutes (I will be picky about this!) a. At least 3 credible and cited sources

22 Despite what option you choose… O You will each need to write a 1 paragraph justification of how your product is authentic. O Use your articles we read in English to help support you

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