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50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA THE SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT 2014 CATEGORY ALLIANCE Madagascar, Antananarivo, May 2014 By Ravololomboahangy.

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Presentation on theme: "50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA THE SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT 2014 CATEGORY ALLIANCE Madagascar, Antananarivo, May 2014 By Ravololomboahangy."— Presentation transcript:

1 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA THE SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT 2014 CATEGORY ALLIANCE Madagascar, Antananarivo, May 2014 By Ravololomboahangy Holisoa National Council of Women in Madagascar THE SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT 2014 CATEGORY ALLIANCE Madagascar, Antananarivo, May 2014 By Ravololomboahangy Holisoa National Council of Women in Madagascar

2 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA SYNOPSIS CNFM—an umbrella organization of women, created on 2010, comprising 90 associations / federations / and affiliated persons that are involved in the advocacy of women's rights. Member of alliance country, in charge of the cluster “implementation”

3 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA SYNOPSIS The main achievements Sensitization of the authorities on the gap to be filled for the achievement of the 28 Objectives of the SADC Protocol and on the basis of “Madagascar Barometer” Official launch of the campaign "50/50" and participation to its implementation in partnership with alliance country and GL-Madagascar Elaboration and execution of the Project “Gender and presidential election”

4 OBJECTIVES Regrouping and mobilizing associations and networks to act jointly to achieve the 28 targets of the SADC Protocol, in compliance with the CEDAW and the Resolution 1325 of UN ratified by Madagascar Specific objectives Promote women’s rights and defend their interests Persuade the Government to integrate the required measures for the implementation of the Protocol 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA

5 BENEFICIARIES 50/50 AMIN’NY TAONA 2015: LAMINASA MATY PAIKA AORIAN’NY TAONA 2015 BENEFICIARIESDirectIndirect Name of groupWomenMenTotalWomenMenTotal Presidential candidates43741 Political parties63339 Parliamentary candidates20718452052 Website viewersNA 8000 Media view & communities NA Different associationsNA 60 Total PARTNERS CENIT1 PNUD-PACEM1 EISA MADAGASCAR1 Members of CNFM and volunteers60 Medias25 Artists8 Totally96


7 Drafting agenda for men and women equality and flyers for the implementation of the SADC Protocol 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA

8 Individual meeting with the presidential candidates 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA The current President of Republic, Hery Rajaonarimampianina The current Prime Minister, Kolo Roger and the current Minister of Promotion of Women

9 Round table with presidential candidates 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA Exchanges that permitted 29 presidential candidates to make an official declaration on their commitment to include gender equality in their programs

10 Media campaign for candidates and electorates 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA  Production of 8 spots covering the themes of the Protocol : -constitutional and legal right, -governance, -family, -education and training, -GBV, -health, -productive resources and economic empowerment -Peace building and conflict resolution

11 High-level meeting with finalist presidential candidates 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA Elaboration of a Charter for Gender Equality, submitted to the two finalists in the presidential election for their approval CSOs and citizens committed to follow-up the implementation of the Chart of Gender Equality

12 Resource allocations 50/50 AMIN’NY TAONA 2015: LAMINASA MATY PAIKA AORIAN’NY TAONA 2015 Amount local currency Amount in Rand Explanation Gender specific allocation Gender in mainstream projects (support project to electoral cycle) 15.000 USD158.000R PNUD- PACEM Amount contributed in cash or in kind by partner organizations 9.500 USD100.194REISA 2.345 USD24.732R From CNFM members TOTALLY26.845 USD283.127R


14 Working with Government 50/50 AMIN’NY TAONA 2015: LAMINASA MATY PAIKA AORIAN’NY TAONA 2015 Change in political speeches of the leaders: The President of the Fourth Republic was explicitly committed to respecting gender equality in his inaugural speech The Prime Minister of the national unity government officially acknowledged the efforts made by CNFM while ensuring his support to reach the objectives of the Protocol on Gender and Development Creation of a Ministry of Population, Social Protection and the Promotion of Women with an Executive Committee Member of CNFM appointed to be the Minister and is committed to implementing the objectives of the Protocol

15 Working with CSO Number of people and associations became members of CNFM increased and contribute to achieve the objectives of the SADC Protocol The coalition gets more momentum to achieve the protocol Partners were persuaded by the projects for the implementation of the Protocol 50/50 AMIN’NY TAONA 2015: LAMINASA MATY PAIKA AORIAN’NY TAONA 2015

16 Working with medias 50/50 AMIN’NY TAONA 2015: LAMINASA MATY PAIKA AORIAN’NY TAONA 2015 To popularize the 28 targets of Protocol on Gender and Development Press conference (27 May 2013) Media coverage of the exchange workshop with presidential candidates (4 June 2013) Diffusion of awareness-raising video clips / audio songs of " Gender equality issues" on radio and TV stations (September. 25 - 24Oct, 20 November – 19December 2013 )

17 Working with medias 50/50 AMIN’NY TAONA 2015: LAMINASA MATY PAIKA AORIAN’NY TAONA 2015 To popularize the 28 goals of Protocol on Gender and Development Regular publication of series of articles on CNFM’s website Awareness-raising emissions through national radio during the week of March 8 on "Women and Elections" and " Gender Based Violence " ( 4-10 March) and TV debates about the participation of women in the decision - making positions(March 8) Press articles (15)

18 Challenges Having persuaded presidential candidates to attend the workshops-in which the implementation of the targets of the Protocol was mainly debated  Solution: candidates will get the vote of women electorate if they offer a gender sensitive program The date of the election was postponed many times but finally it was set suddenly  Solution: CNFM members devoted too much time on the activities by putting aside each member’s main livelihoods to undertake the activities 50/50 AMIN’NY TAONA 2015: LAMINASA MATY PAIKA AORIAN’NY TAONA 2015

19 Lesson learned When the project idea is innovative and powerful, the partners come to support the initiative and are even eager to do so. The more they are many partners working together on activities the more we can expect better results and more strength to make pressure in order to bring change. 50/50 AMIN’NY TAONA 2015: LAMINASA MATY PAIKA AORIAN’NY TAONA 2015

20 Sustainability and replication  Sustainability The coalition will work with the Government and the National Assembly for ratification of the Protocol and the development of laws that leads to its application (eg. parity...) With Country Alliance, disseminating to stakeholders the results of SADC Protocol Barometer Madagascar to keep the attention of the authorities and their momentum for the implementation of the Protocol  Replication This project could be replicated in other countries. In fact, the project must be based on problems based on evidence and also partnership between several associations 50/50 AMIN’NY TAONA 2015: LAMINASA MATY PAIKA AORIAN’NY TAONA 2015

21 KEY PRIORITIES FOR 2014 Follow-up of the implementation of ‘Chart of Gender Equality’ in the public policy according to the commitment of the President Facing the communal election: encouraging women to be candidates, persuading electorate to vote for women 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA


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