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Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Andrew Bradbury Project progress - where to next?

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Presentation on theme: "Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Andrew Bradbury Project progress - where to next?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Andrew Bradbury Project progress - where to next?

2 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Project progress Survey programme deliverySurvey programme delivery Programme developmentProgramme development Phase 2 programmePhase 2 programme Phase 3 programmePhase 3 programme

3 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Beach surveys TopographicTopographic Good performance most contractors - improvedGood performance most contractors - improved Good performance most local authority teams - improvedGood performance most local authority teams - improved Most sites 12-14 profile surveys loaded to SANDSMost sites 12-14 profile surveys loaded to SANDS Raw data – QA checked available on websiteRaw data – QA checked available on website SANDS profiles availableSANDS profiles available Spot height and ground models in BMP areasSpot height and ground models in BMP areas

4 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Topographic surveys-Phase 2 Baseline surveysBaseline surveys –50m profiles –Repeat baseline profiles will be used to reassess sampling used for subsequent profile surveys BMP sitesBMP sites –Additional sites added –All accessible sites to be surveyed using ground based survey methods (revision to south downs only) Post storm surveysPost storm surveys –Unchanged Profile surveysProfile surveys –Unchanged ControlControl –Checked and provision made for replacement of missing control and re-observation

5 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Data on websiteData on website 2 surveys complete2 surveys complete Analysis of two surveys nearing completionAnalysis of two surveys nearing completion Variable repeatability of surveysVariable repeatability of surveys Bathymetric surveys

6 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Bathymetry-phase 2 Reduction in bathymetric survey frequency from twice to once during 5 years (year 3 or 4)Reduction in bathymetric survey frequency from twice to once during 5 years (year 3 or 4) –Inlet mouth surveys to be maintained annually (as present) –Low tide range areas to be maintained annually at key sites (as present) Review future frequency of surveysReview future frequency of surveys Review opportunities for collaborative funding/workingReview opportunities for collaborative funding/working

7 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme LIDAR-delivery Good Contractor performanceGood Contractor performance Data received and checkedData received and checked Data on websiteData on website –Online browser or download

8 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme LIDAR-Phase 2 –Conduct a single high resolution survey of the whole coast, including estuarine area- mainly completed –Programme available on website –Replaced photogrammetric elements of the ABMS programme with an annual LIDAR flight to cover inaccessible areas –Conduct LIDAR flights of estuarine areas every 3rd year

9 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Aerial Survey –Annual production of photographic scans Non rectified flying produced 2007Non rectified flying produced 2007 –One set of orthophotos to be produced during 5 year period (2008) Additional orthophotos to be produced on localised basis at sites where major works have been conducted or major natural change e.g. landslides.Additional orthophotos to be produced on localised basis at sites where major works have been conducted or major natural change e.g. landslides. No photogrammetric profiling to be conductedNo photogrammetric profiling to be conducted Plan shape mapping of coastal cliffs and saltmarshesPlan shape mapping of coastal cliffs and saltmarshes

10 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Tide gauge network Modifications to gaugesModifications to gauges –Herne Bay (online changes made) –Arun platform metstation gauge (Installed) –Brighton (calibration required)

11 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Renewals programme - provision for replacement of existing network. There is a possibility that some gauges will continue to function effectively Seaford (installed)Seaford (installed) Goodwin sands (installed)Goodwin sands (installed) Bracklesham Bay (installed)Bracklesham Bay (installed) Rye bay (installed)Rye bay (installed) Waves

12 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Data analysis Revisions to SANDSRevisions to SANDS –Automated procedures for annual reporting –SANDS user group

13 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Annual report Summary reportSummary report Easy to use at a glanceEasy to use at a glance Minimal textMinimal text Detail appended on CDDetail appended on CD Comments on contentComments on content Positive feedbackPositive feedback

14 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Strategic level analysis

15 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme

16 Baseline 5 year difference models Identify erosion and accretion over 5 year period of whole coastlineIdentify erosion and accretion over 5 year period of whole coastline Medium term regional trendsMedium term regional trends Place profile changes in contextPlace profile changes in context Review location of profiles (phase 3 design)Review location of profiles (phase 3 design)

17 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme





22 Data delivery –Requests for various data styles Web deliveryWeb delivery SANDS databases installedSANDS databases installed FTP,FTP, CD,CD, emailemail Advice from project teamAdvice from project team

23 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Project management structure Unchanged structureUnchanged structure –Need for review in context with restructuring of coastal groups Data management and analysisData management and analysis –No significant changes –Allowance for sands development –Allowance for website development Develop online viewerDevelop online viewer

24 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Ecology (EA lead) –Baseline survey for BAP habitats completed –Data distribution system to be developed for local record centres –Copyright difficulties with distribution due to OS base mapping –Revisions to mapping to be conducted without using copyrighted base material –Data analysis system to be developed for central data archiving at the CCO

25 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Training GPS surveying- inhouse teamsGPS surveying- inhouse teams MatlabMatlab SANDSSANDS GISGIS Application of data in beach managementApplication of data in beach management Local support – lead authority teamsLocal support – lead authority teams

26 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Increasing awareness of programme Presentations to coastal groupsPresentations to coastal groups Conference papers and exhibitionsConference papers and exhibitions Contractors workshopContractors workshop

27 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Links with other programmes Southwest regional programme implementationSouthwest regional programme implementation Anglian regional programme revisionAnglian regional programme revision Northwest - programme data managementNorthwest - programme data management MCA – multibeam surveysMCA – multibeam surveys Dorset wildlife trust –weymouthDorset wildlife trust –weymouth National erosion monitoringNational erosion monitoring SCOPAC research programmesSCOPAC research programmes

28 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Recent data usage Deal Kingsdown (post storm, topo)Deal Kingsdown (post storm, topo) Pagham Spit (topo)Pagham Spit (topo) Lydd Ranges (topo)Lydd Ranges (topo) Dungeness Pevensey (waves)Dungeness Pevensey (waves) Bournemouth (topo, bathy surf reef)Bournemouth (topo, bathy surf reef) Weymouth developmentsWeymouth developments National erosion mapping(orthophotos)National erosion mapping(orthophotos) Bembridge hydrographic surveysBembridge hydrographic surveys Bournemouth recharge (profiles, bathy)Bournemouth recharge (profiles, bathy) Solent dynamic coast (lidar, ecology, orthophotos)Solent dynamic coast (lidar, ecology, orthophotos) Christchurch harbour flood risk assessment (LIDAR)Christchurch harbour flood risk assessment (LIDAR) North Solent SMP (orthophotos, LIDAR, profiles)North Solent SMP (orthophotos, LIDAR, profiles)

29 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Web site statistics Number of visitors- approx 324,000 (267,000)Number of visitors- approx 324,000 (267,000) 30,000 (30,000) visits per month current30,000 (30,000) visits per month current Annual hits approx 9.5m, (6.9m)Annual hits approx 9.5m, (6.9m) Types data accessedTypes data accessed User typesUser types Regular usersRegular users

30 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Value of downloaded data over a 12 month period ValueNo Downloads ABMS ortho photos49264218246 Hydrographic61033503699 Lidar377240037724 Time series waves tide4670400278 Topographic200880006480

31 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Follow up actions to last annual review Engage EA area teamsEngage EA area teams –Improve decision making process in beach management Recycling recordsRecycling records Integration of coastal ecologyIntegration of coastal ecology –Solent dynamic coast project –Regional habitat creation programme Photo library (beta version developed)Photo library (beta version developed) Use of historical data (in progress)Use of historical data (in progress) –Aerial surveys

32 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Review criteria Feedback from partner operating authorities through annual review meetings and one to one feedback from lead authorities.Feedback from partner operating authorities through annual review meetings and one to one feedback from lead authorities. Feedback from consultant and academic end users – revisions to include peer review process for reportsFeedback from consultant and academic end users – revisions to include peer review process for reports Discussion by project team, project board and regional coastal chairmenDiscussion by project team, project board and regional coastal chairmen Comparison with the key performance indicators outlined in the Phase 2 project planComparison with the key performance indicators outlined in the Phase 2 project plan Review of new legislation and national targetsReview of new legislation and national targets

33 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Programme modification Changes to reflect policyChanges to reflect policy –Increased number of beach management sites Changes to reflect partner needsChanges to reflect partner needs –Gosport structure surveys –Seawall scour Milford-on-Sea –Wave buoys – Bracklesham, –Coastal cliff monitoring - Durlstone –Coastal impacts monitoring of surf reef Boscombe –Argus cameras – Milford EPSRC research –Argus cameras – Boscombe surf reef site

34 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme National Coastal Erosion Mapping Difficulties with baseline qualityDifficulties with baseline quality Assistance with LA validationAssistance with LA validation Validation from aerial surveysValidation from aerial surveys Future validation for updatingFuture validation for updating

35 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Data use in SMPS North Solent - erosion rates at sites not covered by National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping (97% of all sites)North Solent - erosion rates at sites not covered by National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping (97% of all sites) –E.g. saltmarshes, barriers, beaches Poole and Christchurch BaysPoole and Christchurch Bays –Long term beach evolution –Cliff evolution

36 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Toe of structures Improving methods for prediction of toe failureImproving methods for prediction of toe failure Improving guidanceImproving guidance Case studies- provided from regional programmeCase studies- provided from regional programme

37 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Wave forecasting validation Revised Met office model currently being preparedRevised Met office model currently being prepared Validation will be undertaken using nearshore wave buoy networkValidation will be undertaken using nearshore wave buoy network

38 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Beach management manual More practical application than previous manualMore practical application than previous manual Guidance on application of monitoring dataGuidance on application of monitoring data Regional monitoring approaches to form basis of monitoring chapterRegional monitoring approaches to form basis of monitoring chapter

39 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Phase 3 Development of coordinated programme as part of national frameworkDevelopment of coordinated programme as part of national framework Scoping completedScoping completed Need to develop programme in conjunction with EA NRGNeed to develop programme in conjunction with EA NRG

40 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme Phase 3 Website archive modified to enable use by all areas of countryWebsite archive modified to enable use by all areas of country –Southwest already integrated –Rebranding needed! Consistent approach to risk based designConsistent approach to risk based design –In progress- completion end of financial year –In liaison - with other coastal groups National objectives to be defined- DEFRA/EA targetsNational objectives to be defined- DEFRA/EA targets Revisions to EA standard survey specificationRevisions to EA standard survey specification –in progress –input provided by regional programmes Opportunity to revise programme contentOpportunity to revise programme content

41 Southeast strategic regional coastal monitoring programme

42 Programme performance review The risk based approach to programme design has been fully implemented during phase 1The risk based approach to programme design has been fully implemented during phase 1 The survey programme has been completed to budget, following a delayed start.The survey programme has been completed to budget, following a delayed start. The programme management structure has been implemented successfullyThe programme management structure has been implemented successfully Modifications have been made to national (EA) survey standards and these have been adopted for the programmeModifications have been made to national (EA) survey standards and these have been adopted for the programme Common survey briefs have been adopted for surveysCommon survey briefs have been adopted for surveys Standardised procedures for data management, QA and archiving have been implementedStandardised procedures for data management, QA and archiving have been implemented Common data standards have been established, to remove ambiguity and improve accuracy and programme exchange.Common data standards have been established, to remove ambiguity and improve accuracy and programme exchange. A data warehouse and meta-database has been established at the Channel Coastal ObservatoryA data warehouse and meta-database has been established at the Channel Coastal Observatory SANDS databases have been developed and analysed annually, by the Coastal Group analysis teams for each of the coastal cellsSANDS databases have been developed and analysed annually, by the Coastal Group analysis teams for each of the coastal cells A website has been developed to deliver all programme dataA website has been developed to deliver all programme data An annual review has been conducted to critique the programmeAn annual review has been conducted to critique the programme

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