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Mr Evri Lampadarios Lecturer Leeds Business School - Atiner Conference July 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr Evri Lampadarios Lecturer Leeds Business School - Atiner Conference July 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr Evri Lampadarios Lecturer Leeds Business School -Email: Atiner Conference July 2013

2  SMEs Importance  SMEs Definition  Success & Failure Definitions  Critical Success Factors Identification & Categorisation  CSFs Conceptual Framework

3  Employment creation  Economic regeneration  Innovation  Country Competitiveness

4  No universally accepted definition yet  Various definitions: ◦ US: independent business with less than 500 employees ◦ EU: enterprise that employs fewer than 250 persons and has an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million ◦ UK: company that has no more than 250 employees, with a turnover of no more than £22.8 million and / or a balance sheet total of no more than £11.4 million.

5 Success: ◦ Objective measures : sales growth, profitability and continuance in operation (quantifiable nature, ‘hard’ information) ◦ subjective measures: owner’s own evaluation of his/her success, his/her goals and personal perception of success (Qualitative nature, ‘soft’ information) Failure: ◦ Closure – Discontinuance  Optional  Non-optional

6 ‘’Areas in which results, if they are satisfactory, will ensure successful competitive performance for the organisation” (Rockart, 1979, pp.97) “Those few things that must go well to ensure the success of an organization” (Boynton and Zmund, 1984, pp.132)  CSFs importance varies with country and industry  CSFs need to tested and validated for each individual industry in a specific country.

7 Based on existing conceptual frameworks:  Amoros (2011) on behalf of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)  Chawla et al.(2010, 1997)  Lussier (2010)  Dobbs & Hamilton (2007)  Business literature

8 Sources: Simpson et al., 2012; Rutherford et al., 2000; Gibb, 2000

9  Age of Owner / Manager  Education level  Entrepreneurial Orientation  Gender  Personality  Prior Work Experience and Management Skills

10  Age of company  Business Networks  Customer Relations Management  Financial Resources  Internationalisation  Human Capital  Market and Product Orientation  Marketing  Size of company  Strategic Planning

11  Political environment  Economic environment  Socio-cultural environment  Technological environment  Legal and Regulatory  Ecological and Environmental  Access to Finance  Advisory Service  Government Policies

12 Entrepreneurial Factors Age of Entrepreneur Education Level Entrepreneurial Orientation Gender Personality Prior Work Experience & Management Skills Enterprise Factors Age of company Business Networks Customer Relations Management Financial resources Internationalisation Human Capital Market & Product orientation Marketing Size of company Strategic Planning Business Environment Political environment Economic environment Socio-cultural environment Technological environment Legal and Regulatory Ecological & Environmental Advisory Service Access to Finance Government Policies

13  Amorós, J.E., Bosma, N.S. and Levie, J., (2011), ‘Ten Years of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Accomplishments and Prospects’, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, forthcoming  Dobbs M. and Hamilton R.T., (2007),"Small business growth: recent evidence and new directions", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol. 13 No.5 pp. 296 – 322  Chawla, S.K., Dan Khanna, D. and Chen J., (2010), ‘’Are Small Business Critical Success Factors Same in Different Countries?’’, SIES Journal of Management, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 1-12  Chawla, S.K., Pullig C. and Alexander, D., (1997a), ‘Critical Success Factors from an Organizational Life Cycle Perspective: Perceptions of Small Business Owners from Different Business Environments’, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 47-58.  Gibb, A.A. (2000), “SME policy, academic research and the growth of ignorance, mythical concepts, myths, assumptions, rituals and confusions”, International Small Business Journal, Vol. 18 No. 3, pp. 13-36.  Lussier, R.N. and Halabi C.E., (2010), ‘’ Three-Country Comparison of the Business Success versus Failure Prediction Model’’, Journal of Small Business Management 48(3), pp. 360–377  Rutherford, M.W., McMullen, P. and Oswald, S. (2001), “Examining the issue of size and the small business: a self organising map approach”, The Journal of Business and Economic Studies, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 64-81.  Simpson, M., Padmore, J. and Newman, N., (2012),"Towards a new model of success and performance in SMEs", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol. 18 Issue 3 pp. 264 – 285

14 Any questions?

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