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Professional Cycles of Learning K-8 Presenters: Allie Raskin and Fran Ruiz, Borough Instructional Leads Borough Field Support Center, Brooklyn South May.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Cycles of Learning K-8 Presenters: Allie Raskin and Fran Ruiz, Borough Instructional Leads Borough Field Support Center, Brooklyn South May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Cycles of Learning K-8 Presenters: Allie Raskin and Fran Ruiz, Borough Instructional Leads Borough Field Support Center, Brooklyn South May 19, 2016

2 Session Goals To introduce the work of the Borough Field Support Center – Brooklyn South through artifacts and resources To provide an overview of the PCL – Professional Cycle of Learning and what that looks like in our schools with sample strategies and participant testimonials. To make connections between the Brooklyn South Professional Cycles of Learning and the broader citywide goal of capacity building. 2

3 Brooklyn South Borough Field Support Center…Who Are We? Location: 415-89 th Street, Brooklyn, NY Districts Served: 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, H.S. Schools: 185 3

4 Borough Instructional Leads will be conducting three types of Professional Learning to schools.  Turn-key Professional Development to Principal Designee or Assistant Principals (All schools may participate)  Professional Learning Cycles (Only schools specifically selected by Superintendent)  Sharing Best Practices (All schools may participate)

5 What is a Professional Cycle of Learning? Prior knowledge (2 minutes) Read handout (5 minutes) Discuss with a partner (2 minutes) Define key elements of a Brooklyn South PCL (5 minutes) Share out (2 minutes) 5

6 PCL: Professional Cycles of Learning…before we begin… Superintendent and Deputy Director for Instruction meet to select schools based on state test data and other measures BILs are assigned and given state assessment trend data for the school Initial meeting is scheduled for school visit: superintendent/or representative, deputy director for instruction, BIL, principal (sometimes principal invites other instructional leaders from the building) Classroom visits for selected grade takes place 6

7 PCL: Timeline 6 weeks Week 1: Laying the ground work Week 2: Identify strategies/ memorialize goals Week 3: Planning/Inter-visitation Week 4: Planning/Inter-visitation Week 5: Planning/Inter-visitation Week 6: Reflection/ Looking ahead- Sustainment Plan 7

8 Week 1: Laying the Groundwork What is a PCL? Create norms Sphere of Control Activity Danielson Match-up Analyze state data Deep dive into focus standard Select a baseline for students’ current understanding 8

9 Week 1: Laying the Groundwork Calendars and Planners 9 PLC Calendar At-A- Glance Planner for Teachers

10 Week 1: Laying the Groundwork Calendars and Planners 10 Fran’s Plans Detailed agenda Facilitation guide

11 Week 1: Laying the Groundwork Analyze State Data 11 State Data = Macro Data Source: How Teachers Can Turn Data into Action by Daniel R. Venables. 2014 ASCD. p. 18.

12 Week 1: Laying the Groundwork Analyze State Data 12 Identify Common Core Standards in need of improvement Read the language of the test questions underlying each standard

13 Week 1: Laying the Groundwork Analyze State Data 13 Guiding questions for analyzing state test data What do you notice about this data? What are the strengths that you notice? What are the areas in need of improvement? What do you wonder about this data?

14 Week 1: Laying the Groundwork Sphere of Control Activity 14 What are the factors that make students struggle with learning? Using a marker, write each factor on a separate post-it.

15 Week 1: Laying the Groundwork Sphere of Control Activity 15 Work with your group members to place each post it in the appropriate place on the sphere of control. Inner Circle I can address this through my instruction Outer Circle I do not have control over this

16 Week 1: Laying the Groundwork Sphere of Control Activity 16 Steps: 1.Teachers infer – why might students struggle with this standard? 2.Teachers list each reason on a post it 3.Teachers place post its on the Sphere of Control Inner Circle – I can address this through my instruction Outer Circle – I do not have control over this

17 Week 1: Laying the Groundwork Unpacking the Focus Standard 17

18 Week 1: Laying the Groundwork Danielson Match-up 18 Which Danielson components connect best to the standard that we are focusing on? Which Danielson component should we focus on?

19 Stop & Jot 19 Respond to these two questions in the Week 1 Row: How do these tools and routines help build capacity in schools? How might I use / modify these in my own work?

20 Week 2: Formulate Hypothesis, Identify Strategy, and Memorialize Goals Analyze baseline data…what do students know? What do students need to learn? Review research about possible strategies Formulate a hypothesis Select measures of progress Memorialize goals and measures of progress on Google Doc 20

21 Week 2: Formulate Hypothesis, Identify Strategy, and Memorialize Goals Analyze baseline data 21 Allie’s Protocol Fran’s Protocol

22 Week 2: Formulate Hypothesis, Identify Strategy, and Memorialize Goals Note trends from baseline data 22 Trends from Allie’s group Trends from Fran’s group

23 Week 2: Formulate Hypothesis, Identify Strategy, and Memorialize Goals Review research-based strategies 23 Allie’s Strategies

24 Week 2: Formulate Hypothesis, Identify Strategy, and Memorialize Goals Review research-based strategies 24 Fran’s Strategies

25 Week 2: Formulate Hypothesis, Identify Strategy, and Memorialize Goals Develop hypothesis 25 Develop a hypothesis Hypothesis Example (Fran’s Group): If we utilize pre, during, and post reading strategies, then students will be able to access complex texts.

26 Stop & Jot 26 Respond to these two questions in the Week 2 Row: How do these tools and routines help build capacity in schools? How might I use / modify these in my own work?

27 Weeks 3, 4, and 5: Planning and Doing Co-plan an upcoming lesson (integrating strategies) Explore additional strategies to address the same standard Create plan for inter-visitation (Teach, Observe, Debrief) Create plan for modeling / coaching in Analyzing formative student work that resulted from the strategies implemented 27

28 Weeks 3-5: Planning and Inter-visitation Co-planning an upcoming lesson 28 Offer a variety of planning templates

29 Weeks 3-5: Planning and Inter-visitation Co-Planning 29

30 Weeks 3-5: Planning and Inter-visitation Facilitate Learning & Debrief 30 Observing the lesson’s impact on student learning

31 Weeks 3-5: Planning and Inter-visitation Analyze resulting student work 31 BeforeAfter

32 Weeks 3-5: Planning and Inter-visitation Coaching-in 32 Classroom Teacher models “Say Something” for one section of the text Allie models “Say Something” for another section of the text Teacher A

33 Weeks 3-5: Planning and Inter-visitation Coaching-in 33 Classroom Teacher models “Say Something” for one section of the text Allie models “Say Something” for another section of the text Teacher B

34 Weeks 3-5: Planning and Inter-visitation Analyze resulting student work 34 Working in pairs, students stopped to “say something” after each section and recorded their notes on post-its Teacher A Individually, students used their post it notes to write a summary of the entire text excerpt on an index card.

35 Weeks 3-5: Planning and Inter-visitation Analyze resulting student work 35 Working in pairs, students stopped to “say something” after each section and recorded their notes in the margins Teacher B Students wrote a one- sentence main idea statement using the information from their marginal notes

36 Stop & Jot 36 Respond to these two questions in the Weeks 3-5 Row: How do these tools and routines help build capacity in schools? How might I use / modify these in my own work?

37 Week 6: Reflection and Sustainment Plan Reflection and Teacher feedback Analyze summative student work Focus for next PCL (Sustainment Plan) Ideas for growing practice school-wide (Sustainment Plan) 37

38 Week 6: Reflection and Sustainment Plan Analyze summative student work 38

39 Week 6: Reflection and Sustainment Plan Reflection 39 Reflect using the Success Analysis Protocol

40 Week 6: Reflection and Sustainment Plan Teacher Feedback 40 PLC End-of-Cycle Reflection - Allie Teacher A Teacher B

41 Week 6: Reflection and Sustainment Plan Teacher Feedback 41 Teacher A Teacher B PLC End-of-Cycle Reflection - Fran

42 Week 6: Reflection and Sustainment Plan Sustainment Plan 42 Planning for the next cycle

43 Stop & Jot 43 Respond to these two questions in the Week 6 Row: How do these tools and routines help build capacity in schools? How might I use / modify these in my own work?

44 Staying on Track PCL – Action Plan and Activity Log



47 Capacity Building – PCL - Sustainment Plan

48 Testimonials “The process was very helpful as it provided an important time frame to think, plan, reflect and watch others and myself define our goals.” “The process was very helpful. I feel more equipped to teach the common core, and do so effectively.” “The process was amazing and insightful…opened my eyes on how to implement an effective lesson.” 48

49 Questions and Reflection What are your greatest takeaways from today’s presentation? What questions do you still have about Brooklyn South Professional Cycles of Learning? 49

50 Thank you! 50

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