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Response to the Report on Dentistry by the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee September 2010 Ann Berry – Primary Care Commissioning Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Response to the Report on Dentistry by the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee September 2010 Ann Berry – Primary Care Commissioning Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Response to the Report on Dentistry by the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee September 2010 Ann Berry – Primary Care Commissioning Manager

2 Recommendation 1 – We recommend that NHS Nottingham City develops better quality measures in it’s new dental contracts, in line with national recommendations, and that a timescale is agreed for presenting the revised contract to the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee for comment. Presentation given to Committee 25 th November 2009 Three tenders have been awarded which include 18 KPIs equating to 25% of the contract value. Balanced Scorecard for existing Providers being piloted ‘City Smiles’ Accreditation Care Quality Commission

3 Key Performance Indicators 18 Performance Indicators 25% of Total Payment 3 KPI’s to be developed in conjunction with new providers Three performance Bands 100%, 70%, 40% Access 40% Numbers of Patients seen Waiting Times Effective Care 15% Re-attendance Levels Decontamination Health Promotion 15% Oral Health Assessment Smoking Cessation Fluoride Varnish Value for Money 15% Even Workload Timely Information Patient Experience 15% Patient Satisfaction & Equality Survey/Audits

4 Recommendation 2 - Review of Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery Service Recommendation 3 – Review of Sedation Services

5 Recommendation 5 & 6 - Increased provision of Information & Communication Distribution of National & Local Information –GP Practices/Probation/Travellers/Local Events –Access Survey –Website Map –Local Maps i.e. St Ann’s –Publications i.e. Partnership Press, Newspaper –Nottingham University Hospitals NSH Trust Social Marketing Project – Under 5’s & BME Groups

6 Posters - GP Practices - Special Schools - Residential/Care Homes GP Survey - 98% of those who tried to access a dentist in the past three (3) months were successful. - 94% were able to access urgent appointment against a national average of 85%

7 Recommendation 7 – Reporting the Outcomes of our research NHS Nottingham City Dental Access Survey Research Findings reported to the Committee on 25 th November 2009. Social Marketing Project & Campaign Fluoride Varnish Programme in deprived areas Census Survey 4-5yr olds in 100% of schools Dental Practice Accreditation Programme

8 Continuation of ‘City Smiles’ Programme Oral Health Promotion Network Training and resource provision –Special Schools –Residential Homes –Homeless Support –Community Learning Disability Teams –Prisons

9 Recommendation 8 – Extend City Smiles to Adults Recommendation 9 – Encourage Uptake of services Recommendation 11 – Produce pictorial Information Recommendation 12 – Use of Mobile Service Recommendation 13 – Training and Information to Housing and Homelessness Support Workers Recommendation 14 – Addressing the needs of Challenging patients

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