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THEMES IN BIOLOGY CHAPTER 1. 1. EMERGENT PROPERTIES HIERARCHY OF ORGANISMS Atoms  Molecules  Organelles  Cells  Multicellular Organisms 

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2 1. EMERGENT PROPERTIES HIERARCHY OF ORGANISMS Atoms  Molecules  Organelles  Cells  Multicellular Organisms 

3 Tissues  Organs  Organ Systems  Organism 

4 Population  Community  Ecosystem EMERGENT PROPERTIES- properties that emerge that were not present at lower levels of organization

5 These properties result from interactions between components Ex: If one component of the brain fails, the entire organ will not work properly

6 “ The whole is greater than the sum of its parts!”

7 2. CELLS This is the lowest level of structure capable of performing all of the activities of life REMEMBER THESE GUYS? ROBERT HOOKE- discovered the cell under only 30X, observed cork cells as “tiny boxes” ANTON VAN LEEUWENHOEK- developed a more powerful microscope and observed living cells

8 MATTHIAS SCHLEIDEN & THEODOR SCHWANN- acknowledged cells as the universal units of life -Their observations and others led to the formation of the Cell Theory * all living things are made up of cells * all cells come from other cells

9 TWO MAIN TYPES OF CELLS: PROKARYOTIC- no membrane-bound organelles, DNA is not enclosed in nucleus BACTERIA

10 EUKARYOTIC CELL- has membrane- bound organelles, DNA is enclosed in nucleus - PLANTS AND ANIMALS

11 3. HERITABLE INFORMATION Biological instructions are encoded in DNA DOUBLE HELIX- 2 strands made up of the nucleotides A, T, C, G Nucleotides are the alphabet of inheritance

12 4. STRUCTURE/FUNCTION “FORM FITS FUNCTION” Ex: The structure of a bird helps it to fly -Bones are strong but light -Shape of wings are aerodynamic

13 5. INTERACTIONS WITH ENVIRONMENT An organism is an OPEN system, it interacts with many components of the environment Ex: Plants take up water from the soil and CO 2 from the air -Solar energy absorbed by chlorophyll in the leaves drives PHOTOSYNTHESIS, which releases O 2 into the air -Roots break up soil and release chemicals

14 ECOSYSTEM- many interactions between organisms and their environments ENERGY CONVERSION- transformation from one form of energy to another Ex: Photosynthesis transforms solar into chemical

15 6. REGULATION Organisms obtain useful energy through related chemical reactions- so that no energy is wasted -ENZYMES are responsible for this regulation in cells * Enzymes are substances that speed up chemical reactions  CATALYSTS

16 Many processes are self-regulatory, operating by feedback NEGATIVE FEEDBACK- slows or stops processes Ex: Regulation of body temperature HOT- control center in brain activates sweat glands - evaporative cooling occurs and the blood cools down

17 - when blood cools down, negative feedback occurs, causing the brain to stop sending signals COLD- brain inactivates sweat glands and causes the blood vessels to constrict, forcing blood to deeper tissue - when blood warms up, negative feedback occurs

18 POSITIVE FEEDBACK- speeds up a process Ex: Blood vessel injury -Platelets begin to accumulate -Chemicals released by the platelets causes more platelets to accumulate -The cluster causes a set of reactions to seal the wound with a clot

19 7. DIVERSITY AND UNITY About 1.5 million species have been identified TAXONOMY- the branch of biology that names and classifies species -Kingdoms and Domains are the broadest units of classification

20 REMEMBER? Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species


22 3 Domains: Bacteria Archae Eukarya In the Kingdom system, the first 2 were grouped together They are so different that taxonomists decided to separate the groups

23 Eukarya consists of all eukaryotes: Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia Do all of these levels have anything in common? * The universal genetic language of DNA*

24 8. EVOLUTION Evolution is the process that has transformed life on Earth from the earliest beginnings to the diversity that exists today - This is the one theme that ties together all of the others

25 CHARLES DARWIN- wrote The Origin of the Species

26 2 concepts: 1.“Descent with modification”- modern species arose from a common ancestor 2.The Origin of Species- described how life evolves Came up with the theory of NATURAL SELECTION

27 NATURAL SELECTION- basically states that individuals with traits best suited to their environment leave a larger number of surviving, fertile offspring -Certain heritable traits are more likely to appear in each new generation -Natural selection is a gradual process

28 Darwin proposed that over time, natural selection could produce new species from an ancestral species -This could occur if parts of a population became isolated from each other GALAPAGOS FINCHES- 14 species probably descended from a common ancestor


30 9. SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY The process of science blends 2 main types of exploration DISCOVERY SCIENCE- uses accurate observations and measurements -This is “describing life” Ex: Sequencing the human genome

31 HYPOTHETICO-DEDUCTIVE SCIENCE- the Scientific Method REMEMBER THESE STEPS? Observation Question Hypothesis Prediction Experiment/Test

32 Ex: Observation- My car stops running Question: Why isn’t my car running? Hypothesis (educated guess): My gauge was reading low and I haven’t filled up recently, so maybe I am out of gas

33 Prediction (if…then statement): If I put gas in my car, then it will run Experiment/Test Put gas in my car SIMPLE! If the car still doesn’t run, then you could test additional hypotheses

34 Scientific Theory How is a theory different from a hypothesis? -A theory is much broader -Theories are only accepted in science if they are supported by a large amount of evidence -NATURAL SELECTION

35 10. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY There is a very important relationship between science, technology, and society What are some examples of science and technology working together to better society?


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