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Starter: what is being described? I haven't moved from the spot where you left me This must be a bad trip All of the other pills, they were different Maybe.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter: what is being described? I haven't moved from the spot where you left me This must be a bad trip All of the other pills, they were different Maybe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter: what is being described? I haven't moved from the spot where you left me This must be a bad trip All of the other pills, they were different Maybe I should get some help I can't stay on your life support, There's a shortage in the switch, I can't stay on your morphine, 'Cause it's making me itch I said I tried to call the nurse again But she's being a little b**ch, I think I'll get outta here, where I can Run just as fast as I can To the middle of nowhere To the middle of my frustrated fears And I swear you're just like a pill Instead of makin' me better, You keep makin' me ill You keep makin' me ill Run just as fast as I can

2 BIOLOGICAL TREATMENTS: Drug treatments Identify and Explain nature of Drug treatments/Chemotherapy

3 CHEMOTHERAPY (Drugs) Prescription of Psychiatric Drugs. These alter the working of the brain and will effect mood and behaviour. Are prescribed for both adults and Children. Take the form of antipsychotics, Tricyclics and SSRI’s.

4 Anti-psychotic drugs What disorders are anti-psychotic drugs effective for? Schizophrenia & bipolar disorder What is the difference between positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia?* Positive (or psychotic) symptoms are characteristics which are added to the personality (e.g. hallucinations, delusions). Negative symptoms are characteristics which are lost from the personality (e.g. apathy, lack of motivation, self- neglect). These can often be confused with depression. What is meant by ‘Conventional Antipsychotic’? Give an example of one A drug which combats the positive symptoms of schizophrenia such as hallucinations and delusions (e.g. chlorpromazine)

5 Anti-psychotic drugs  What is meant by ‘Atypical Antipsychotic? Give an example Drugs which combat both the effects of positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia (e.g. clozapine)  Describe the action of Conventional and Atypical Antipsychotic drugs. What happens? Conventional Anti-psychotics:  They reduce the effects of dopamine, and therefore reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia.  They bind to the dopamine receptors, but do not stimulate them`  They block the action of dopamine receptors. Atypical Anti-psychotics:  Act on both the dopamine and serotonin systems

6 Antidepressant drugs What types of problems are helped by antidepressants? Moderate to severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks, obsessional problems and eating disorders. Describe the action of the three major types of antidepressants Monoamine-Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI’s): They block the action of the enzyme that breaks down noradrenaline and serotonin They therefore increase the availablility of noradrenaline and serotonin in the nervous system. Tricyclics: They stop the reabsorption of serotonin and adrenaline (epinephrine) into the presynaptic cell. They therefore allow more of these neurotransmitters available They are slower acting than MAOI’s but have fewer side-effects SSRI’s: They specifically block the reuptake of Serotonin They allow a greater availability of serotonin for the excitement neighbouring neurons

7 Antidepressants and their effects 4QhO0hjY&eurl= uk/videosearch?sourceid=navclient&rlz= 1T4GGLR_enGB283GB284&q=side- effects%20of%20anti- d&feature=player_embedded 4QhO0hjY&eurl= uk/videosearch?sourceid=navclient&rlz= 1T4GGLR_enGB283GB284&q=side- effects%20of%20anti- d&feature=player_embedded

8 Anti-anxiety drugs Provide some examples of the types of problems which Anti-Anxiety drugs might combat  Trauma, bereavement, phobias, OCD, and PTSD Provide some examples of anti-anxiety drugs  Librium and Valium (BZ’s) Describe the action of the two major types of anti-anxiety drugs  Benzodiazepines:  They depress the Reticular Activating System, which regulates brain activity  They increase the action of GABA (GABA slows down the transmission of brain nerve signals)  GABA reduces the action of serotonin (serotonin stimulates neurons)  Beta-blockers:  When anxious, more adrenaline (epinephrine) is produced, which results in higher heart rate, blood pressure and therefore more anxiety  Beta-blockers reduce the effect of adrenaline.  By blocking the action of adrenaline, beta-blockers cause arteries to widen and slow the action of the heart.

9 Not all that brilliant r9EAh28&eurl= /videosearch?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T 4GGLR_enGB283GB284&q=side- effects%20of%20anti- d&feature=player_embedded r9EAh28&eurl= /videosearch?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T 4GGLR_enGB283GB284&q=side- effects%20of%20anti- d&feature=player_embedded

10 Task: Describe the following drugs AntipsychoticAntidepressants

11 evaluation STRENGTHSWEAKNESSES APPROPRIATENESS TThey allow people to carry on with their ‘normal’ lives CChemotherapy does work IIt requires little effort form the user EFFECTIVENESS RRelapse rate is lower for drugs than for a placebo (WHO, 2001) TTricyclics are more effective than psychotherapy (Schulberg et al. 1996) BBusiprone (a relatively new BZ) is not addictive, but takes longer to work APPROPRIATENESS EEvidence suggests that placebo’s work as effectively as drugs, suggesting the effect may be more psychological (e.g. Kirsch at al. 2002) TThere are various side-effects from taking drugs such as addiction. TThere is less effort needed from the user, meaning a lack of personal responsibility. SSSRI’s have been linked to agitation and suicidal thoughts EFFECTIVENESS DDrugs are not the only therapy to change biochemicals, psychotherapy can change levels of serotonin and norepinephrine (Martin et al., 2001) DDrugs such as betablockers are good at reducing symptoms, but only over the short-term.

12 Evaluation Continued: Build it up (pg192) Strengths Effectiveness Ease of Use Limitations Placebo effect Symptoms and not problem Side effects

13 Plenary: Educate each other One person takes A01 The other takes A02 Which explanation would you pay £100 for?

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