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Cell Membrane Notes. Cell Membrane - Plasma Membrane – Phospholipid Bilayer.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Membrane Notes. Cell Membrane - Plasma Membrane – Phospholipid Bilayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Membrane Notes

2 Cell Membrane - Plasma Membrane – Phospholipid Bilayer

3 Functions of the Plasma Membrane Barrier between outside and inside of cell Selective permeability  Limits/controls what goes in or out of the cell (semi-permeable) Allows things like: sugars, water, and oxygen into the cell


5 Structure of the Plasma Membrane Phospholipid Molecules – Description: Lipid polymer Has two distinct ends – Hydrophilic Head End: Water-loving Polar Glycerol and phosphate group – Hydrophobic Tail End: Water-fearing Nonpolar Fatty acid chains


7 FLUID MOSAIC MODEL Bilayer (two layers)

8 Fluid Mosaic Model 1.Phospholipids form a bilayer (2 rows) 2.Polar heads on the outside 3.Nonpolar fatty acid tails on the inside 4.Large integral proteins between layers, act as channels 5.Cholesterol helps stabilize the structure and keep it flexible 6.Surface proteins and carbohydrate chains for cell recognition (communication)

9 Plasma Membrane Proteins: These proteins are found throughout the bilayer and form holes that let some kinds of molecules in and out of the cell. (shown in purple below)

10 Cholesterol helps stabilize membrane by preventing fatty acid tails from sticking together. (shown in yellow below)

11 Carbohydrate Chains and Surface Proteins Act as ID card so that other cells recognize and interact with this cell. (shown in green below)

12 Animation Link KjBs KjBs

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