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Chapter 4, Section 4 The Presidency of John Adams p. 172-175 BITTER Political divisions grew BITTER during the presidency of John Adams, as he struggled.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4, Section 4 The Presidency of John Adams p. 172-175 BITTER Political divisions grew BITTER during the presidency of John Adams, as he struggled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4, Section 4 The Presidency of John Adams p. 172-175 BITTER Political divisions grew BITTER during the presidency of John Adams, as he struggled to keep peace with France.

2 Troubles With France France expects America to honor the alliance made during the Revolution – Wants U.S. to declare war against Britain France angered by U.S. neutrality Jay’s Treaty with Britain increases tensions between U.S. and France – France attacks U.S. ships in the Atlantic. – Tension will lead to…. The French seize 316 American merchant ships in 11 months (1796-97)

3 XYZ Affair (1797) 3 French ministers demand a $250,000 bribe to begin peace negotiations. – American negotiators refuse to pay. 3 French ministers were referred to as X, Y, & Z – to keep their names a secret U.S. was outraged by the French demand for bribery “Millions for defense, not one penny for tribute!” Political cartoon showing maiden America being ravaged by France. p. 173

4 Quasi-War (1798-1800) Quasi-War (undeclared naval war) fought entirely at sea, between U.S. & French ships Adams wants Congress to increase the army & rebuild the navy – John Adams is considered the “father” of the modern U.S. Navy War ends when Adams & Napoleon make a treaty – Treaty of Mortefontaine (France) – September 30, 1800 U.S. President John Adams Napoleon Bonaparte -Dictator of France

5 The Alien & Sedition Acts (1798) Adams’ presidency is very unpopular – Press is critical of the government (and Adams is VERY sensitive) Adams & Congress pass the Alien & Sedition Acts. – someone from another country – activity designed to overthrow a government Adams has hundreds of journalists arrested – Most were Republican editors & printers Adams also has hundreds of foreigners deported for criticizing his administration. Abigail Adams- John’s closest advisor A “dangerous” alien being deported

6 “States’ Rights!” Adams’ unpopularity is an opportunity for the Republicans… Madison & Jefferson write the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions - claim states can nullify any federal law – deprive of legal force – Resolutions a reaction to? The issue of State’s Rights began at the Constitutional Convention and will not be decided until the Civil War. p. 174

7 End of Adams’ Presidency Peace with France: Sept. 30, 1800 Loses election to Jefferson, Nov. 1800 Adams is Bitter – sneaks out of town before dawn of TJ’s inauguration Adams most proud of? “Here lies John Adams, who took upon himself the responsibility of peace with France in the year 1800.” - John Adams’ tombstone President #2: John Adams October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826 In office: March 4, 1797 – March 4, 1801

8 Chapter 4 Focus Question: How did Americans respond to internal and external challenges?

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