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QUEphone: An acoustic float for marine mammal monitoring Haru Matsumoto, Holger Klinck, David K. Mellinger, & Joe Haxel Oregon State University & NOAA.

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Presentation on theme: "QUEphone: An acoustic float for marine mammal monitoring Haru Matsumoto, Holger Klinck, David K. Mellinger, & Joe Haxel Oregon State University & NOAA."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUEphone: An acoustic float for marine mammal monitoring Haru Matsumoto, Holger Klinck, David K. Mellinger, & Joe Haxel Oregon State University & NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Christopher Jones Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington 5-th international Workshop on Detection, Classification, Localization and Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood, OR, USA 8/22-25, 2011

2 Acoustic Barge test R/V Ranger, AUTEC

3 4 field operations including U.S. Navy ranges AUTEC and SCORE Mar, 2010 3 days Nov, 2009 June, 2010 5 days Jan, 2011 3 days 3 days

4 QUEphone specs APEX-based acoustic platform with DSP data logger & beaked whale click detector Blackfin DSP processor BF537CE (500 MHz) 1-ch 125-kHz sigma-delta A/D with 16-bits resolution 128-GB data storage Battery life : Alkaline - max. 2 weeks Lithium - max. 4 weeks Mode of operation:  Survey mode (surface at predefined time intervals e.g. 24 h)  Near real-time mode (surface after detection occurred) Max depth: 2000 m Vertical speed ~8 cm/sec Hydrophone Iridium/GPS antenna

5 QUEphone block diagram. Blackfin DSP with 128-GB storage and 2-way communication. HyHTI92 Alkaline/Lithium ?X?X

6 QUEphone field test AUTEC, Bahamas (June, 2010) Two QUEphones deployed: Q1 (yellow) and Q3 (green) Deployed: 6/7-6/11/2010 Drift: ~6.5 km over 4.5 days Detector: (ERMA detector version 1.0) ICI used: 0.2-0.5 s (Blainville’s BW) Tongue of theocean R/V Ranger

7 AUTEC M3R vs Q3 Q3 and M3R detections in AUTEC. Range (in pink) is an estimates between Q3 and Hyd 28.

8 Q1 and M3R detections in AUTEC. Range is between Q1 and Hyd 28. AUTEC M3R vs Q1


10 One QUEphone deployed: Q1 One QUEphone deployed: Q1 Sensitivity: -118.5dB re 1V/1µPa Sensitivity: -118.5dB re 1V/1µPa Detector: ERMA detector version 2.0 Detector: ERMA detector version 2.0 Acoustic system operated at depth >300 m Acoustic system operated at depth >300 m Survey mode (parking depth at 1000 m) Survey mode (parking depth at 1000 m) One QUEphone deployed: Q1 One QUEphone deployed: Q1 Sensitivity: -118.5dB re 1V/1µPa Sensitivity: -118.5dB re 1V/1µPa Detector: ERMA detector version 2.0 Detector: ERMA detector version 2.0 Acoustic system operated at depth >300 m Acoustic system operated at depth >300 m Survey mode (parking depth at 1000 m) Survey mode (parking depth at 1000 m) SCORE Range (January 5-7, 2011) SCORE Range (January 5-7, 2011)


12 9 encounters by ERMA with ICI=0.2-0.7. Estimated horizontal ranges are based on assumption that whale is at the center of polygon of M3R hydrophones which had detections. M3R hydrophones (yellow squares) are not actual. R R’ Data post-processed with ICI = 0.2-0.7 s for Cuvier’s beaked whales

13 Estimated ranges of detections of Q3 (blue) based on the SCORE M3R records and Q3 path. Average range = ~4.9 km. Total clicks count = 6246. Q3 offline

14 Comparison of encounters derived by manual analysis, automatic analysis (ERMA detector) and M3R records. Horizontal ranges are estimates based on hydrophone clustering approximation.

15 Conclusions Float: Simple to operate, 1-page instruction sheet Within a 5-km range QUEphone detected 5 out of 6 encounters (83%). Optimum ICI @ SCORE: 0.2-0.7 (for Cuviers’ BW) @ AUTEC: 0.2-0.5 (for Blainville’s BW) Future work Implement FLAC (file compression algorithm) Implement Roch et al. classifier Reduce overall power consumption Make QUEphone available to scientific community

16 Acknowledgements Sponsors Office of Naval Research (ONR) Mike Weise & Dana Belden U.S. Navy’s Environmental Readiness Division (N45) Frank Stone & Bob Gisiner Field/Data support Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC)- Dave Moretti, Ron Morrissey, Susan Jarvis & Nancy DiMarzio National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Dave Borg-Breen & Chris Meinig

17 Q1 and Q3 paths during the 5-day AUTEC test (6/7-11, 2010 (6/7-11, 2010)

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