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ESS WP4 Strategy for series production ESS TAC10 – 5th to 6th November 2014 - Lund Sébastien Bousson WP 4 leader.

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Presentation on theme: "ESS WP4 Strategy for series production ESS TAC10 – 5th to 6th November 2014 - Lund Sébastien Bousson WP 4 leader."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESS WP4 Strategy for series production ESS TAC10 – 5th to 6th November 2014 - Lund Sébastien Bousson WP 4 leader

2  S. Bousson, WP4 Strategy for series production, ESS TAC10 – 5 th – 6 th November 2014 - Lund Construction plan for the spoke The ESS construction plan for the spoke cryomodules is relying on the following : A spoke prototype cryomodule tested at full RF power in Uppsala (in end 2015) premises to check 95% of the required performances A set of procedures (cavity preparation, cavity string assembly, cryomodule assembly) defined and tested during prototyping phase (2014 – 2015). A 6 months time available between experimental results on cryomodule and start of series production for a “design adjustments” (i.e. mainly mechanical slight modifications to potentially improve or facilitate cryomodule assembly): between 1 st nov. 2015 & 30 th April 2016

3  S. Bousson, WP4 Strategy for series production, ESS TAC10 – 5 th – 6 th November 2014 - Lund Construction plan for the spoke 1.Niobium procurement & lead time Scheduled between March 2015 and Sept. 2016 Several suppliers world wide Niobium for prototype is from Tokyo Denkaï Order all niobium for spokes in one single procurement Supplier strategy: only 1 (for the ~ 4 tons of Nb) Spare strategy: to be defined, but it will probably be a low percentage (i.e equivalent to 1 more cavity). Questions: - Any potential gain (cost) to group with niobium supply for the elliptical part ? → probably not, so it is not foreseen to group.

4  S. Bousson, WP4 Strategy for series production, ESS TAC10 – 5 th – 6 th November 2014 - Lund Construction plan for the spoke 2.Spoke cavity procurement & lead time Scheduled between Feb. 2016 and Feb. 2018 Several companies world wide, several in Europe (3) Reminder: Prototypes from SDMS (Fr) and Zanon (It) Order the 26 spoke cavities in one single procurement Supplier strategy: - only 1 (preferred scenario) – it’s cost effective & less required work for fabrication follow-up - 2 contractors is of course possible, but no clear advantages (not necessary for schedule reasons for instance) Spare strategy: no spare, as decided by ESS Allocated production lead time will allow 2 phases: - a pre-production (2 or 4 units) to check production processes and quality, constituting a Go/NoGo for phase 2. - a series production for the remaining (22 or 24) units

5  S. Bousson, WP4 Strategy for series production, ESS TAC10 – 5 th – 6 th November 2014 - Lund Construction plan for the spoke 3.Spoke power coupler procurement & lead time Scheduled between May 2016 and February 2018 Several companies world wide, several in Europe Reminder: prototypes from SCT (Fr) and PMB (Fr) Order the 26 power couplers in one single procurement Supplier strategy: - only 1 (preferred scenario) – it’s more cost effective & required less work for fabrication follow-up - 2 contractors is of course possible, but no clear advantages (not necessary for schedule reasons for instance) Spare strategy: no spare, as decided by ESS Allocated production lead time will allow 2 phases: - a pre-production (2 or 4 units) to check production processes and quality, constituting a Go/NoGo for phase 2. - a series production for the remaining (22 or 24) units

6  S. Bousson, WP4 Strategy for series production, ESS TAC10 – 5 th – 6 th November 2014 - Lund Construction plan for the spoke 4.Spoke cold tuning system procurement & lead time Scheduled between June 2016 and Dec. 2017 Several companies world wide (but very limited for motor and piezo) Order the 26 CTS in one single procurement Supplier strategy: only 1 Allocated production lead time will allow 2 phases: - a pre-production (2 or 4 units) to check production processes and quality, constituting a Go/NoGo for phase 2. - a series production for the remaining (22 or 24) units Spare strategy: no spare, as decided by ESS

7  S. Bousson, WP4 Strategy for series production, ESS TAC10 – 5 th – 6 th November 2014 - Lund Construction plan for the spoke 5.Cryomodule parts procurement & lead time Scheduled between July. 2016 and Déc. 2017 Several companies world wide, several in EU Order the parts for 26 cryomodules in one single procurement Supplier strategy: only 1 Spare strategy: no spare, as decided by ESS

8  S. Bousson, WP4 Strategy for series production, ESS TAC10 – 5 th – 6 th November 2014 - Lund Construction plan for the spoke A.Cavity preparation and test Scheduled between 1 st March 2017 and 31 st June 2018 Preparation (chemical etching, HPR & clean room assembly) and tests in VT at IPNO premises - Corresponds to 1 VT (and 1 preparation) per 17 days Under study: a new VT for testing 2 cavities at the same time to double the test rate B.Power coupler preparation and RF conditioning Scheduled between 1 st Dec. 2016 and 28 th Feb 2018 Preparation and RF conditioning in IPNO premises - Corresponds to a conditioning rate of less than one coupler pair per month (as 1 week conditioning time is foreseen, we have margin here)

9  S. Bousson, WP4 Strategy for series production, ESS TAC10 – 5 th – 6 th November 2014 - Lund Construction plan for the spoke C.Cryomodule series assembly Scheduled between 1 st May 2017 and 30 th October 2018 Corresponds to a rate of 1 cryomodule assembled per 5.5 weeks 2 scenarios under study - Assembly (in and out clean room) to be done by industry at IPNO premises (most probable scenario) - Assembly (in and out clean room) to be done by industry at the company premises Last spoke cryomodule delivered to ESS on Xmas of 2018 ! D.Spoke cryomodule tests at high power in Uppsala Scheduled between 1 st August 2017 and Dec. 2018 Corresponds to a test rate of one cryomodule per 1.3 month

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