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Safety in Practice: Electricity in the Workplace and the Home.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety in Practice: Electricity in the Workplace and the Home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety in Practice: Electricity in the Workplace and the Home

2 Who is ESFI? Electrical Safety Foundation International

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4 ESFI is the premier, not-for-profit electrical safety organization producing and communicating electrical safety messages for consumers, influencing a global audience. Electrical Safety Foundation International 1994: Founded by UL, CPSC, and NEMA 2001: $3.8 Million Endowment Formed Roughly $3 Million received in Grants over 5 Years Receive up to $480,000 a year in free Google AdWords premium space Deliver over 1 billion electrical safety messages a year

5 ESFI’s resources have proven to be beneficial to Electric Utilities:  Inclusion in newsletters Inclusion in newsletters  Blog Mentions Blog Mentions  Social Media Posts Social Media Posts  Subjects included: Subjects included:  NESM NESM  Fire Prevention Week Fire Prevention Week  Cord Safety Cord Safety  GFCI Safety GFCI Safety Help Us Help You

6 Disaster Safety Downed Powerline SafetyFlood Safety

7 Disaster Safety Storm SafetyLightning Safety

8 Portable Generator Safety

9 Disaster Safety Portable Generator Safety

10 Personnel  Continued training Continued training  Test before you touch (re-test) Test before you touch (re-test)  PPE proper care & use PPE proper care & use Plant & Equipment  Proper design Proper design  Up-to-date training Up-to-date training  Continuing maintenance Continuing maintenance Procedures  Review and Updated? Review and Updated?  Lock-out-tag-out Lock-out-tag-out  Job planning Job planning  DE-ENERGIZE DE-ENERGIZE  Arc Flash awareness Arc Flash awareness Workplace Electrical Safety Program

11 Goal: To educate agricultural workers about the hazards posed by overhead power lines at the job site.  Train-the-Trainer Curriculum Train-the-Trainer Curriculum  Initial trainings administered to member organizations & in planned sessions. Initial trainings administered to member organizations & in planned sessions.  Teaching Poster Teaching Poster  Distribution at annual events and to network of members. Distribution at annual events and to network of members. Overhead Power Line Safety for Agricultural Workers

12 “Zero Tolerance for Counterfeits:” Multifaceted program developed to advance awareness among the public and industry stakeholders. Includes infographics, tip sheets and videos to educate manufacturers, distributors, contractors, and consumers Program is funded by UL, Schneider Electric, Eaton, and Hubbell Incorporated Anti-Counterfeit

13 Home Electrical Safety


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