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Strategy 11 Identify Chronic Behavior and Mood Disorders Some behaviors that continue to happen regardless of the interventions might be the sign of something.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy 11 Identify Chronic Behavior and Mood Disorders Some behaviors that continue to happen regardless of the interventions might be the sign of something."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy 11 Identify Chronic Behavior and Mood Disorders Some behaviors that continue to happen regardless of the interventions might be the sign of something more serious than simple misbehavior. See the following descriptions of some disorders: Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Some symptoms are (this is not a comprehensive list nor does it mean that if your child does some of these he or she is ADD/ADHD) Quickly beginning but finishing tasks Poor time orientation and management Acting first and thinking later Poor organizational skills Inability to delay gratification Moodiness, defiance, and aggression Inability to learn from past mistakes or plan ahead Poor short-term memory

2 Continue Conduct Disorder Children with conduct disorder demonstrate severe antisocial behavior and are very difficult for parents to handle: Disruptive or aggressive behavior patterns Willfully bullying or hurting others No guilt or regard for how others feel Hurting or killing animals Lying, stealing, and then not understanding why they are not trusted Lacking empathy for others Being physically cruel to others Blaming others for their problems

3 Continued Depression Depression is a chronic condition that is serious and intense. It is a mood disorder that affects the mind and the body. Persistent feelings of sadness or emptiness Aches and pains that cannot be explained Loss of friendships Increased fatigue or lack of energy Inability to concentrate Feelings of guilt and worthlessness Declining academic performance-even in high achieving students

4 Continued Learned Helplessness When a child fails because he/she has failed so many times before and he/she believes that passing is impossible so the student has completely given up hope to pass and expects to fail-that is learned helplessness. Unresponsive even when events are shocking Perceived inability to control circumstances lack of assertiveness or hostility when needed Lack of motivation Statements such as Why bother? or Who cares? Simply going through the motions without feeling Weight of appetite loss Inability to socialize.

5 Continued Oppositional Defiant Disorder ODD is a pattern of hostile, negative, and chronic behavior that lasts up to six months. Children with ODD are aggressive and confrontational. Symptoms include: Loss of temper Defying or arguing with adults Becoming vindictive for no reason Low self-esteem Becoming easily annoyed by others Being resentful or upset bothering others on purpose Use of profanity

6 Continued Acute Stress Disorder A little stress is actually good for the brain; however, a great deal of stress is not healthy for anyone. If one is suffering from an overabundance of stress it is called distress. Symptoms of this disorder include: Dreams of and flashbacks of the traumatic event A numbness or no response to situations Hypervigilance or increased state or arousal Difficulty sleeping Irritability and anxiety Lost interest in things that were once enjoyed Increased aggressiveness Difficulty feeling affection for others

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