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The Obesity Epidemic and Wellness Programs Callie Johnson, BS, CHES.

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Presentation on theme: "The Obesity Epidemic and Wellness Programs Callie Johnson, BS, CHES."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Obesity Epidemic and Wellness Programs Callie Johnson, BS, CHES

2 Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS, 1985 CDC.GOV

3 Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS, 1990 CDC.GOV

4 Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS, 1995 CDC.GOV

5 Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS, 2000 CDC.GOV

6 Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS, 2005 CDC.GOV

7 Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS, 2007 CDC.GOV

8 What’s the Cost? A 2008 study reported that obese employees cost private employers approximately $45 billion a year as a result of medical expenses and excessive absenteeism. Americans spend $33 billion annually on weight-loss products and services. The potential savings if all inactive American adults became physically active could be $76.6 billion! Nutrition and Exercise Workshop, 2008 F as in Fat -

9 Experts estimate that if we keep on the current course, 75 percent of Americans will be overweight or obese by 2015. F as in Fat -

10 Best Practice Wellness Program Features and Incentives Operate at Multiple Levels Target Most Important Health-Care Issues Engage and Tailor Diverse Components Achieve High Rates of Participation Achieve Successful Outcomes Evaluated on Success - 2006

11 Key Components Planning Implementation Evaluation

12 Planning Needs Assessment Wellness Committee Selecting Providers Establishing Benchmarks Setting Goals/Objectives Marketing/Promotion Confidentiality Ensured

13 Implementation Smoking Cessation Stress Management Health Screenings – Follow-up Education Mini-groups, guided self-help, individual counseling/coaching

14 Evaluation Process Evaluation Outcome Evaluation

15 Wellness Touches A wellness touch is an activity that: – Creates employee awareness of healthy living – Enhances employees’ skills for maintaining and improving their health – Motivates employees toward positive health behavior – Provides employees opportunity or support for healthy living

16 Company A wants you to plan, implement, and evaluate a company wide health program in your Fitness Center as well as across the company. Where do you begin?

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