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Robil Workshop DARPA Robotics Challenge Eliya Shaviv 20/03/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Robil Workshop DARPA Robotics Challenge Eliya Shaviv 20/03/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robil Workshop DARPA Robotics Challenge Eliya Shaviv 20/03/2013

2 Today’s Agenda TimeActivity 11:3011:45Arrival 11:4512:00Eliya- Opening 12:0012:15Michele - Integration &tests 12:1513:00 Hugo- Perception& mounted mobility 13:0013:45 Lunch break 13:4514:15Uri- Operation 14:1515:00 Ari - Decision making Eyal - Monitoring 15:0015:30Miriam- Dynamic locomotion 15:3015:45Break 15:4516:15Gal- Mount\Dismount and stand up 16:1517:00 Amir- Quazi-Static walking & Dexterity

3 Qualification Do it between 1-15/5 Computing machines: Teams shall use their own computing facilities. Configuration: Single configuration, no variation between runs, and no intentional degradation or restriction of the communications link. Scoring: Only the Task Completion scoring criteria will be considered. Qual-1 Qual-2

4 VRC 5 runs on June 18, 5 runs on June 19, and 5 runs on June 20. Configuration: 3 events X5 runs, a total of 15 runs. Each run will take place with a unique configuration (location of robot and objects, contact friction, sensors noise) Communication: The VRC will add latency to the communications link between the OCU and the Field Computer to create a roundtrip latency of 500 ms. Allotments of Time and Communications Time: The time for each run shall be 30 min (1,800 sec). Uplink and Downlink Bits (Paired couples). Shortly in advance of each run, teams will be told what bandwidth limitations will be in place for the run

5 VRC The run shall end upon completion of the task, or upon expiration of the allotted time A run shall terminate if the robot sustains damage, that is, 3 times of large accelerations of robot’s COM Scoring: 1 st criteria: The total number of checkpoints a team achieves over all 15 runs. 2 nd criteria (optional): The percentage of uplink bits remaining after all 15 runs 3 rd criteria (optional): The total number of seconds remaining from the initial allotment after all 15 runs Initialization Once a run begins, the team may use up to two (2) minutes in the starting pen to do whatever they wish. The intent is for the teams to verify that their system is up and running. The robot must remain in the starting pen. This time is not tallied in the score. The run time starts when the robot leaves the starting pen, or when two (2) minutes elapse, whichever time is less.

6 March-13April-13May-13June-13 17/324/331/37/414/421/428/45/512/519/526/52/69/616/6 External Integration Development 28/5-7/6 Training on VRC cloud 28/5-7/6 Training on VRC cloud VRC 17- 19/6 VRC 1-15/5 Qualification 1-15/5 Qualification Passover Last minute Fixes And strategies Last minute Fixes And strategies Test & debug Qual-1 and Qual-2 trees Test & debug Qual-1 and Qual-2 trees Final DRCSim Version Release Integrate Qual-1 and Qual-2 tasks Integrate Qual-1 and Qual-2 tasks Run events 1-3 trees (local/cloud) Flush out all logical problems Final integration ALL tasks (stubs or real) Get all stubs working in a behavior tree Continuous development send tasks stubs/real ones Deadline to send functional tasks for Qual-1 and Qual-2 Deadline to send functional tasks for events 1-3 Continuous Integration Exhaustive tests in various environments Run events 1- 3 trees on REAL tasks Regression Final improvements and debugging Participation in tests process Roadmap for Victory (!)

7 March-13April-13May-13June-13 17/324/331/37/414/421/428/45/512/519/526/52/69/616/6 External Integration Development 28/5-7/6 Training on VRC cloud 28/5-7/6 Training on VRC cloud 17- 19/6 VRC 1-15/5 Qualification 1-15/5 Qualification Passover Last minute Fixes And strategies Last minute Fixes And strategies Test & debug Qual-1 and Qual-2 trees Test & debug Qual-1 and Qual-2 trees Final DRCSim Version Integrate Qual-1 and Qual-2 tasks Integrate Qual-1 and Qual-2 tasks Run events 1-3 trees (local/cloud) Flush out all logical problems Final integration ALL tasks (stubs or real) Get all stubs working in a behavior tree Continuous development send tasks stubs/real ones Send functional tasks for Qual-1 and Qual-2 Send functional tasks for events 1-3 Continuous Integration Exhaustive tests in various environments Run events 1-3 trees on REAL tasks Regression Final improvements and debugging Participation in tests process Roadmap for victory

8 Integration and Tests Michele Hallak-Stamler

9 Tasks Status Working Tasks (even partial): T1: – PushHMI – HMIResponse T2: – TrackLocalization T3: – PathPlanning – PathPlanningFocus T4: – PostureControl – StandUp T5: – InitDrive – WayPointDriving – FinishDrive T6: -- ROBIL – Integration Status

10 Ultimate Goals Turn 21 modules into 1 system Run events trees ROBIL – Integration Status

11 What is integration? Checking that the modules work properly together Checking system behavior of the robot For example: integration of 3 modules – Identify object (publish coordinates) – Get path to this object – Drive to this object (follow path)

12 ROBIL – Integration Status What is integration? Integration tests take time and flush out problems Problems must be solved by teams fast so that tests can be done again It is expected to find problems during integration. (It is normal). For example: integration of 3 modules – Identify object (publish coordinates) What happens if not found? Behavior tree MUST handle that case. – Get path to this object – Drive to this object (follow path)

13 Test trees on as many different environments as possible Find and correct problems and adopt winning strategies Tests

14 ROBIL – Integration Status 14 Questions?

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