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Taylor & Francis Journals & How to get published? Biplob Kamrujjaman Journals Area Sales Manager Middle East & North Africa and Turkey.

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Presentation on theme: "Taylor & Francis Journals & How to get published? Biplob Kamrujjaman Journals Area Sales Manager Middle East & North Africa and Turkey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taylor & Francis Journals & How to get published? Biplob Kamrujjaman Journals Area Sales Manager Middle East & North Africa and Turkey

2 Overview Taylor & Francis – About us T&F and Algerian Researchers community Algeria Research output How to get published with T&F Citation Database and Impact factor Q&A

3 About Taylor & Francis

4 First Commercial Journal in the world 1 st Article and issue of Philosophical Magazine, published in 1798 Established in 1798 when Richard Taylor launched “Philosophical Magazine”.

5 20 global offices Offices Head office, UK USA India Singapore China Australia

6 Our imprints include: Taylor & Francis publishes our Science, Technology and Engineering journals Routledge covers Social Science, Arts and Humanities Psychology Press is the world's premier Behavioural Science publisher Imprints

7 Our Journals

8 162 new titles added in 2015

9 Over 1,752 titles and 2.5M Articles

10 Notable titles in the collection

11 Some notable titles

12 Taylor & Francis and Algerian Researchers community

13 Article published by Algerian Researchers in T&F Journals 2010 to 2013. 340%+ Growth just in 4 years.

14 Algerian Research Output Growth Vs. Articles by Algerian Researchers in T&F Journals


16 Top used titles in Algeria RankTitle 1Hydrological Sciences Journal 2Desalination and Water Treatment 3 European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 4Journal of Essential Oil Research 5Electric Power Components and Systems 6Acta Botanica Gallica 7Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 8Natural Product Research 9 Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 10Environmental Technology

17 Algerian Research Output


19 World Vs. Algeria Research SubjectWorld’s Total Publications World’s Absolute Strength % Algeria’s Equivalent Proportion Ratio Mechanics17,9991.26%5.36%4.25 Thermodynamics9,0710.64%2.64%4.15 Water Resources126390.89%3.06%3.45 Construction Building Tech6,4200.45%1.55%3.45 Automation Control System8,1290.57%1.65%2.89 Imaging Science Photographic Tech 2,4840.17%0.47%2.70 Mathematics55,4073.88%9.60%2.57 Optics25,2811.77%4.33%2.44 Physics132,2539.27%21.51%2.32

20 Citations per Documents

21 How to get published with T&F

22 Start of the Publishing Cycle 1. Idea 2. Choose Journal 3. Read back issues 4. Write first draft 5. Use critical friend 6. Refine further drafts 7. Check notes for contributor s 8. Proof- read and submit

23 The Peer Review Process 23 1. Editor receives manuscript 2. Reviewers 3. Accept Minor amendments Major amendments Reject 4. Feedback to author 5. Amend 6. Publisher proof stage 7. Article Published!

24 Preparation Publishing Ethics CrossCheck COPE (Committee of Publications Ethics) – Original work – Do not submit more than one Journals at a time. – Follow National & International procedures that ruled the ethics of Experimentation on humans and animals. – Warn specific particular hazards – Declare any potential conflict of interest – Harming or damage someone’s reputation 24

25 Choosing a right Journal Ask the right questions and know the right answers: 25 International Audience? Editor? Editorial Board? Publisher? Authors? Readership? Online/Print? Impact Factor? Peer Review? Submission process? Open Access policy? What we see? Submit to wrong journal Not Relevant to readership No Contribution to subject

26 Know Your Audience Q. Do you: a) Write an article for a specific journal? b) Find any journal for your article A. Be in the minority: 30% of authors write for a specific journal, 70% write the article and panic. 26

27 Writing for Your Chosen Journal Read author instruction Aims and scope Most cited articles Abstract, Published issues Talk with your peers 27

28 Concise Accurate Informative Readers’ Search 28 Article Title

29 What Makes a Good Title? The title and abstract are the most visible parts of your article. "We would typically expect a strong title, a good title that really expressed what the article was about and made it clear to the reader exactly what the topic was, and it's amazing how often writers neglect to do that.” Professor Mark Brundrett, Editor of Education 3-13 29

30 Abstract Mirror of your research 100-200 words Spend good time for Abstract Key word

31 What Makes a Good Abstract? “A good abstract will tell you what the key issue that’s addressed is, it’ll give you an idea of the methods that have been used and the conclusions that have been arrived at. So that abstract ought to tell someone whether it’s worth them spending part of their life reading this paper. If the abstract doesn’t do that the chances are the paper will have further weaknesses.” Professor David Gillborn, Editor, Race, Ethnicity and Education

32 Artwork/Images Copyright clearance/permission 32

33 Supplemental Materials Datasets, Filesets to presentations, video to audio file Why Include Supplemental materials? -Article more discoverable -Other researchers can cite and increase impact of your work -Research shows that articles with supplemental materials are downloaded and cited more often. 33

34 Cover letter Include -Article title -The name of Journal -Authors details -Suggested Reviewers (if any) name and details -A brief explanation why your article is of interest to the journal -Figures, table and number of words ScholarOne has all these required fields.

35 Submission Check list -Author details (Name, address, tel, email, etc) -Co-Author details -Title/Abstract/Keywords -Number of pages in sequence -Spellcheck -References are correct format -Tables, figures, -Correct images

36 ScholarOne Software we use for 1000 Journals Find ScholarOne Submission - Go Relevant Journal homepage and click on “Online submission” - If you don’t find ScholarOne?

37 Beyond Publications Promote your Articles -Your Department website -Personal website - Social media –Linked in(55 million) –Academia –CiteUlike –Blogs –Tweet

38 Top Ten Reasons for Rejection 1Out of scope 2Not an true academic article 3Too long/too short 4Disregard for writing conventions 5Poor style, grammar, punctuation or English 6No contribution to the subject 7Not contextualised interest 8Poor theoretical framework/lacks references 9Scrappily presented and sloppily proofread 10Libellous, unethical, rude 38

39 What to Do if Your Paper is Rejected? Do nothing for a few days: calm down! It’s not usually worth getting into a discussion with the Editor about the reviewers, it won’t alter the decision. Use the reviewers’ comments, alter the paper and submit to another journal. If you do submit elsewhere, take care to alter your paper to the new style of that journal. Editors can easily detect a paper that was submitted to a rival publication. If asked to make heavy amendments and resubmit, you must decide if it is worthwhile. Remember, you may get rejected again! It may be better to go elsewhere. 39

40 Citation Databases - Thompson Reuters Citation Index - ERIH( European Reference Index for the Humanities ) - IBSS ( International Bibliography of Social Sciences ) - ARC ( Australian Research Council) - Scopus

41 Impact Factor Number of citations received in the impact factor year to articles published in the two previous years, divided by the number of articles published in these two years. For example, the 2012 Impact factor for Journal “X” Citation Received in 2012 to articles published in Journal “X” in 2011 = 300 Citation Received in 2012 to articles published in Journal “X” in 2010 = 200 Total citations received in 2012 to articles published in 2011 and 2012 = 500 Number of Articles published in “X” in 2010 = 50 Number of Articles published in “X” in 2011 = 50 2012 Impact factor for Journal “X” =(500/100)=5.00

42 Author Resources URL

43 Platform URL


45 Thank you for listening Any Questions?

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