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Not a personal trainer.. AN ATHLETIC TRAINER IS...

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1 Not a personal trainer.. AN ATHLETIC TRAINER IS..


3  Athletic Trainers (ATs) are certified health care professionals who specialize in the prevention, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. DEFINITION:

4  Because of the title, ATC’s are often confused with other professions.  What professions might they be confused for?  How can we prevent this?  Yes, you actually have to answer these out loud and write down suggestions …..

5  Est. 1800’s  Limited to massage  Application of counter-irritant (think Benadryl cream)  Prescription of home remedies (think hot tea and honey for a cold)  1917 - The Trainer’s Bible – S. E. Bilik released during WW1  First “textbook” for those that wanted to learn the profession  1950 - National Athletic Training Association Est  Purpose: Est. professional standards  1991 - American Medical Assoc (AMA) officially recognizes Athletic Training as an Allied Health Care Profession (think doctors, nurses, etc) HISTORY

6  The roles of the Athletic Trainer (AT) include the following:  injury prevention;  recognition, evaluation, and immediate care of athletic injuries;  rehabilitation and reconditioning;  health care administration;  professional development and responsibility.  Sub-roles of an AT:  AT’s often act as a counselor, mediator, encourager ROLE OF AN AT

7 Primary  AT’s work in collaboration with physicians (not just team orthopedic)  As well as:  Athlete  Athlete's parent or guardian  Athletic Director  Team physician  Certified AT  Coach Secondary  AT’s collaborate with other medical personal such as:  Physical therapist  School nurse (usually AT is school nurse)  Dentist SPORTS MEDICINE TEAM

8  In order to become an AT, one must graduate from an accredited Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP). Programs are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE).  2 year intensive program  Previously: Bachelor’s program, now it is ONLY a Master’s program  70% of AT’s have an MA  Must pass BOC  After you are certified, you have to obtain CEU’s to keep your license. BECOMING AN AT

9  Certification vs Licensure vs Registration  Licensure is a stricture form of regulation, placing more boundaries and duties on the AT. Varies from State to State.  Certification states that you have basic knowledge and skill to practice, but places no extra boundaries or duties on AT  Registration does not require proof of completion of education or passing BOC. No practice standards are set for ATC

10  Athletic training careers  Traditional settings  Scholastic environments  High school/university (DI, II, III)  Professional teams  Nontraditional settings  Sports medicine clinics  Clinics (pain management)  Health clubs (gyms)  Industrial sites (warehouse)  Performing arts  Military  Non-traditional sports (BMX Rodeo, Martial Arts, etc.)  Many more…. WORK SETTINGS

11  Athletic Trainers in the Military   Athletic Trainers in the Performing Arts (Cirque, Ballet, Theater)   Athletic Trainers in Rodeo 

12  Wake up early everyday/Stay late at work everyday  Stress  Can’t control the weather  Non-compliant athletes  Parents/coaches  Poor sleeping cycles  Personal appearance  Homesick  Job satisfaction  Changing lives of athletes LIFE STYLE /EFFECTS

13  Stamina and ability to adapt  Subject to burnout  Empathy  Needs to sense distress and desire to alleviate that distress  Sense of humor  Rated as most important attribute  Ability to communicate  Intellectual curiosity  Ethics QUALITIES AN ATC NEEDS TO HAVE

14 Degree2011 Average Annual Salary Bachelor’s$46,176 Master’s$51, 144 Doctorate$76,262 SALARY

15 NOT A WATER GIRL  Vital to a successful Athletic Training Program is any facility  Can only operate under supervision of ATC  Primary roles:  Asst. with general safety procedures  Learning taping skills  Being able to identify when ath is not acting “normal”  Use appropriate first aid techniques  Acts as assistant to Head ATC STUDENT ATHLETIC TRAINER

16  The foundational behavior of understanding and valuing patients' differences and working responsibly with diverse patient populations  What can go wrong?  Yes, answer this out loud and write down your answers CULTURAL COMPETENCY

17  Overall injury rates were 1.73 times higher among soccer players and 1.22 times higher among basketball players in schools without athletic trainers.  Recurrent injury rates were 5.7 times higher in soccer and 2.97 times higher in basketball in schools without athletic trainers.  In contrast, concussion injury rates were 8.05 times higher in soccer and 4.5 times higher in basketball in schools with athletic trainers. STATISTICS

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