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1.  Since 1999, the County of Chester has conducted a biannual survey of our youth on their behavior, attitudes and knowledge concerning alcohol, tobacco,

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1 1

2  Since 1999, the County of Chester has conducted a biannual survey of our youth on their behavior, attitudes and knowledge concerning alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and violence.  For the 2011 survey, 12 Chester County school districts participated.  A total of 14,600 valid surveys were completed by youth in grades 6, 8, 10 and 12. 2

3  Prevalence Data  Average Age of Onset of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Use  Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Problem Behaviors  Gambling  Depression 3  Anti-Social Behaviors  Bullying  Internet Safety  State comparison data  National comparison (limited scope)

4  The survey provides an important benchmark for alcohol, tobacco and other drug use and other delinquent behaviors. Survey data is used as part of the overall County Strategic Business Plan.  Benchmarks for the Strategic Business Plan for 2012 were as follows: 75% of children and adolescents in Chester County will not use alcohol 90% of youth will not use marijuana 94% of youth will not use illicit drugs, excluding marijuana 4 20092011 % of Chester County youth not using alcohol in the past 30 days 7877 % of Chester County youth not using marijuana in the past 30 days 9089 % of Chester County youth not using illicit drugs, excluding marijuana 94

5  For Chester County 12 th graders the average age of onset reported is:  As a whole, Chester County 2011 results are consistent with statewide data. 5 200720092011 Trying Alcohol14.114.4 Drinking Alcohol Regularly 15.515.6 Smoking Marijuana 14.614.8 Smoking Cigarettes 14.014.414.3

6 Alcohol – Past 30-Day Use Since the 1999 survey year, alcohol continues to be the primary substance of abuse among all grades and a significant concern. The table below shows Past 30-Day Use of Alcohol 2003 – 2011 in Grades 6, 8, 10 and 12 for Chester County Youth. 6

7  Driving after Drinking: Chester County 12 th graders show a decrease from 23.8% (2003) to 15.4% (2011).  Driving after Drinking: 2011 is the first year that 12 th graders in Chester County report lower incidences than statewide (15.4% and 16.2%). Driving after Marijuana Use: Chester County 12 th graders show a decrease from 25.2% (2003) to 22% (2011).  Driving after Marijuana Use: Chester County 12 th graders consistently report higher rates than the statewide. 7

8 Driving Under the Influence 8

9 Binge Drinking Chester County, Pennsylvania and National Comparison 2011 9

10 Chester County Youth Use of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs – Past 30-Day Use 10

11 Past 30-Day Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs – Chester County 11

12 Protective Factors: Conditions that are known to decrease the likelihood that a youth will engage in problem behaviors. Risk Factors: Conditions that increase the likelihood of a young person becoming involved in problem behaviors. Chester County Programming Priorities:  Community Awareness  Community Level Change  Parent Education  Youth Programming 12

13  Community Awareness: Increase community knowledge and understanding of available resources  Speaking Engagements  Telephone/Electronic Information and Referral  Parent Education: Increase parent understanding of risk behavior and support healthy attitudes  Evidenced based programming - Parenting Wisely, Nurse Family Partnership 13

14  Community Level Change: Effect changes at the community level to enhance healthy behaviors for youth  Community Mobilization – e.g. Communities that Care  Youth Programming: Educate youth in critical transition years about risk behavior  Evidence based programming – Beginning Awareness Basic Education Studies (BABES), Project Alert 14

15  For a copy of the full reports, please log onto Click on Departments/D-H/Drug and Alcohol Services/Helpful Links  Years Available: 2005 2007 2009 2011 15

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