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Corporate Social Responsibility and Employees in Sustainable Tourism Organisations Associate Professor Margaret Deery Professor Leo Jago Michael Stewart.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Social Responsibility and Employees in Sustainable Tourism Organisations Associate Professor Margaret Deery Professor Leo Jago Michael Stewart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Social Responsibility and Employees in Sustainable Tourism Organisations Associate Professor Margaret Deery Professor Leo Jago Michael Stewart Victoria University Australia BEST Education Network Think Tank VI Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainable Tourism JUNE 13 - 16, 2006, Girona, (Catalonia), Spain

2 Corporate Social Responsibility "The commitment of business to contribute to sustainable economic development, working with employees, their families, the local community and society at large to improve their quality of life.” The World Business Council on Sustainable Development.

3 Outline of Presentation Theoretical Framework Background to the study and the research site Method Findings Implications and significance

4 Theoretical Framework Concepts of Human Resource Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)(Weiser & Zadek, 2000) CSR and Investors in People – A UK Experiment: –better job satisfaction and recognition, –skill and career development opportunities –pride in working in successful organisations. –improved communications, skills –acquiring further qualifications.

5 CSR, Employees and the Australian Workforce Interpretation of CSR in Australia Stakeholder Theory ‘Principalled Management’ –rationality, productiveness, pride, independence, integrity, honesty and justice

6 Research Site Five-star, medium sized hotel Employee attitude survey over seven years HR priorities also included improving management style and communication

7 Strategies for CSR in the Heritage Hotel To improve management style: –perceived as being autocratic style –desired change to consultative style –implemented concept of Covey’s Seven Effective Habits. To improve communications: –successfully applied for Workplace English and Literacy (WEL) funding –used TAFE provider to: enhance English speaking skills improve meetings input

8 Method Quantitative attitudinal survey examining: –day-to-day work issues – communication – management issues Survey population: all staff Survey period: longitudinal study over 7 years

9 Results The key areas for examination were: An improvement in the level of satisfaction with the work team Pride in working in the hotel A sense of fulfillment in undertaking the work The employee’s sense of employment security Having less time to be with family Receiving recognition for good performance Being able to work flexible hours Having the opportunity to earn higher wages

10 ASPECTS OF YOUR WORK LIFE IN RELATION TO YOUR PRESENT JOB 199719981999200020022004 2005 2004- 2005 %%% % % diff I am treated fairly 36.34148.660.861.971.4 0.0 I am working with people who cooperate well with each other 45.250.650.453.650.861.1 67.9 6.8 I have security of employment 48.962.765.554.466.777.9 67.3 -10.6 I have enough time left for personal and family life 47.439.848.656.566.764.7 63.6 -1.1 I am working for a reputable company with a strong association with quality 66.760.259.656.769.971.2 62.5 -8.7 I receive recognition for good performance 30.434.940.347.842.855.8 52.7 -3.1 I have access to adequate equipment to perform my job 28.930.13344.965.158.9 51.8 -7.1 Most staff here look after the organisation's equipment 47.7 48.2 0.5 I have flexible hours of work 45.251.85660.347.662.5 47.3 -15.2 I enjoy good working conditions 26.730.134.946.35445.9 46.4 0.5 I have the opportunity for advancement to higher level jobs 22.226.529.735.82745.5 41.1 -4.4 I have the opportunity for higher earnings 28.122.934.527.22745.7 39.3 -6.4 Indicators of CSR

11 Comments on Worklife I am able to do my work without any interference The hours I work are sometimes a bit depressing. I no longer have a social life. We used to have a lot of problems with Management (there were a lot of cat and mouse games). But that's fixed up now. The only other thing would be the really rude and arrogant customers that just can't be pleased. Started at the bottom and have been fully supported in working my way up the ladder. Spending too much time - long hours. Not being able to spend time with my family.

12 ASPECTS OF YOUR WORK LIFE AT THE HOTEL 199719981999200020022004 2005 2004 - 2005 %%% % % My work has a direct noticeable impact76.372.374.865.271.579.3 82.1 2.8 I am proud to tell others that I am part of this organization 70.472.3 66.160.375.9 80.7 4.8 I speak highly of the Hotel to my friends57.856.662.561.26566.1 73.2 7.1 I have a sense of achievement in my job 51.151.850.950.85467.3 60.7 -6.6 Work is personally fulfilling50.45357.250.852.462.5 63.2 0.7 I am recognized for the effort that I put in 32.642. 43.9 -0.3 Increase in pride Decrease in sense of achievement Overall improvement

13 Comments: Likes and Dislikes about the Hotel Challenge, job satisfaction, being able to contribute to the success of the Windsor - a great hotel. Environment - make you feel comfy. Lack of communication between areas and people not being pulled up when they don't do their work All the bitchiness and back stabbing that's happening - clique groups Politics. The unsafe equipment we use - not fair for staff to use it. First of all the brand name 'The ……..' and then the Management and flexible work hours.

14 Level of Commitment by The Hotel to the Staff – An Indication of CSR LEVEL OF COMMITMENT19992000200220042005 2004 - 2005 Low Commitment 33.739.742.625.7 25 -0.7 Moderate Commitment 30.929.429.2 50 20.8 High Commitment 35.530.827.845.1 25 -20.1 Level of Personal Commitment by Staff to The Hotel LEVEL OF COMMITMENT 19992000200220042005 2004 - 2005 Low Commitment 1823.519.312.4 5.3 -7.1 Moderate Commitment 20.727.92117.7 31.6 13.9 High Commitment 61.248.659.769.963.2-6.7 Decrease in high commitment Increase in moderate commitment by staff Significant decrease in hotel commitment

15 THERE IS SOMEONE TO LISTEN TO AND ACT ON COMPLAINTS 2000200220042005 2004- 2005 %% % (+/- ) Strongly disagree -5.3 Disagree 13.4198.8 8.9 0.1 Neither disagree or agree 26.922.222.1 10.7 -11.4 Agree 44.836.540.7 51.8 11.1 Strongly agree 914.323 28.6 5.6 An Indicator of CSR: Perceptions of Corporate communica- tion

16 Comments: How to Improve the Hotel Drastic need for staff training. Not in terms of HR but in terms of individual departments, particularly F&B service. Improve communication between departments. If you keep going with the annual employee satisfaction survey this can help to improve the Windsor or Windsor area. More in-depth training with all new staff. There should be more of a staff excellence reward, or being told they are doing a good job. This does not include employee of the month which is obviously chosen by management. More positive feedback

17 Employee Perceptions of the Hotel’s CSR Employee turnover is indicator of CSR satisfaction with Hotel: –Increase in those who will remain until they retire –May be a sign of ‘good health’, however….

18 The Next Stages For greater success with CSR, the Hotel needs to: –targeted training, –provide greater feedback to staff, –improve communication throughout the organization –develop a greater sense of ‘community’ ‘family’ through some bonding activities.

19 Questions?

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