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Performance Management Q&A Sessions November 10, 2010.

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1 Performance Management Q&A Sessions November 10, 2010

2 Optimal Performance Optimal performance requires: A manager who is a capable leader A performer who responds appropriately to that coaching Mutual desire to work together to achieve the needed results. Collaborative, Communicative, Honest, Supportive, Critical

3 Capable Leader - CLIMB Create a compelling vision – paint a clear picture and paint me into it. Listen & Learn – ask more, answer less. Involve every mind – generate consensus and buy-in Manage the middle – facilitate groups and coach individuals. Build credibility – own the blame, share the credit.

4 Basic Requirements for Optimal Performance Clarity: aligned, specific, measurable/observable Skill: ability, competency, capacity Will: commitment, conscientiousness, attitude Support: resources, delegation, training, coaching

5 Changing Perspectives on Conflict

6 GOALS (Guidelines pg. 1)

7 SMART GOALS – (Guidelines pg. 5) Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time Based

8 SPECIFIC The desired outcomes of the goal are clearly defined or explained. Ties to CLARITY on the C,S,W,S model Do you have a clear & mutual understanding of what success looks like when achieved? Must be objective, concrete, detailed, focused and well defined. Diagnostic questions: WHAT am I going to do? HOW am I going to do it? Uses Action Words: Develop, Facilitate, Revise, etc. (See training booklet for an entire page of action words)

9 MEASURABLE The desired outcomes are expressed in quantifiable or readily observable terms. Ties to CLARITY on the C,S,W,S model If it can’t be measured it can’t be managed! Training booklet has a page dedicated to types of measures: Quantity & Quality of work Cost & Time management Observations Interim measures are important to keep progress on track and to feel success & motivation during the year. Diagnostic questions: How will I know that change has occurred? Can these measurements be obtained?

10 ACHIEVABLE The goal represents a reasonable challenge, but must be achievable. SKILL, & SUPPORT on the C,S,W,S A goal is not an aspiration or vision – must be achievable to keep you motivated! Diagnostic questions: Do I have the appropriate support from others to achieve this goal (understanding constraints)? Do I have the appropriate skills to achieve this goal? Can it be done in the proposed time frame? Can it be done with the resources that we have?

11 RELEVANT The goal must clearly link to the department’s and/or University’s broader goals in a meaningful way. Create a compelling vision & paint me in it Something that the individual can impact, which is consistent with the mission of the department and the University, and is important to the department and/or the University as a whole. Diagnostic questions: How does the goal help to successfully accomplish the goals of the department/supervisor/University? Does the goal align with the plans and priorities of the department/supervisor/University?

12 TIME-BASED Measurable outcomes have milestones and/or target completion date(s). Diagnostic Questions: When will this objective be completed? Do I need to consider interim measurement periods? Is there a stated deadline?

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