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Older people in Higher Education: Why study for a qualification? Anne Jamieson Birkbeck, University of London BSG Annual Conference Bangor September 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Older people in Higher Education: Why study for a qualification? Anne Jamieson Birkbeck, University of London BSG Annual Conference Bangor September 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Older people in Higher Education: Why study for a qualification? Anne Jamieson Birkbeck, University of London BSG Annual Conference Bangor September 2006

2 Aims To present some evidence on the participation of older people in Higher Education study. To explore why they study for a qualification.

3 Background and Context Education context. HE funding policies – outcome driven and evidence based Lack of evidence about motivations and benefits of HE for mature students Older adults relatively low priority – yet some do find their way to HE – can policy makers be persuaded that they are worthwhile investing in?

4 Birkbeck (OU) study Aim: to understand more about the economic and social benefits of part-time study. Three-year study of a cohort of graduates: 1. Postal questionnaire survey (year 1) 2. Interviews with sub-sample (year 2) 3. Follow-up survey (year 3)

5 Birkbeck study population Questionnaires to 600 undergraduate finalists and to 1,000 post-graduates and 1,100Certificate/Diploma graduates. So, all completed their progr. of study Response: Overall response rate was 58% Total responses: 1,539

6 Questions asked about: 1.Background characteristics Employment and income Involvement in community Socio-economic status; own and parents’ education 2.Study reasons for study benefits of study

7 Open University study Similar size population (sample of graduates) Same questionnaire Same range of qualifications Today: Focus on Birkbeck findings

8 Age and sex

9 Qualification awarded

10 Subjects studied

11 Qualification on entry

12 Reasons for study 51-60 61+ All Reasons To change type of work33951 Make work more satisfying291238 To get recognised qualification614171 To get on future course362841 Personal development846684 To meet people353930

13 Work and further study benefits

14 Personal and social benefits: age and gender effects. Birkbeck

15 The importance of the qualification How important is the qualification for the older students? If it is ‘not important’, why do they study for it?

16 Reason: Recognised qual.

17 Benefit: Recognised Qualification

18 Qualitative material Two aspects of qualification: 1.An outcome 2.Part of the study process Interviews conducted previously: what do older students themselves say about their reasons for study and the role of the assessment and qualification?

19 Qualification as outcome Status and self-esteem: Catching up with peers/family; validation Or Replacement of lost status (retirement)

20 Qualification as outcome “ I wanted to have something to do….I did not want to just flit about being retired as it were, I did not see myself as retiring, I see myself as going on to a new venture.. I want to be stretched intellectually and fairly…I don’t have a degree and I suppose I have collected various other qualifications along the way..I think I felt that if I collect enough it’s going to sort of ….that was a bad decision I made at’s validated my feeling that I could have done a degree…it is that sort of degree level…all my family have degrees. “

21 Qualification as outcome I just want to have a degree – I want to prove that I can do it too...more than that: I am basically lazy...need a regime…it gives me a plan of work..somebody to tell me what to do….I do actually enjoy essay is the main centre of my life...I will take the degree if I can....after that a PhD, just to be able to say I have got it. I want to know: can I get it? Have I got that sort of brain?”….

22 Studying for a qualification (‘process’) Life structure; milestones Clear challenge; sense of achievement Enhancing the learning

23 Qualification and process “ I am not interested in the qualification….but at the same time it is an objective…I need a tangible qualification as a marker…I like the feed-back I get from my coursework…I like a challenge when it is self-made”

24 Qualification as process “I dread the coursework deadlines….but I need them to give me structure…and to show mastery of the subject…It is a sort of masochistic pleasure”. “ has to hurt..”

25 Impact on learning “I enjoyed doing the reading for the essays…I work best under pressure..would read and think and think…the 2 years consumed me..always thinking about it…” “I wouldn’t have got as much out of it if I had not had to do the assessment” “I enjoyed the freedom of the dissertation…it made things more crystal clear…when I finished it I couldn’t come down for weeks and weeks…a sense of loss …I still feel a sense of loss…”

26 Conclusions: Main reasons for studying for qualification ( other than instrumental work/progression related): Wish to acquire a skill, e.g. language; IT (need for feed-back and checking) Confirmation of self-esteem, respect and status Deep and passionate interest in the subject – identity related (as distinct from a general interest in a subject; a wish for intellectual stimulation etc (‘leisure learning’?)

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