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Definition : Bronchopneumonia is an acute or chronic inflammation of the lungs, in which the alveoli and / or interstitial are affected. Pneumonias are.

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Presentation on theme: "Definition : Bronchopneumonia is an acute or chronic inflammation of the lungs, in which the alveoli and / or interstitial are affected. Pneumonias are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definition : Bronchopneumonia is an acute or chronic inflammation of the lungs, in which the alveoli and / or interstitial are affected. Pneumonias are the most common cause of death among infectious diseases. They take the fifth place in the statistics of diseases causing death.

2 Causes of bronchopneumonia In most cases it occurs because of descends (which is going down) infection of the bronchi in an acute bronchitis. Inflammatory foci in different sizes are formed in the lung parenchym, which contain purulent exudates when there are bacterial causal. These sections are hardened, greyish in color, they could be great number or merge between each other (confluent pneumonia).

3 Etiology : * staphylococcus aureus * streptococuss * Klebsiella * E.coli * pseudomonas * H. infleunza

4 Sings and Symptoms : Dyspnea, chest pain, cough ( productive ), expectoration fever, tachycardia, chills,fatigue. - On physical examination : - 1- palpation : vocal fremitus not changed. - 2- precussion : resonance - 3- ascultation : bronchoviscular breathing, crackles

5 On paraclinical examination : 1- X-ray : focal shadow with diameter of 1-2 cm 2- bacteriological exploration of sputum – agent 3- general exploration od sputum – leukocytes 4- hemculture 5- hemograma : increasing of leukocyte number 6- CBC : ESR is increased.

6 Differental diagnosis : pulmonary infraction, pulmonary edema. Bronchopneumonia complication : pulmonary fibrosis, empyema, bronchiectasis, lung abscess, pleural effusion, ventilatory failure.

7 Treatment : 1- Chest drainage therapy involves the removal of air, blood, pus. 2- Oxygen Therapy. 3- Antibiotics : erythromycin, ampicillin, tetracycline, gentamycin, amoxillin.

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