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No More Dead Dogs Vocabulary pgs. 46-92. 1. Bristle – v. to show signs of anger.

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Presentation on theme: "No More Dead Dogs Vocabulary pgs. 46-92. 1. Bristle – v. to show signs of anger."— Presentation transcript:

1 No More Dead Dogs Vocabulary pgs. 46-92

2 1. Bristle – v. to show signs of anger

3 2. Legitimate – adj. keeping with what is right or allowable

4 3. Protruding – v. sticking out

5 4. Maneuver – v. to guide or handle with intent to trick

6 5. Sabotage – v. wreck; destroy

7 6. Profile – n. a representation or “picture”

8 7. Disembowelment – n. removal of the bowels

9 8. Playwright – n. a person who writes plays

10 9. Tension – n. mental stress

11 10. Berserk – adj. frenzied; crazed

12 11. Subdued – adj. defeated; curbed; conquered

13 12. Moped – n. small two- wheeling motorized vehicle

14 13. Reign – n. rule; dominance

15 14. Ruckus – n. loud disturbance

16 15. Pandemonium – n. wild uproar

17 16. Affable – adj. pleasant; friendly; at ease

18 17. Strident – adj. harsh sounding; shrill

19 18. Ominously – adv. Suggesting danger or doom

20 19. Demoralized – adj. weakened in spirit; feeling hopeless

21 20. Revolutionary – n. a radical or extremist

22 21. Muffler – n. a scarf for the neck

23 22. Indispensable – adj. absolutely necessary

24 23. Clamber – v. to climb awkwardly

25 24. Perplexed – adj. confused

26 25. Conjugating – v. to give the different forms of a verb in order to bepastpresentfuture First Personwasamwill be Second Personwerearewill be Third Personwasiswill be First Person Pluralwerearewill be Second Person Pluralwerearewill be Third Person Pluralwerearewill be

27 26. Documentary – n. a factual presentation in film

28 27. Peevishly – adv. Crossly; angrily

29 28. “avenging angel” – n. angel of revenge

30 29. Ovation – n. expression or demonstration of praise and approval

31 30. Smarmy – adj. slang for insincere; “kissing up”

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