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Isolating Fat From a Hot Dog In isolating fat from a hot dog I did three different experiments, the last being very similar to the first.

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Presentation on theme: "Isolating Fat From a Hot Dog In isolating fat from a hot dog I did three different experiments, the last being very similar to the first."— Presentation transcript:


2 Isolating Fat From a Hot Dog In isolating fat from a hot dog I did three different experiments, the last being very similar to the first.

3 Results of the three experiments ExperimentWeight of hot dog Weight of fat obtained % of fat obtained One57.4g1.83g Two27.2g half of a hot dog 1.25g Three54.21g6.2g

4 Procedure for experiment one Weigh the hot dog. Cut the hot dog into small pieces. Soak the hot dog in CH 2 CL 2 for five minutes. Decant the CH 2 CL 2 into a flask. Repeat the third and fourth step.

5 Procedure for experiment one continued Dry over mgso 4 Filter into a distilling flask.

6 Distillation Distill off the CH 2 CL 2, leaving the fat in the distillation pot. This process takes about ten minutes.

7 Weight of Fat Be sure you have weighed the distilling flask before you collect the fat. After distillation, weigh the flask containing the fat. Subtract the weight of the flask to obtain the weight fat collected.

8 Soxtet The second experiment was done with the Soxtet. Because the thimble was only big enough to house half of a hot dog, the figures from this experiment will have to be doubled in able to compare them to the other experiments.

9 Distillation The distillation process is the same in all three experiments. After each experiment, weigh the fat collected.

10 Experiment Three The third experiment is very similar to the first. The biggest difference between the first and the third experiment was the size of the hot dog pieces. On the third experiment, the pieces were so small, they were almost crushed. The pieces of hot dog were stirred, whereas before they just soaked for five minutes.

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