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Principal , MCT’s College of Education & Research

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1 Principal , MCT’s College of Education & Research
Topic : Research in ICT in Education by Dr. Savita. S. Sable. Principal , MCT’s College of Education & Research Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst.Prof Mandar Bhanushe. IDOL, UNIV OF MUMBAI

2 Nearly a decade ago there was comparatively speaking, very little awareness in this area (ICT in Education). The emphasis was beyond the excellent work done on interactive Radio Instruction and Educational Television with more focus on Distance Education in general. Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst.Prof Mandar Bhanushe. IDOL, UNIV OF MUMBAI

3 Currently with the explosion of activity in this area, increased scholarly attention , as a result , and specially with the explosion of personal publishing through blogs, forums etc information is more abundant and more diffused. Let us view the Initiatives and some of the researches done in ICT in Education Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst.Prof Mandar Bhanushe. IDOL, UNIV OF MUMBAI

4 Focused Areas of Research
Effective use/Integration of ICT in Education Cross national studies of Impact of ICT in Education. Role of ICT in improving Quality of Education Impact of ICT on learning and Achievement Evaluation with ICT Training of teachers for ICT Teachers teaching and ICT Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst.Prof Mandar Bhanushe. IDOL, UNIV OF MUMBAI

5 Focused Areas of Research (contd..)
Organizational issues pertaining to ICT Curriculum issues and ICT Policy issues related to ICT E-Inclusion and ICT Interventions Best Practices incorporated using ICT Equity special needs/ Marginalized groups issues in use of ICT Learning strategies and tools in online environment. Development of content integrated tools Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst.Prof Mandar Bhanushe. IDOL, UNIV OF MUMBAI

6 Initiatives CERI ( Centre of Educational Research and Innovation) highlights Research on Innovative Learning Environment, Innovative strategies for education , Innovative teaching for innovative learning . ICT4D : Journal devotes occasional attention to the topic/ Related articles on ICT based initiatives Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst.Prof Mandar Bhanushe. IDOL, UNIV OF MUMBAI

7 3. IRRODL ( International Review of Research in ODL): Referred e-journal provide free and open access to all research articles, provides status of Researches done in ICT. 4. EdITLib : Online Education and information Technology -Digital library contains many journal containing articles focusing on Education and IT and Interactive Learning research articles too. Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst.Prof Mandar Bhanushe. IDOL, UNIV OF MUMBAI

8 5. ERIC : Online digital Library of educational research
5. ERIC : Online digital Library of educational research . The Database is the major index to journal articles and documents related to education. 6. Google scholar: uses the popular google search engine to enable searches for scholarly materials/ peer reviewed papers Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst.Prof Mandar Bhanushe. IDOL, UNIV OF MUMBAI

9 To view : Thesis topics for Master and PhD in ICT area Go through this link: Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst.Prof Mandar Bhanushe. IDOL, UNIV OF MUMBAI

10 Now you formulate search items in multiple ways to know areas that are of interest to Educationist in the present scenario in Indian context. Coordinators: Dr Hemlata Chari & Asst.Prof Mandar Bhanushe. IDOL, UNIV OF MUMBAI

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