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 Some words are very tricky to spell  Some words we ALWAYS seem to get wrong  So  What can we do?  Here are some ideas!

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Presentation on theme: " Some words are very tricky to spell  Some words we ALWAYS seem to get wrong  So  What can we do?  Here are some ideas!"— Presentation transcript:


2  Some words are very tricky to spell  Some words we ALWAYS seem to get wrong  So  What can we do?  Here are some ideas!

3  The beach is by the sea  Beech tree

4 One man too many!

5  Birds chirp

6  A piece of pie

7 You hear with your ear.

8  U-TURN

9 Paper is stationery

10 A bus is always busy

11 are rhinos elegant?

12 boys eat apples under trees in France until lunch.

13 big elephants can always upset small elephants

14 do your business on the bus

15  Could  Would  Should old uncle lie down?

16 does Oliver eat sausages?

17  D-i-f-f-i-c-u-l-t-y  Misses d Misses i Misses ffi  Misses c Misses u Misses lty

18 It is great to eat

19 Tell the gent to come in

20 Our Lord fasted for forty days and nights

21 I to the end will be your friend

22 An island is land

23 Parallel has 3 lines

24 She sent a present

25 sour apples in a dish

26 A special agent is someone in the CIA

27 i comes before e except after c receive

28 Tuesday u eat sweets day

29 Nes was wed on Wednesday

30  Your old uncle  our old uncle

31 People eat oranges people like eating

32 sound found Orange umbrella around ground

33  Their - They left their money to their son and heir.  There - There is a place just like here.  They’re - They're is used when they want to say they are.

34 desert dessert 2 sugars in sweet

35 Do not believe a lie

36 Rhythm has your two hips moving

37 U and I will eat the fruit

38 a secretary keeps a secret

39 never eat chips, eat slimming salad and remain young.

40 elephants never own  ugly great houses

41 You must add your address

42 Always remember you must A-ccommo-date two c’s, two m’s and an o after each.

43 When two cars collide they make a dent

44 activate engines roar off aeroplane

45 e in argue always loses in an argument

46 A beard looks best from ear to ear

47 It’s best not to use your bicycle when it’s icy on the road

48 There’s definitely no a in definite

49 It’s only natural to go really red and smile shyly when you are embarrassed

50 My Grandma uses perfect grammar

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