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How to Revise? Find a space Where to revise? Find a space – free from distractions!

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Presentation on theme: "How to Revise? Find a space Where to revise? Find a space – free from distractions!"— Presentation transcript:


2 How to Revise?

3 Find a space Where to revise? Find a space – free from distractions!

4 When to revise? Weekends/Week Days?

5 Research shows that shorter 20-30 minute spells work best, because your concentration is much higher. It is therefore recommended taking short, frequent breaks. How long to revise for?

6 Regular exercise “burns away” chemicals like cortisol and norepinephrine that cause stress. Vigorous exercise releases endorphins into the system. Endorphins are the hormones responsible for the feeling of elation. Chemicals like dopamine and serotonin are also released in the brain during exercise. These give a feeling of safety and security that contributes to off-setting some of the "internal" causes of stress, such as uncertainty, pessimism and negative self-talk. People who exercise every day reduce their risk of anxiety and stress levels by more than 40%. Activities had to last at least 20 minutes at a time and induce breathlessness. (From NHS guidance on Stress Management)

7 How to Revise? Buddy you're a boy make a big noise Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day You got mud on yo' face You big disgrace Kickin' your can all over the place Singin'

8 How to Revise?


10 Remember where information was located in visual field Use pictures, video Use coloured pens /highlighters Remember white space Form a mental picture to visualise the whole topic Use mind maps, post it notes, flash cards Visual Learners

11 Need to tell someone what they have learned Frequently does homework with friend(s) Tape records lesson or notes for re-listening later Must say facts/formulas/information over and over to retain Simultaneous talking-walking studying Set information to rhyme, rhythm, or music to aid retention Remember where information was located (e.g. tagged to “who said that?”) Auditory Learners

12 Prefers learning by doing - takes things apart, or "tinkers with things" for understanding Like to walk around Doodles while studying Alternates sitting still and moving during homework/studying Move hands or feet for rhythm emphasis while studying Constructs things while studying (house of cards, blocks, etc.) Kinaesthetic/Practical Learners

13 What Strategies? Flash Cards Writing notes Revising with / testing friends Writing Lists Internet Underlining in notes Practice Questions Star Diagrams Mind Maps Mnemonics Labelled diagrams Post It Notes




17 Elaborative interrogation - being able to explain a point or fact -MODERATE Self-explanation - how a problem was solved -MODERATE Summarising - writing summaries of texts - LOW Highlighting/underlining- LOW Keyword mnemonics - choosing a word to associate with information - LOW Imagery - forming mental pictures while reading or listening - LOW Re-reading - LOW Practice testing - Self-testing to check knowledge - especially using flash cards - HIGH Distributed practice -spreading out study over time - HIGH Interleaved practice -switching between different kinds of problems - MODERATE Elaborative interrogation - being able to explain a point or fact -MODERATE Self-explanation - how a problem was solved -MODERATE Summarising - writing summaries of texts - LOW Highlighting/underlining- LOW Keyword mnemonics - choosing a word to associate with information - LOW Imagery - forming mental pictures while reading or listening - LOW Re-reading - LOW Practice testing - Self-testing to check knowledge - especially using flash cards - HIGH Distributed practice -spreading out study over time - HIGH Interleaved practice -switching between different kinds of problems - MODERATE Prof John Dunlovsky's (Kent State University) research - published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science

18 Reward yourself It is not all about the work; you need good breaks too. People who manage to find the right balance between study and leisure are the ones who get the top marks.

19 Thursday 25 th August 2016

20 There are links to both SIMS Learning Gateway and the user guide on the Parents’ section of the school website You should have received log in details for SIMS Learning Gateway. Please note that passwords expire after 180 days. If you have had any problems logging on to SIMS Learning Gateway, could you please email

21 Revision Websites

22 Revision/Coursework Classes Business Studies Child Development Computer Science English Food French/German Geography Health and Social Care History Product Design Religious Studies Science

23 Revision Drop Ins E1 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes

24 Staff E-mail e.g.

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