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Agenda item 1.16 VHF data exchange system (VDES).

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1 Agenda item 1.16 VHF data exchange system (VDES)

2 WRC-15 Agenda item 1.16 - VHF Data Exchange System (VDES)
“to consider regulatory provisions and spectrum allocations to enable possible new Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology applications and possible new applications to improve maritime radiocommunication in accordance with Resolution 360 (WRC‑12)”

3 Resolution 360 (WRC-12) resolves 1
WRC-15 Agenda item VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) Resolution 360 (WRC-12) resolves 1 “1 to consider, based on the results of ITU-R studies, modifications to the Radio Regulations, including possible spectrum allocations, to enable new AIS terrestrial and satellite applications, while ensuring that these applications will not degrade the current AIS operations and other existing services.” Resolution 360 (WRC-12) resolves 2 “2 to consider, based on the results of ITU-R studies, additional or new applications for maritime radiocommunication within existing maritime mobile and mobile-satellite service allocations, and if necessary to take appropriate regulatory measures.”

4 VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) proposal as at October 2015.
Source: Recommendation ITU-R M , Technical characteristics for a VHF data exchange system in the VHF maritime mobile band (October 2015)

5 WRC-15 Agenda item 1.16 - VHF Data Exchange System (VDES)
This Agenda item was split into four Issues: Issue A – Channels for application-specific messages (ASM) (Methods A1, A2 and A3) Issue B – Channels for the terrestrial component (Methods B1 and B2) Issue C – Channels for the satellite component (Methods C1-A, C1-B and C2) Issue D – Regional VDES (single Method) Issue A – Application specific message designation Method A1 – Channels 27 and 28 of RR Appendix 18 will be split into four simplex channels, channels 1027, 1028, 2027 and Channels 2027 and 2028 will be identified for the ASM application. To prevent blocking of the reception of the channels AIS 1, AIS 2, 2027 and 2028, the transmission from ship on channels 2078, 2019, 2079 and 2020 will not be permitted. This will be achieved through a transitional period and an effective implementation date. Method A2 – RR Appendix 18 simplex channels 87 and 88 will be assigned for ASM applications with an effective date. To prevent the potential blocking of the reception of the channels AIS 1, AIS2 appropriate regulatory measures to restrict power limit for the transmission from ship on channels 2078, 2079, 2019, 2020 should be applied. Method A3 – Channels 27 and 28 of RR Appendix 18 will be split into four simplex channels, channels 1027, 1028, 2027 and Channels 2027 and 2028 will be identified for the ASM application. This will be achieved through a transitional period and an effective implementation date. Administrations should take appropriate actions to prevent blocking of the reception of the channels AIS 1, AIS 2, 2027 and One of the options would be that transmission from ships on channels 2078, 2019, 2079 and 2020 will not be permitted. Method B – New applications for maritime radiocommunication – terrestrial component Method B1 – In order to introduce the terrestrial component of the VDES, it is proposed to identify the following duplex channels of RR Appendix 18: channels 24, 84, 25 and 85. It is further proposed that the merging of these channels will permit a better data rate for the VDE terrestrial component. This is achieved through a new Note AAA) in the RR Appendix 18. Method B2 – Channels 24, 84, 25, 85, 26 and 86 in RR Appendix 18 could be used for testing and experiments of global harmonized terrestrial component of the VDE. Method C – New application for maritime radiocommunication – satellite component Method C1-A – The Method proposes a new secondary allocation for the maritime mobile-satellite service (Earth to-space) for frequency band MHz (channel 2027) and frequency band MHz (channel 2028) for improved ASM communications capacity and coverage. The usage of these frequencies enables that the same equipment as for the terrestrial VDES communication can be used. The Method proposes a new secondary allocation for the maritime mobile-satellite service (Earth to-space), for frequency band MHz (channels 1024, 1084, 1025, 1085, 1026 and 1086). The Method proposes a new secondary allocation for the maritime mobile-satellite service (space to-Earth) for frequency band MHz (channels 2024, 2084, 2025, 2085, 2026 and 2086), for improved VDE communications capacity and coverage. To ensure protection of mobile, fixed services and radio astronomy service, it is proposed that a pfd mask be introduced in RR No.226B. The Method proposes to modify provision RR No A and No B in order to ensure the protection of the RAS in the nearest frequency band. In order to protect the RAS, Annex 1 to Resolution 739 (Rev.WRC-07) would be revised to include MMSS in the frequency band MHz. The Method proposes to use an ITU-R Recommendation describing the concept and characteristics of VDES. Method C1-B - The Method proposes a new secondary allocation for the maritime mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) for frequency band MHz (channel 2027) and frequency band MHz (channel 2028) for improved ASM communication capacity and coverage. The usage of these frequencies enables that the same equipment as for the terrestrial VDES communication can be used. The Method proposes a new secondary allocation for the maritime mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space), for frequency band MHz (channels 1024, 1084, 1025, 1085, 1026 and 1086). The Method proposes a new primary allocation for the maritime mobile-satellite service (space-to-Earth) for frequency band MHz (channels 2024, 2084, 2025, 2085, 2026 and 2086), for improved VDE communication capacity and coverage. Coordination of VDE space stations of the MMSS (space-to-Earth) with respect to terrestrial services is described in modification of RR Appendix 5, proposing a pfd mask. It is proposed also to clarify that the coordination between MMSS and terrestrial services is subject to the application of the provisions of RR No The Method proposes to modify provisions RR Nos A and 5.208B in order to ensure the protection of the RAS in the nearest frequency band. In order to protect the RAS, Annex 1 to Resolution 739 (Rev.WRC-07) would be revised to include MMSS in the frequency band MHz. Method C2 – It is proposed to use the frequency band MHz (Earth-to-space) for the purpose of the VDES satellite uplink (improvement of VDE communication capacity and coverage, ASM communication capacity and coverage) as the frequency band already allocated for MSS. It is proposed to use the frequency band MHz (space-to-Earth) for the purpose of the VDES satellite downlink as the band already is allocated for MSS. These frequency bands are restricted to NGSO systems in accordance with provisions of RR No Furthermore, for the frequency band MHz, RR Nos and 5.208A apply, in addition to Resolution 739 (Rev.WRC-07) (see RR No B). No additional allocations and RR changes are required to MSS for this method. Method D – VDES regional solution Channels 80, 21, 81, 22, 82, 23 and 83 are available in some Regions as follows: Channels 80, 21, 81 and 22 can be used using multiple 25 kHz contiguous channels for both ship and coast station transmission as regional use. Channel 82 can be used for both ship and coast station transmission as regional use. Channels 23 and 83 can be used using multiple 25 kHz contiguous channels for both ship and coast station transmission as regional use.

6 Based on Appendix 18 (2012 Radio Regulations))
“International” VDES Ship receive frequency (MHz) Ship transmit frequency (MHz) Channel number

7 WRC-15 Agenda item 1.16 - VHF Data Exchange System (VDES)
Issue A – channels for application-specific messages From 1 January 2019, channels 2027 ( MHz) and 2028 ( MHz) will be designated ASM 1 and ASM 2 respectively. In addition, maritime mobile-satellite allocations (Earth-to-space) for the reception of ASM via satellites on MHz (ASM 1) and MHz (ASM 2) were approved as newly permitted by Radio Regulations No. 5.A116 (WRC-15), and under specific note z) in Radio Regulations Appendix 18, and also specific notes m) and mm).

8 WRC-15 Agenda item 1.16 - VHF Data Exchange System (VDES)
Issue B – channels for terrestrial component In Regions 1 and 3, from 1 January 2017, the frequency bands MHz and MHz (corresponding to channels: 24, 84, 25, 85, 26 and 86) are identified for the utilization of the VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) described in the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M These frequency bands may also be used for analogue modulation described in the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M.1084 by an administration that wishes to do so, subject to not causing harmful interference to, or claiming protection from other stations in the maritime mobile services using digitally modulated emissions and subject to coordination with affect administrations (see RR Appendix 18, specific note w) (WRC-15)).

9 WRC-15 Agenda item 1.16 - VHF Data Exchange System (VDES)
Issue B – channels for terrestrial component (cont’d) From 1 January 2019, channels 24, 84, 25 and 85 may be merged to form a unique duplex channel with a bandwidth of 100 kHz in order to operate the VDES terrestrial component described in the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M.2092 (see RR Appendix 18, specific note AAA)(WRC-15)). This successful outcome will allow for industry to proceed with detailed design, and ITU-R Working Party (WP) 5B, IALA1 and IEC2 can now focus on the implementation standards, and technical interworking arrangements for VDES ship-borne and shore-based equipment. 1IALA - International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities 2IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission

10 WRC-15 Agenda item 1.16 - VHF Data Exchange System (VDES)
Issue B – channels for terrestrial component (cont’d) From 1 January 2019, channels 24, 84, 25 and 85 may be merged to form a unique duplex channel with a bandwidth of 100 kHz in order to operate the VDES terrestrial component described in the most recent version of Recommendation ITU-R M.2092 (see RR Appendix 18, specific note AAA)(WRC-15)).

11 WRC-15 Agenda item 1.16 - VHF Data Exchange System (VDES)
Issue C – channels for satellite component Under a new agenda item for WRC-19 via Resolution 360 (Rev.WRC-15), the satellite component is to be further studied, including protect a space debris radar system deployed by one administration. In addition, field testing via terrestrial VDE can continue with certainty as the channel plan has been agreed, and testing with test satellites is acknowledged to occur in the WRC-19 study cycle. The discussion on this Issue was intense, as it had been through the latter stages of the study cycle. Resolution 360 (Rev.WRC-15) includes specific requirements to protect incumbent services in the adjacent frequency bands MHz and MHz.

12 WRC-15 Agenda item 1.16 - VHF Data Exchange System (VDES)
Issue D – channels for regional (or national) VDES The single Method for a regional or national VDES is reflected in the Notes to the Table of Transmitting frequencies in RR Appendix 18, via Note w1). Only six channels are able to be used in all regions for the data transfer channels for the international VDES, the remainder of the digital channels agreed at WRC-12 can be used in various combinations for a national or regional ‘VDES’ in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R M.1842. From 1 January 2017, Note w1) provides for channel 82, channels 23 and 82, and channels 80, 21, 81 and 22 to used in a contiguous manner for data transfer in accordance with Recommendation ITU-R M.1842. It is not expected at this stage, that Australia would implement a regional or national VDES, but the international VDES only.

13 Modifications Table of transmitting frequencies in the VHF maritime mobile band (the ‘Table’) include the following: Amendments were made to specific notes m), w), ww) and z) - see Table below for channels. New specific notes were created: AAA), mm), w1), zx) and zz) – see Table below for channels (Editorial note: this note numbering is provisional and will be aligned during final preparations for the new edition of the Radio Regulations). Deletion of the ship transmit frequency in the “Ship transmit” column, for channels 2078 ( MHz), 2019 ( MHz), 2079 ( MHz) and 2020 ( MHz), and insertion of reference to specific note mm). In addition, the words ‘digital only’ has been added in the ‘Inter-ship’ column against channels 2024, 2084, 2025 and 2085 in the Table. Specific notes t), u), v) were suppressed (this affects channels 78, 19, 79 and 20).  

14 Modifications Table of transmitting frequencies in the VHF maritime mobile band (the ‘Table’) include the following (cont’d): It will be seen in the RR Appendix 18 Table, that for channels with specific notes m) and mm), there is a general restriction on use of the “upper leg” (or higher frequency channel of a duplex channel) to coast stations only. This is protect the AIS and ASM channels from desensitisation or blocking aboard ships (and AIS/ASM equipment ashore). However, at the insistence of one administration, this is now left to administrations, which special text to ensure that no harmful interference results. However, to reinforce the potential harm that this may cause, if not done correctly, the transmit frequencies for channels 2078, 2019, 2079 and 2020 have been removed from the ‘Ship transmit’ column in the Table in RR Appendix 18, and notes m) and mm) put against them.

15 WRC-15 Agenda item 1.16 outcome
Australian (and APT) position was successful for Agenda item 1.16, Issues A, B and D. Issue A outcome was a compromise between Methods A1 & A3 Australian (and APT) position for Agenda item 1.16 Issue C, the satellite data communications component of the VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) was not accepted as this WRC, due to strong opposition by one administration. However, the satellite receive of application-specific message channels 2078 and 2078 was approved. Instead, a new Agenda item to study this further, in accordance with a revised Resolution 360, was adopted, as a new maritime agenda item for WRC-19. This is considered a good outcome, nevertheless.

16 Agenda item 1.16 outcome (final)
Follow-up action: Recommendation ITU-R M will need to be revised by ITU-R Working Party 5B to remove the satellite component element which will be the subject of the Resolution 360 (Rev.WRC-15) studies; The Recommendation ITU-R M.2092 will need to be revised by ITU-R Working Party 5B to reflect the decisions on the terrestrial components of the VDES taken at WRC-15, and the satellite reception of application-specific messages; and ACMA to consider Appendix 18 (Rev.WRC-15) in its maritime radiocommunications licensing instruments. ACMA to consider the provisions for the “international’ VDES in its maritime radiocommunications licensing instruments. ACMA to consider how to address channel allocations prior to the coming into force dates for the VDES channels.

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