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Trends and Perspective in Flexible & Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems M.G. Mehrabi | A.G. Ulsoy | Y. Koren | P. Heytler Presentation by Guy Pinkas.

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Presentation on theme: "Trends and Perspective in Flexible & Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems M.G. Mehrabi | A.G. Ulsoy | Y. Koren | P. Heytler Presentation by Guy Pinkas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends and Perspective in Flexible & Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems M.G. Mehrabi | A.G. Ulsoy | Y. Koren | P. Heytler Presentation by Guy Pinkas & Jonathan Avidan

2 Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS) Lean Production CNC machine tools Modular machines Open architecture systems Terminology

3 Market changes New strategies and manufacturing technology Paradigms : Cost effectiveness Lean production Flexible manufacturing Introduction

4 “A programmable machining system configuration which incorporates software to handle changes in work orders, production schedules, part programs and tooling for several families of parts.” “It’s objectives is to make possible the manufacture of several families of parts, with shortened changeover time, on the same system.” Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)

5 “A machining system which can be created by incorporating basic process modules both hardware and software that can be rearranged or replaced quickly and reliably.” Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS)

6 Main Topics The current state of FMS The potential role for RMS Respondents characteristics Survey Objectives % Type of Industry Respondents 40Machine Tool Builder 20Automotive 11Automotive Supplier 5Machinery 5Industrial Components 19Others %Respondents 47FMS Users 36FMS Builders 6FMS Suppliers 2Educational Institutions 9Others

7 Motives for investing in FMS FMS % YesRespondents 80Existing Products 63Planned Products 20Prototypes 61Future Expansion

8 Users satisfaction with FMS Median ranking of mild satisfaction Good enough but not meeting it’s full potential Expected vs actual performance Performance meets goals (also due to modest expectations) Failed in ramp up time after installations or new setup Forecast and plans for the future More features were purchased than required Looking for accommodating system FMS

9 Types of manufacturing in the functional and capacity plane Perspectives for RMS and FMS

10 Promises of RMS improvements (most desired changes) Lifetime of the system Increased ease in changes in production capacities Increased product variety Reduced time required for product changeover Reduced ramp-up time for a new product Potential enabling technologies (highly important factors) High speed machining Modular machine tools Open architecture system Training of operators and engineers education Perspectives for RMS and FMS

11 67% - FMS is not living up to its full potential +50% - Purchasing FMS with excess capacity and features Main problems – Training, reconfigurability, reliability, maintenance 75% - Will purchase additional, or expand existing, FMS Main results regarding FMS

12 Desirable next step in the evolution of production system Key technologies needed for RMS were identified and will be implemented Main results regarding RMS

13 FMS cannot meet the needs of manufacturers in terms of cost effectiveness and response (to market changes) speed RMS is a high priority tech due to functionality and capacity RMS structure is suitable for collaborating with other production systems RMS will require additional research and depends on certain key technologies Main conclusion from the survey

14 Questions ?

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