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1. Give three ways that a eukaryotic cell is different from a prokaryotic cell. A eukaryotic cell is different from a prokaryotic cell because eukaryotic.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Give three ways that a eukaryotic cell is different from a prokaryotic cell. A eukaryotic cell is different from a prokaryotic cell because eukaryotic."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Give three ways that a eukaryotic cell is different from a prokaryotic cell. A eukaryotic cell is different from a prokaryotic cell because eukaryotic cells are _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ WARM UP

2 Match the Word with the Correct Answer A. Prokaryotic B. Eukaryotic C. Both 1.Oldest living organisms 2.Large 3.Bacteria 4.Nucleus 5.Ribosomes 6.Complex 7.Membrane Bound Organelles 8.DNA 9.Cytoplasm Exit Slip CHARACTERISTIC 1. Oldest cell 2. Simple 3. Has DNA 4. Large 5. First cell type 6. Small 7. Complex 8. Has a cell membrane 9. Has ribosomes 10. Has a nucleus 11. Has membrane bound organelles 12. Has cytoplasm 13. Makes up animals 14. Makes up plants 15. Makes up living things 16. Make up bacteria

3 1.Has DNA 2.Has a nucleus 3.Has membrane bound organelles 4.Makes up bacteria 5.Makes up plants and animals 6.Makes up protists and fungi 7.Has ribosomes 8.Is small and simple 9.Is complex and larger 10. Has cytoplasm

4 Cell Organelle and Function Notes Pg. ___

5 Today’s Target  I can explain the three major parts of a eukaryotic cell  I can explain the functions of a cell membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm

6 Today’s Vocabulary  Cell membrane  Nucleus  Cytoplasm  Organelles  Ribosomes  Nuclear envelope

7 Basic Structure of a Cell

8 Eukaryotic Cell Contain 3 basic parts: Cell Membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm with organelles

9 Two Main Types of Eukaryotic Cells Plant Cell Animal Cell

10 1. Cell (Plasma) Membrane Outside of cell Inside of cell (cytoplasm) Cell membrane Proteins Protein channel Lipid bilayer Carbohydrate chains “doorway of the cell” The membrane that surrounds the cell Controls what enters or leaves the cell

11 Cell (Plasma) Membrane

12 Control center of the cell Acts as the brain of the cell and regulates and controls all activities of the cell 2. Nucleus

13 Nucleus

14 a. Nuclear Envelope (Membrane) Double membrane that encloses the nucleus Contains pores for materials to enter & leave nucleus Nuclear pores

15 Nuclear Membrane

16 b. DNA The genetic material

17 DNA

18 c. Nucleolus Makes ribosomes that make proteinsMakes ribosomes that make proteins

19 Nucleolus

20 Jelly-like substance enclosed by cell membrane 3. Cytoplasm cytoplasm Contains organelles to carry out specific jobs Found in ALL cells


22 CYTOPLASM ANALOGY Jello (cytoplasm) Fruit (organelles)


24 A. Nucleus B. Nucleolus C. cytoplasm D. cell membrane Select the organelle that matches with the description. 1.Organelle inside the nucleus – 2.Jelly like substance that holds all the organelles - 3.Brain of the cell - 4.DNA is found here - 5.Protects the cell by allowing things to enter/exit -

25 Organelles


27 Endoplasmic Reticulum

28 Ribosomes (dots)

29 Mitochondria

30 Golgi Bodies

31 Vacuoles

32 Cytoskeleton

33 Centriole

34 Lysosome

35 Cell Wall

36 Chloroplasts

37 a.Endoplasmic Reticulum - ER Two kinds of ER ---SMOOTH & ROUGH Transportation system of the cell Acts like a highway and transports materials throughout the cell.

38 b. Ribosomes “Protein factories” for cell Join amino acids to make proteins Process called protein synthesis 

39 b. Ribosomes Can be attached to Rough ER OR Be free (unattached) in the cytoplasm

40 c. Mitochondrion (plural = mitochondria) “Powerhouse” of the cell Generate cellular energy (ATP) More active cells like muscle cells have MORE mitochondria

41 d.Golgi Bodies Stacks of flattened sacsStacks of flattened sacs The packaging and shipping center of the cellThe packaging and shipping center of the cell

42 Golgi Bodies Look like a stack of pancakes Modify, sort, & package molecules from ER for storage OR transport out of cell

43 Golgi Animation Materials are transported from Rough ER to Golgi to the cell membrane by VESICLES

44 e. Vacuoles Storage tanks of the cell Used to store waste, food, and water Plant cells have a large Central Vacuole

45 f. Lysosomes Cleanup crews for the cellCleanup crews for the cell Contain digestive enzymes to break down food, bacteria, and worn out cell parts for cellsContain digestive enzymes to break down food, bacteria, and worn out cell parts for cells

46 Lysosome Digestion Lysosomes digest the food & get rid of wastes

47 g. Centrioles Found only in animal cells and active only during cell division Made of bundle of microtubules

48 Nonliving layer Found in plants, fungi, & bacteria Made of cellulose in plants Made of peptidoglycan in bacteria Made of chitin in Fungi Cell wall h. Cell Wall

49 Supports and protects cell Found outside of the cell membrane

50 i. Chloroplasts Found only in producers (organisms containing chlorophyll) Use energy from sunlight to make own food (glucose) Energy from sun stored in the Chemical Bonds of Sugars

51 The cytoskeleton is a network of protein filaments that helps the cell maintain its shape. It is also involved in movement. j. cytoskeleton

52 Differences between plant and animal cells 1.Chloroplasts (plant) 2.Cell Wall (plant) 3.Centrioles (animal) 4.Number and size of vacuoles


54 Structural Differences Among Cell Types Some

55 Cell Project Your job is to compare a cell and it’s structures to those of another system. For example, if you were to compare a cell to a school, you could say the nucleus was the main office.

56 City/community School system Human body Hospital Airport Household Etc. You will be graded on this assignment for creativity, accuracy, and appearance. You can do a plant or an animal cell. Today you will be brainstorming for the following organelles 1. Nucleus 2. Nucleolus 3. Ribosomes 4. Endoplasmic Reticulum 5. Golgi Body 6. Vacuole 7. Cell membrane 8. mitochondria 9. chloroplast 10. cell wall 11. lysosome 12. cytoplasm

57 graded with presentation

58 How to Write Your Analogies An (organelle) is like an (object). An (organelle) (does what). An (object) (does what).


60 Cell Organelle Analogies 1. A centriole is involved in cell division of an animal cell. A knife cuts (divides) my food. Pg. 85

61 An (organelle) is like a (object). An (organelle) (does what). An (object) (does what).

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