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US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® Huntington District Floodplain Management Services Dan Bailey, CFM Huntington District August 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® Huntington District Floodplain Management Services Dan Bailey, CFM Huntington District August 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® Huntington District Floodplain Management Services Dan Bailey, CFM Huntington District August 2012

2 BUILDING STRONG ® What is FPMS?  Authorized by the 1960 Flood Control Act  Provides technical services and planning guidance in support of floodplain management and flood risk reduction  Comprised of both reimbursable and non- reimbursable services  Allows for a broad range of services and multiple funding options  Detailed in Section V, Appendix G of ER 1105-2-100 Planning Guidance Notebook 2

3 BUILDING STRONG ® Reimbursable Services  Who: other Federal agencies and private sector  Quick Response ► Work that takes up to one day ► Cost based on standard fee schedule ► Under 10 minutes is free  Letter Request ► Generally work that takes from 1 to 5 days ► Description of work and cost estimate ► Payment required in advance from private sector  Signed Agreements ► Work takes longer than a week ► Requires signed Letter or Memorandum of Agreement 3

4 BUILDING STRONG ® Reimbursable Services Cost Schedule 4

5 BUILDING STRONG ® Non-reimbursable Services  Who ► State, regional, and local governments and tribes ► Non-Federal public agencies  What ► General information, floodplain determinations, planning guidance, Special Studies  Funding ► Most work can be covered under budgeted FPMS technical services account when funds are available ► Special Studies require “Letter Agreement” or equivalent and are approved by MSC and individually submitted for funding ► Partner can voluntarily contribute funding 5

6 BUILDING STRONG ® Examples of FPMS Special Studies  Floodplain Delineation/ Flood Hazard Evaluation Studies  Dam Break Analysis Studies  Hurricane Evacuation Studies  Flood Warning/ Preparedness Studies  Regulatory Floodway Studies  Comprehensive Floodplain Management Studies  Flood Damage Reduction Studies  Urbanization Impact Studies  Stormwater Management Studies  Flood Proofing Studies  Inventory of Flood Prone Structures 6

7 BUILDING STRONG ® FPMS Call Log DB  Lead FMPS Planner – Retired 2005  Created to replace call log form  No original development cost ► Built from Microsoft Access ► Integrates with existing software  Functionality added over time 7

8 BUILDING STRONG ® Huntington District Quick Response  Toll free number 1-866-401-3980  Group email  Public website  Eight Certified Floodplain Managers in Planning Branch ► Diverse Job Descriptions ► Varied Experience Levels  Response process spatially enabled and tracked through FPMS Database 8

9 BUILDING STRONG ® FPMS Database Overview  Interface  Capabilities  Integration ► User Desktop ► FEMA and USGS ► Web Mapping Portals ► Google Earth ► ArcView 9

10 BUILDING STRONG ® Call Documentation 10

11 BUILDING STRONG ® Admin Functions  Creates associated folder based on ID  Copies GIS seed file into folder  Creates KML file based on coordinates  Open folder  Launch ArcView with seed file  Database layer attached to ArcView  Print record 11

12 BUILDING STRONG ® Web Site Integration  Integrates helpful websites: FEMA, USGS, and online mapping  FEMA DFIRM access  Location verification by aerial photography  USGS seamless server download 12







19 BUILDING STRONG ® Database Benefits  Coordinate FPMS team activities  Keeps a permanent digital record of FPMS activities  Integrates with folders, Outlook, and GIS  Utilizes other agency information and resources  Assists in mapping and graphical resources  Creates standardized reports and invoices  Improves accuracy and efficiency of Quick Responses  Enables sharing of response information with stakeholders and management 19

20 BUILDING STRONG ® Database Statistics  Database has been in use at Huntington District for approximately six years  498 Quick Responses logged  $5,480 of reimbursed work 20

21 BUILDING STRONG ® FPMS and Silver Jackets  FPMS Database provides the ability to record and share floodplain issues with Silver Jackets partners  FPMS program can be a mechanism for providing technical assistance  Special Studies can provide larger scale planning assistance  FPMS provides a mechanism for exchanging data between government partners 21

22 BUILDING STRONG ® Potential examples of FPMS and Silver Jackets Integration State Conservation Agency asks through Silver Jackets team for Corps H&H data for a study but the data is not finalized in a usable format ► District uses a minimal amount of FPMS funds to gather, properly package, and send the data 22

23 BUILDING STRONG ® Potential examples of FPMS and Silver Jackets Integration A county with several flood prone structures is going to apply for a FEMA hazard mitigation grant, but they do not have the technical expertise to run FEMA’s Benefit-Cost Analysis program. ► The county signs a Letter of Agreement with the Corps to run the BCA program under FPMS and provide them the results. The county voluntarily provides most of the funding. 23

24 BUILDING STRONG ® Potential examples of FPMS and Silver Jackets Integration A city is working to implement a flash flood warning system. New gauges will be installed by USGS, but the city needs to have inundation maps for several different stages and do not have the capability. ► An FPMS special study is requested and approved to create the inundation maps. 24

25 BUILDING STRONG ® Potential examples of FPMS and Silver Jackets Integration A community is trying to get CRS credit by developing a flood mitigation plan and comes to Silver Jackets for help ► The Corps develops the plan under an FPMS study and Silver Jackets finds other agencies to contribute to executing the recommendations in the plan. 25


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