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2015-2016 Reflections “Let Your Imagination Fly”.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016 Reflections “Let Your Imagination Fly”."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016 Reflections “Let Your Imagination Fly”




5 Literature Write about it!! What does it mean to you??? “ Let Your Imagination Fly”

6 Visual Arts Draw it!! Paint it!! Make a collage!! (but keep it flat) Use your imagination and get creative

7 Photography In Color Black and White (No Collages in this Category)

8 Music Composition “The World Would be a Better Place If…..” Say it with Music This must be music ONLY! No video MP3, MP4, WMA, WAV, ACC (M4A) and FLAC. Voice Instruments Artistic Vision

9 Film Production All screenwriting, directing, camera/filming and editing must be done by the student producer. PowerPoint presentations are prohibited. Make a video Student is the Director Other People can be In video, but get release signed HAVE FUN!!!!

10 Dance Choreography Say it with DANCE!! The choreographer (student submitting entry) may be the performer or one of the performers, but the choreographer Does not have to perform in the entry.

11 State Information Oklahoma Reflections Chair ALL units will turn in a spreadsheet with all entries listed on it. This form is available On the state website and is also on the thumb-drive received at state convention ALL entries will have an entry form attached. For entries on a cd/dvd, please scan and Save the file on the disc ALL entries will have the school name and council name written on the back of the Entry for visual Arts, Photography and Literature. For cd/dvd, please write school name and council name on the disc If you or your Reflections Chair would like to be on the state Reflections distribution list to Receive emails and notifications about Reflections, please email me at and I will add you. Please use subject line Reflections Distribution List. You can also like our Reflections page on Facebook To receive notifications regarding deadlines, FAQs and helpful hints, based on previous Lessons learned

12 Toolkit Information Plans to Organize Training Videos RULES …….And So Much More!!!! Here you will Find:

13 2015-2016 Reflections “ Let Your Imagination Fly “ Have FUN!! Get CREATIVE Use your IMAGINATION Express Yourself!! Make it Your Own

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