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Joint European DCI Summer School Introducing the latest developments in Grid and Cloud computing Budapest, 11-16 July, 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Joint European DCI Summer School Introducing the latest developments in Grid and Cloud computing Budapest, 11-16 July, 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint European DCI Summer School Introducing the latest developments in Grid and Cloud computing Budapest, 11-16 July, 2011


3 Previous summer schools GRID'05 EGEE Summer School 2005GRID'05 EGEE Summer School 2005 Joint Regional CE EGEE and SEEGRID-2 Summer School on Grid Application Support 2006Joint Regional CE EGEE and SEEGRID-2 Summer School on Grid Application Support 2006 Joint EGEE and SEE- GRID Summer School on Grid Application Support 2007Joint EGEE and SEE- GRID Summer School on Grid Application Support 2007 International Summer School on Grid Computing 2008International Summer School on Grid Computing 2008

4 Goals of the summer school Learn about the major middleware solutions that are developed by the 5 major European DCI projects Learn about the production infrastructures provided by these projects Learn about the use of these production infrastructures See examples, tools, applications Making you a confident grid user and/or grid developer

5 Programme in a nutshell Day 1: –European Middleware Initiative [EMI] products Day 2: –GLOBUS middleware development and services [IGE] Day 3: –Integrating Desktop Grids with EMI middleware [EDGI] Day 4: –Application and infrastructure support for Desktop Grids [DEGISCO] Day 5: –Cloud systems based on StratusLab toolkit [STRATUSLAB] Day 6: –User Support in the European Grid Infrastructure collaboration [EGI-InSPIRE]

6 Training material It is passwd protected during the school time Passwd: dcilpds It will have free access afterwards

7 Further reading

8 Logistics Lecture room Computer room Wifi Coffee breaks Lunch in the nearby Restaurant Trófea

9 Social events Monday: –Welcome reception (today): here in the lecture room Thursday: –Excursion to Tök –Horse-show –Dinner in a “Csárda” –Folk dance performance

10 Feedback form and Certificate of Participation Your comments and feedbacks are highly valuable for the projects organizing the summer school Please fill in the feedback form and return at the end of the course Anonymous Scores: 1 - 6 (very bad - very good) Freeform comments are highly appreciated You will get a Certificate of Participation on Saturday if you provide us the filled in feedback form

11 Enjoy Budapest Wish you a pleasant week in Budapest

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