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Turning point in the story; point at which the conflict comes to a head. A brief moment in time.

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Presentation on theme: "Turning point in the story; point at which the conflict comes to a head. A brief moment in time."— Presentation transcript:

1 turning point in the story; point at which the conflict comes to a head. A brief moment in time.

2 Climax

3 The final “perfect” version of an essay

4 Final Draft

5 Specific details that support an thesis or topic sentence (facts, examples, proof, quotes, etc)

6 Concrete Detail

7 Process of getting ideas down on paper before organizing essay into paragraphs

8 Prewriting

9  Your opinion or comment about something (insight, analysis, inference, explanation)

10 Commentary

11  The last sentence in a body paragraph, which gives a finished feeling to the paragraph

12 Concluding sentence

13 Introduction of time, place, and characters. Hook (makes the reader want to continue reading)

14 Exposition

15  book

16 biblio

17  Qualities, characteristics, or features of someone or something

18 Attribute noun

19 shows how the situation turns out; ties up loose ends—“…and they lived happily ever after.” Side note: It doesn’t always turn out happy….

20 Resolution

21  To write

22 Graph

23  Go into greater detail about idea or subject  It was a giant, hissing, scary lizard staring directly at me.

24 Elaborate verb

25  Cannot be undone or changed

26 Irrevocable adj.

27  Person vs. Idea (a person struggling with the idea of afterlife)  Person vs. Self (a person contemplating a tough decision)

28 Internal conflict

29  Unifying idea or subject in literature What goes around, comes around. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. Love Revenge Unhappiness

30 Theme noun

31 a struggle between opposing people or forces

32 Conflict

33  Accusation, especially of wrongdoing, without giving proof I didn’t see him do it, but I know it was him!

34 Allegation noun

35  Person vs. Person (ex = a woman running from a mass murderer)  Person vs. Society (ex = a man fighting to ban books in U.S.)  Person vs. Nature (a person trapped by an avalanche)

36 External conflict

37  Shows doubt between choices

38 Whether (conjunction)

39  Action that impacts or changes something or someone

40 Affect verb

41  Not clear or confusing in meaning or intent To get to the place, drive until you see a tree then turn.

42 Vague adj.

43 To imitate closely To imitate closely

44 emulate

45 A violent argument or confrontation

46 Altercation noun

47 Very large, excellent Very large, excellent

48 Mega

49 To sway with indecision from one side to another

50 Vacillate verb

51  naming the source for an example or quote used to support an argument or help explain “Hunting. What you speak of is murder General” (Connell 23).

52 Citation, noun

53 What happens in a story. It is made up of a series of related events that include the exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. What happens in a story. It is made up of a series of related events that include the exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.


55  To show off something

56 Flaunt verb

57  Speaking with honesty or directness Honestly, I think you need to know…

58 Candor adj

59  Words actually mean the opposite of what is said; results do not fit expected outcome The Fire Station burned down.

60 Irony noun

61 A natural attraction for something

62 Affinity noun

63  time

64 chrono


66 Their

67 A shortened version giving the main points = =

68 Summary noun

69  Spoken or written memorably or movingly I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

70 Eloquent adj

71 Contraction of they + …

72 They’re

73  To sleep

74 dorm

75  To persuade someone to believe a lie

76 Delude verb

77  Words that come before and after a particular word or passage that help explain its full meaning The girls were whispering rumors about her so “Alice was sad.”

78 Context noun

79  To communicate clearly and logically

80 Coherent adj.

81  Not important or logically connected Teacher: Class, if you mix yellow and blue paint together, it creates the color green. Student: Where’s China?

82 Irrelevent adj

83  Result or change caused by an action

84 Effect noun

85  The subject or argument for an essay  “Students should not be allowed to have cell phones at school because they are distracting and unnecessary.”

86 Thesis noun

87  Life, living organisms

88 bio

89  To cling firmly to decision, plan, or opinion; tightly hold on “ITS MINE!” “NO! ITS MINE!”

90 Tenacious adj.

91  Exclude; the only person or thing that does not apply to a statement just made

92 Except (v)

93 Right or law Right or law

94 jus

95 An essential part, must have to work

96 Integral adj.

97  To attack someone with words or actions

98 Assail verb

99 Measurement, pattern

100 meter

101 Betray or deceive Betray or deceive

102 treachery

103  Produces or is produced

104 gen

105  Legal responsibility for something, especially damages; or, something that holds someone back

106 Liability noun

107  Good, well

108 bene

109  Item used to represent something different from what it actually is

110 Symbol noun

111  Friendly and easy to get along with

112 Amiable adj.

113 Place, location Introduces a sentence

114 There

115  A sad, desperate, or dangerous situation

116 Plight noun

117  Unaware, paying no attention

118 Oblivious adj.

119  Words linking one subject or idea to another.  Idea + …. + Idea  = CONNECTED IDEAS

120 Transition noun

121  To study or examine something in great detail to understand it better

122 Analyze verb

123 Ancient, most important

124  arch

125 action leading to the solution

126 Falling action

127  Hearing, sound

128 audi

129 complications/problems that keep the plot from moving too smoothly toward its resolution

130 Rising action

131  A choice between equally unfavorable things

132 Dilemma noun

133  Writing style that explains a process, discusses ideas, or presents information So, to make a ham sandwich… …

134 Expository adj.

135  To say, to tell

136 dic or dict

137  Having the ability to see; not blind

138 Sighted Adj

139  To use an example from something or someone to support or prove an idea Use my apple to make apple pie!

140 Cite Verb

141  To show, feel, or give in response to what you are given

142 Reciprocate verb

143  skin

144 derma

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