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Tutorial: Business Academy Topic: Communication Prepared by : Ing. Adéla Hrabcová Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorial: Business Academy Topic: Communication Prepared by : Ing. Adéla Hrabcová Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován."— Presentation transcript:


2 Tutorial: Business Academy Topic: Communication Prepared by : Ing. Adéla Hrabcová Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

3 = exchange of information between people Communication is a managerial function and it is one of the managerial functions. Communication is very important. It was shown that people spend approximately 70% of their time communicating – writing, reading, speaking, listening.

4 CommunicatorMessageMedium Recipient Feedback Communicator transmits information through the communication channel. The message must be properly formulated and medium must be properly selected and transmitted to the recipient. Recipient receives that information. An integral part of the communication process is the feedback – check.

5 If the recipient does not understand the information disclosed, it is called the communication noise. It is a failure in communication which causes reduced clarity of the transmitted information. Communication noise may be caused by technical failures, people, environment….

6 Internal communication systems- allow the transfer of information within the company and thus they are the crucial condition for its existence. It is a communication within the company. External communication systems – allow the transfer of information between the firm and its environment. It is a communication of the company and its surroundings.

7 Forms of communication Verbal communication– it is the most common form of communication in the company – mostly personal interviews. The advantage is an immediate feedback. Nonverbal communication – „body language“ is closely related to verbal communication. It can strengthen or weaken the importance of spoken word. Aspects of nonverbal communication are: attitude, gestures, body movements, facial expressions.

8 Forms of communication

9 1. Formal communication– results from the organizational structure and can run in different directions: a) Vertical communication – the communication between superiors and subordinates. It may be considered as a downward communication – the various orders, directives…or an upward communication – various reports, reports from subordinates… b) Horizontal communication – communication between different departments on the same level. 2. Informal communication – it is based on random personal contacts. Through these contacts the information is spread out.

10 Communicator‘s errors: - inaccurate expressions - long monologues - uncertainty of speech - excessive criticism and others Recipient‘s errors: - restlessness - lack of information about the topic - interrupting and others Errors in communication

11 - communicate in an appropriate place - give enough time for the answer - keep an eye contact - keep an appropriate distance from the partner (1,5 m) - reasonable force vote - use appropriate words, precise words (terminology) - suitable clothing - attract attention - not to repeat the same expressions - complete sentences - not to be ambiguous - etc….

12 EXERCISE Try to define at least one advantage and disadvantage: 1. Verbal communication Advantage: immediate feedback Disadvantage: no evidence 2. Written communication Advantage: a written document Disadvantage: no immediate feedback 3. Electronic communication Advantage: fast and cheap Disadvantage: no immediate feedback

13 Give 5 principles of effective communication: Using proper words, terminology Keep an eye contact Communicate in an appropriate place Not to repeat the same expressions Attract an attention

14  VEBER, J., et al. Management: základy, moderní manažerské přístupy, výkonnost a prosperita. Praha: Management Press, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7261-200-0.  ZLÁMAL, Jaroslav, BAČÍK, Petr, BELLOVÁ, Jana. Základy managementu. 1. vyd. Kralice na Hané: Computer Media, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7402-083-4.  ŠAJDLEROVÁ, I., KONEČNÝ, M.: Základy managementu. Učební texty, Ostrava: VŠB-TUO, 2007. ISBN 978-80-248-1520-6.

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