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Kingdoms of Living Things. Bacteria Prokaryotes Unicellular Autotrophic or heterotrophic 2 Domains of bacteria.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdoms of Living Things. Bacteria Prokaryotes Unicellular Autotrophic or heterotrophic 2 Domains of bacteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdoms of Living Things

2 Bacteria Prokaryotes Unicellular Autotrophic or heterotrophic 2 Domains of bacteria

3 *Domain Archaea Kingdom Archaebacteria—live in harsh places, such as geysers, glaciers, undersea volcanoes


5 *Domain Bacteria Kingdom Eubacteria—live almost everywhere else (ubiquitous) -Can be symbiotic—live in/with another organism -Most are very helpful!

6 Some are pathogenic—cause disease. Strep bacteria Staph bacteria

7 3 Common bacterial shapes:  Spherical—called coccus  Rod-shaped—called bacillus  Spiral-shaped—called spirillum

8 Spherical Bacteria

9 Rod-shaped Bacteria

10 Spiral Bacteria

11 Bacterial Reproduction Binary fission— asexual method similar to mitosis

12 Conjugation— “sexual” method; swapping of DNA through a sex pilus

13 Domain Eukarya All eukaryotes

14 Kingdom Protista/Protists Eukaryotes Autotrophic or heterotrophic Mostly unicellular Live in aquatic or moist places Can be animal- like, plant-like, or fungus-like

15 Paramecium

16 Euglena

17 Amoeba

18 Most protists are free-living, but some are parasites, causing such diseases as malaria and Giardia.

19 Protist Reproduction Binary or Multiple Fission—asexual Fragmentation—asexual—part of an individual breaks off and becomes a new individual Budding—asexual—a growth falls off and becomes a new individual Sexual methods: conjugation, sex cell formation

20 Kingdom Fungi Eukaryotes Heterotrophic Mostly multicellular Live in moist, dark places

21 Fungi: Decompose food by extracellular digestion—digest food around them, then absorb it Decomposers are also called saprophytes or saprobes.

22 Fungi have cell walls made of chitin. Fungi examples include: yeast (budding)

23 mushrooms morels

24 bracket fungi puffballs

25 A few fungi can be parasitic, such as the one that causes ringworm.

26 Fungi Reproduction Budding—in yeast—asexual Fragmentation—asexual Spores—asexual Sexual—two types of hyphae (+ and – ) fuse

27 Use Plant PP and Animal PP INSTEAD of the following slides!!

28 Plants Eukaryotes Autotrophic Multicellular Stationary Have organs and systems

29 2 Main groups of plants: 1. Nonvascular—no transport system 2. Vascular—have transport systems

30 Plant examples: moss ferns

31 trees (spruce) flowering plants

32 Animals Eukaryotes Heterotrophic Multicellular Can move on their own Have complex organs and systems

33 2 Main Groups of Animals: 1. Invertebrates—no backbone There are many invertebrate phyla. 2. Vertebrates—have a backbone Vertebrates are classified into Phylum Chordata.

34 Animal examples: earthworms elephants

35 sponges killer whales



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