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Chapter 11.  Describe the nature of county government in Texas and the relationship of counties to state government  Discuss the nature of city government.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11.  Describe the nature of county government in Texas and the relationship of counties to state government  Discuss the nature of city government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11

2  Describe the nature of county government in Texas and the relationship of counties to state government  Discuss the nature of city government in Texas and the distinctions between home rule and general law cities and among forms of government (especially council-manager and mayor-council)  Understand both the advantages and disadvantages of special district government  Realize the fiscal and other issues facing all local governments in Texas  Understand leadership in local governments 2

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4  Oldest form of local government in U.S.; a creation of the state  Designed as easily accessible units of state government  Vary widely in size and importance  254 in Texas 4

5  Led by decentralized executive branch, much like state government  Structure much the same in all counties, regardless of size  County judge, county commissioners, and other officials elected in partisan elections  No home rule ability to pass ordinances 5

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7  County commissioners elected from single-member districts, or precincts  Gerrymandering  Avery v. Midland County (1968)  “One person, one vote”  Discussion: should redistricting enable minorities to successfully gain public office? 7

8  Both executive and legislative board for the county  Approves budget and sets tax rate  Administers state programs  Builds and maintains jails  Conducts elections 8

9  County Commissioners  County Judge  County Sheriff  County Attorney  County Clerk  Assessor-collector  Justice of the Peace  Constables  County Treasurer  County School Superintendent  County Elections Coordinator  County Auditor  County Health Officer  County Agricultural Agent 9

10  Politics characterized by:  Partisanship  Precincts  Long ballot  Discussion: how do these three things impact county politics? 10

11  Partisanship and restrictive structure can lead to governance problems  Less bureaucratic than other governments  Highly responsive to public demands  Last bastion of spoils system 11

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13  No general authority to pass county laws  Can regulate health and welfare issues  Recommendations: greater flexibility, centralized purchasing, cooperative service delivery, unit road system  Discussion: why is reform unlikely? 13

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15  2 types of cities—general law, home rule  Home rule—authorized to adopt city charters and pass ordinances  Extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ)  ½ mile to 5 mile zone depending on population  Annexation 15

16  Most common for home rule cities  City council members and mayor elected by voters to set policy; professional manager runs city  Discussion: what are the advantages and disadvantages of this governing style? 16

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18  City council members and mayor elected to run the city  weak-mayor form, other executives also elected  strong-mayor form, mayor prepares budget, can hire, fire employees  Discussion: what are the advantages and disadvantages of this governing style? 18

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20  Also known as chief administrative officer form  Elected mayor runs the city with the assistance of a manager  Manager reports directly to the mayor, focuses on fiscal / administrative policy implementation  Discussion: what are the advantages and disadvantages of this style? 20

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23  Elected commissioners form a board  Each also oversees a department  Discussion: what are the advantages and disadvantage of this style? 23

24  Aldermanic  Mayor-council  Council-manager  Commission 24

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26  Discussion: Should the largest cities (Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Fort Worth, for example) abandon council-manager government in favor of a strong mayor-council form? 26

27  All Texas cities hold nonpartisan elections for mayor and city council  Private interest groups may sponsor own slate of candidates  Single-issue campaigns  Discussion: would partisan elections help voters make better electoral choices? 27

28  At-large elections: all voters select council members  At-large by place: candidates run for a set position, but elected by all voters  Single member districts: candidates are selected by voters in a defined geographic area  Discussion: what are the advantages and disadvantages of each style? 28

29  A unit of local government created to perform limited functions  Vary in size, organization, functions, and importance  No single state or county organization oversees the functions of special districts 29

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31  Inadequacy of established governments  Ease of organization, operation  Private gain  Flexibility  Apolitical approach 31

32  Except for school districts and appraisal districts, profoundly undemocratic  Discussion: How are might special districts be uneconomical and how might they complicate problems of government?  Councils of governments help with planning 32

33  School districts most common form of special district  Board members publically elected  Decisions well-publicized  Public very interested in decisions  With consolidation, numbers declining  State shares in funding, decision making 33

34  Trends towards urbanization means legislators must pay more attention to local government issues  Long-term economic outlook, resource challenges: mega-issues facing cities  Discussion: what should be done about the money issues of local governments? 34

35  Mass transit systems must be established  Strategic planning has become more important  Counties need ordinance-making powers  Funding sources must be identified and maintained  How best can sprawl be dealt with? 35

36  Local civic organizations  The Texas Association of County Officials  The Texas Municipal League  The Texas Public Power Association 36

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