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Body Image and Eating Disorders Sports Medicine Property of CTE Joint Venture.

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Presentation on theme: "Body Image and Eating Disorders Sports Medicine Property of CTE Joint Venture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Image and Eating Disorders Sports Medicine Property of CTE Joint Venture

2 Bellwork Complete only the B portion of the BLT chart, writing what you know about eating disorders. Then put your BLT chart aside until the end of the lesson. Property of CTE Joint Venture

3 Objectives 1. Define terminology and demonstrate knowledge. 2. Identify contributing factors to body image and assess their own body image. 3. Identify the different eating disorders and the health consequences. Property of CTE Joint Venture

4 Terminology O Body Image- the way you see your body; may be either negative or positive O Eating Disorders- extreme, harmful eating behaviors that can cause serious illness or even death O Anorexia- an eating disorder in which an irrational fear of weight gain leads people to starve themselves O Bulimia- an eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging, or attempts to rid the body of food Property of CTE Joint Venture

5 Terminology cont. O Bulimia- an eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging, or attempts to rid the body of food O Binge Eating- an eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively O Female Athlete Triad- Consists of three conditions; disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction, premature osteoporosis (low bone density) Property of CTE Joint Venture

6 Think-Pair-Share 1. What type of body image do you have? 2. Has it changed since you’ve become a teen? 3. What has contributed to the development of your body image? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Property of CTE Joint Venture

7 Body Image O Many teens feel insecure about their changing bodies O Changes they my experience are physical and hormonal O It is common to feel unhappy about their body type, wish they were: taller, shorter, thinner, shapelier, or more muscular O Body images come from: models, athletes and actors, etc. O Fixation on poor body image may lead to a distorted body image. Property of CTE Joint Venture

8 Eating Disorders Causes of eating disorders: O Linked to depression O Low self-esteem O Troubled personal relationships O Social and cultural forces O Genetics Property of CTE Joint Venture

9 Anorexia O This disorder affects a person’s self-concept and coping abilities O Develop obsessive behaviors related to foods O Avoiding food and meals O Eating only a few kinds of food in small amounts O Weighting or counting the calories in everything they eat O Exercising excessively O Weighting themselves repeatedly Property of CTE Joint Venture

10 Write on your Slates What are some health consequences that occur when someone has anorexia? Be ready to share with class. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 Property of CTE Joint Venture

11 Health Consequences of Anorexia O Malnutrition and starvation may occur O Bones may become very brittle O Body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure may drop O Organ size may be reduced O Heart problems and sudden cardiac death may occur Property of CTE Joint Venture

12 Bulimia O Regularly goes on binges, eating a huge amount of food in a single sitting O Feels out of control O Often gulps down food too fast to taste it O After binging, purges, then forces him/herself to vomit or takes laxatives to flush the food out of system O May fast or exercise frantically after a binge Property of CTE Joint Venture

13 Health Consequences of Bulimia O Dehydration O Sore, inflamed throat and swollen glands O Damaged teeth from stomach acid from vomiting O Damaged stomach, intestines, or kidneys O Irregular heart rhythms O Heart failure O Death Property of CTE Joint Venture

14 Binge Eating O Eating large amounts of food in a short period of time without purging O May feel guilty and disgusted about their behavior but feel powerless to stop the binge eating O More common in males Property of CTE Joint Venture

15 Health Consequences of Binge Eating O Become overweight or obese O Develop high blood pressure O Develop Type 2 diabetes O Develop cardiovascular disease Property of CTE Joint Venture

16 O Draw a vertical line down the middle of a piece of paper O Write 3-5 ideas or answers to the question in the left column O When time is called rotate and exchange ideas O Write new ideas gained from your peers in the right column Give One-Get One PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 My Ideas Others’ Ideas Property of CTE Joint Venture

17 QUESTION………….. Property of CTE Joint Venture O How is binge eating disorder different from bulimia and how are they similar? My Ideas Others’ Ideas

18 Who is a good candidate for the Female Athlete Triad O Being competitive athlete O Playing sports that require you to check your weight often or maintain a certain weight O Not having time to spend with friends because your sport takes up all your free time O Exercising more than is necessary for your sport O Being pushed by your coach or your parents to win all costs Property of CTE Joint Venture

19 What are the signs and symptoms of being a Female Athlete Triad O Weight loss O Absent or irregular periods O Fatigue O Stress fractures Property of CTE Joint Venture O Restrictive dieting O Binge eating O Induced vomiting O Excessive exercise

20 What are the health consequences of a Female Athlete Triad? O Stops eating normally and may develop an eating disorder O Menstrual periods may stop or become irregular which may weaken bones O Bones that are thin and weak can increase the risk of fractures and injuries O Can affect growth Property of CTE Joint Venture

21 Good CandidateSigns & SymptomsHealth Consequences

22 Property of CTE Joint Venture Finish your “L” and “T” columns on your BLT sheet writing what you learned about eating disorders and what you can take away from the lesson. Be ready to share with class Closure

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